Strongest of Earth's fighters

>strongest of Earth's fighters
>tasked with constantly defending it and the universe from threats
Why do people think Goku is a bad father?

Because they side with Chi Chi for some god forsaken reason.
A. She's shown to be a complete and utter sociopath when Goku asked her if Gohan's education was more important than the fate of the world (I don't care if it was a joke, it was a fucking awful one)
B. We're pretty clearly shown Brawn>Brain in DBverse

goku do the push up

He doesn't give a shit about his kids and protecting the universe is incidental to muh fighting strong guys

>most normies favorite anime character is a retarded monkey man

He was only a bad father after Freiza where he just went retarded fight crazy instead of wanting to protect people like the last 3 arc

Saiyan arc
>spent the first 4 years of Gohan life being a father
>Raditz came along and kidnap Gohan
>Sacrificed his life to save his kid
>literally went from hell and back to save Gohan and friends from Nappa and Veggie

>suffer critical injuries during his fight with a certain manlet
>immediately went to Namek after he healed to save his kid and friends

>suffer a stress-induced heart attack from going ssj
>out of commission for a certain period of time

>realized that he cannot defeat cell
>spend 1 year with Gohan and another 9 days with his family instead of training like a retard like a certain manlet
>he and his son came out on top
>stronger than a manlet who trained for 2 years
>sacrificed his life again to save his kid and friends
>opt to stay dead because he attracted bad guys

>realized that he cannot keep dealing with shit
>decide to shape up the next generation

Goku may has questionable approach and possibly not the best father, but he was far from terrible.

Goku becomes aware of his own mortality after Freeza saga and tried to find someone to protect Earth after he's gone.

>Why do people think Goku is a bad father?
Because he is having fun doing it. If he was edgy and emo about it everyone on Sup Forums would be cheering for him.

You conveniently skipped over the part where Goku refused to be sent back to Earth after beating Freeza.

And then Gohan let him down and Goku never communicated with anyone until the tournament despite having access to King Kai

Just like Grandpa Gohan in the original Dragonball, Goku didn't want to be bothered or make people worry.

>never kissed his wife
>doesent raise his kids
>doesent care about them to any real extent "why would you want to see your kids birth? you could be fighting!"

I honestly think Goku does love his kids, but he expects Gohan and Goten to be independent like he was in Dragonball.

He was overcome by rage at that point. Goku had want to beat Frieza at his full power and humiliate him.

Him refusing the Dragon Balls came after that point. He was already flying away to safety, and decided wandering the cosmos was more important.

Goku doesn't give a fuck about saving the world, he just wants to fight.

He has to save the world because the Supreme Kai and Beerus are terrible at their jobs.

He saves the world because it allows him to fight. Like all other saiyan monkeys he just wants to fight until he's dead.

He wouldn’t have gotten the instant transmission if he let the dragon balls wish him back and they would have wasted a FUCKING WISH doing something his spaceship is more than capable of doing.
That wish could revive more people or cure world hunger, maybe even get a pair of panties. He was the only smart one in that situation.

How do one and two correlate to that question?
That's like saying a firefighter has to be a good father because he saves lifes.

He didn't wander the cosmos. The Ginyu craft he took landed him on Yadrat. He was learning IT at that point. That's why he said he'll come back to earth on his own.

Dr. Gero??

Goku was a better character as a teenager

Goku was a decent father but a poor doctor.

And then came super and turned goku in a retarded (evil) asshole...

Remember when everyone believwd he was dead and tried resurrecting him, but couldn't because he was alive in sone bumfuck planet training and didn't tell anyone, not even hus family, even though HE TOTALLY COULD?
Goku is a garbage father. He only cares about punching people.

You forgot the part where Goku let his son get nearly killed by Cell because he was waiting for him to show his "hidden potential", to the point that even Piccolo called him out on it. Had it not been for Android 16 ( which Goku dodn't obviously account for), Gohan would have been 100% dead while his father was watching with a smile on his face.

Goku's confusing and sometimes selfish decisions (letting Vegeta live because he wanted to fight him again, Freeza as well, giving Cell a Senzu, leaving everyone just so he could train and have a good fight with Uub) are what skews people's judgement of him as a father.
That said, he's definitely not the best father/family man, and Toriyama always envisioned him as someone who saw his family as "friends" despite what we've actually seen of him throughout Z, but he's not a bad one either.
Relatively so-so, compared to most other Saiyans, he'd probably be the best considering he didn't shp his owns babies into a space pod to another planet.

if goku was in saiyan culture he would 100% ship off his kids so they could get stronger because he wants to be strong so they must want to be strong and who cares about anything else like family or shit. He tried to make gohan into a warrior when he really didn't have the heart for it, piccolo calls him out for it when he's getting fucked by cell.

Goku is autistic in the sense he has a hard time understanding people might not feel like him about things and when they don't (like chichi) he doesn't really understand why and thinks he he just getting in trouble for no good reason.

>tasked with constantlyh defending it and the Universe from threats.
He's not. He didn't fight Freeza to save the universe., He fought him because he was immediately standing in his way of getting those dragonballs and was actively hurting the people he loved.
He CHOSE to not just wish to find Gero and kill the androids. Almost every major conflict he's had could've been avoided if he didn't choose the route that would allow him to fight the most.
Hell even the Red Ribbon Army, Goku mostly just destroyed their headquarters because they had the dragonballs and he needed to revive Upa's dad. Granted he probably would've fought them anyway eventually.
Goku's a great guy. But he's not some sacrificial hero. He does whatever he wants and no one is strong enough to stop him. And what he really wants is to fight strong people and protect what he loves. And those two character traits are in constant opposition to each other.

All of these things you bring up don't make Goku a good father. Hell have to situations don't even JUST apply to Gohan, which could arguably mean that you could swap "Gohan" out for "Krillin" and get almost the same result barring a couple of them.
>immediately went to Namek after he healed to save his kid and friends
He went to Namek because he really fucking wanted to fight Freeza.
>Sacrificed his life to save his kid and friends
Objectively he saved everyone. His kid, his friends, his ENEMIES. Literally everyone alive on the earth so it's weird to point that out.

I'm not saying he's a bad dad but this sure is cherry picked and phrased in such a way to his credit.

Because people are retarded and only look at the fact that he WAS dead and called him a shit father. They never look at why he died.

They also try to push this meme that Piccolo was Gohan's real father because he taught him how to fight when he was really just a mentor.

This but without the contrarian syntax.
He has no regrets or mental pain from his obligations.
He's addicted to them and he pushes it to the point it only matters when there's actual sense of permanent consequence to it.
Which scaled to the point planetary genocide and being permanently removed from existence is all sport to him as long as there's a chance.

He's not a bad father in Dragon Ball Z.


did you edit that to make krillin bigger? his head is massive.

Defending the universe and being a father are two different roles.

nope, that's how that scene looks from Kai.