ITT: Iconic panels
ITT: Iconic panels
Shit, wrong image.
How come people suddenly started caring about this? Did some Youtuber make a video about it or did Crunchyroll release Devilman or something?
I missed you, merry Christmas.
Are you not aware about the new Devilman anime?
It comes out in just a few weeks
An user has been religiously story-timing devilman for like a year now
Nobody ever made mention of that page until a couple of years ago before Crybaby got announced
ah so you are an idiot then
Why do you keep reposting this?
Good fucking riddance.
ITT: People post their favourite panel.
ay dio what's good
i still don't know why a whole page is an example for an iconic panel
That is a booty to die for.
On an unrelated note, does this panel count?
Whatever you think of him you have to admit Junji Ito has a shitton of iconic panels
This is my favorite panel
That he does.
>Best girl loses in his previous manga
>He truck-kuns the best girl, who also happens to be the daughter of the couple from the manga that put him on the map, in the next manga
Fuck Seo
Only one right answer
Holy shit I'm in tears lmao
This one might be a bit too recent to be iconic but damn did it give me a chub.
thats dorohedoro's art but what is this?
But only one is black
Hard to convey how powerful this was without former context, but whatever.
;_; too soon
>ruin character's lives with unplanned pregnancy
>kill child born from unplanned pregnancy to ruin more characters lives
I legitimately don't know what you were expecting. Seo is basically male CLAMP, everything he touches eventually turns to shit if he keeps it going long enough. Thank fuck Princess Lucia wrapped up when it did and that bonus chapter never actually got published.
Two. Usopp and Brook.
>let's use my friends as an emotional replacement
Boku no Pico
>DBS copying DB/DBZ scenes
>Must be a coincidence...
Do you not understand how poetry works?
Ito is hilarious
panelS he said.
what the fuck is paneis?
Its kinda sad when the artist recreates the same scene from a previous time and the new art is shit in comparison. I thought artists get better over time
i'm not that user, and have no fucking clue what paneIS, but every page from this iconic.
You fucking nigger.
It's a different artist, you idiot.
Toriyama is still shit now, to the point he gets other artists
He's rich enough now that he doesn't have to work. That's the more important point.
Good for him, but he's still shit now at the end of the day
Hentai counts?
Would be really fucking weird if it didn't
Is thst the psychic guy from Gantz? I don't remember.
Oh, right. Now Sup Forums apparently welcomes 12 year olds who still think shounenshit is "iconic".
Instant Bullet
>muh IQ is so high no-one understands how deep seinenshit is
This shit still gets me hard, and those trips don't lie.
>shonen and seinen are the only two possibilities
>I call everyone who is over the age of 18 a moe/seinen fag
Utterly, a classic. Now go spam your shitty shounenshit in the MHA threads.
i said it before and i'll say it again, i really hope Berserk finishes with Rickert fucking up Griffith, not Guts.
That's a classic meme no wonder you don't know about it.
Which panel is the iconic one?
shitty plebbitor-tumblr meme