Worst characters of the year
Worst characters of the year
>Hating on Hideri
>implying he'd stay there and get beat up
Is that cum
Trapshits always the worst
Not even the worst character on a show that has this fucking faggot
Holy fucking shit he singlehandedly ruined the anime
I hate him because his country of origin is Italy.
This piece of shit.
I hate the show because in the ending theme there are no pictures of American monuments
Fuck off, Satania
This, personally I don't hate Dino, but I liked him the least out of all the characters. His and Maika's dynamic was the least entertaining for me. I liked everyone else far more.
Also the only people who hate on Hideri either didn't watch the show or are exposed trapfags/homos that are mad that Hideri doesn't fill the usual trap mold. Hideri is effectively the most alpha of the males in the show while Dino had everything in his favor (including Maika's fascination with foreign shit) and still messing up constantly. Akizuki, well he's a Yurifag.
vaffanculo pezzo di merda
>when every girl in the series, including the trap, are manlier than the male protag
all the character is all the SHAFT shows this year.
>character is
characters IN
/u/tards still mad?
don't get the hate personally. he's great.
I want to punch this fag in his fucking throat
>duces I'm out, off to Spain to fuck Javier lmao
This and . Raphiel from Gabriel Dropout, the twins from FAG, pink haired bitch from Renai Boukun, that elf lesbian from Sword Oratoria, the teacher lady slut from Kuzu no Honkai and Lucoa from Maid Dragon.
>hating on Akane
Shit taste. She and Mugi were the fun parts of the show.
Hideri is the most faggot of faggots. The flamboyant narcissist faggot has never been made so real before.
Materia were great and there's nothing wrong with Lefiya, but otherwise you're right. Hotaru from NTR and cat programmer from New Game also deserve a spot on the cunt list.
is definitely the most insufferable of them though.
Nigger please. He's a grade A attention whore I'll give that to anyone any day, but he has never expressed any tendencies to being attracted to the same sex. Don't tell me that you think he's a fag because of the way he dresses? One would have to be pretty insecure about their own sexuality that you think wearing a dress turns you gay. Wanting to suck dicks makes one gay, not a piece of clothing.
Literally who?
>Hajimete no cuck
Would actually not even be a bad end given the way the shitty anime adaptation was going. By the end of the story, Junichi discovers that his pure gyaru gf was actually a total slut who refused to put out for him because he's too beta. His Bro Squad backs him up, he learns to live with the heart break and after taking some time to recover he oyakodon's Nene like there's no tomorrow. After all, Nene is a poser who specifically adopted the gyaru aesthetic because that's Junichi's thing. She's pure.
Ranko has a very shortlived threesome with the Bro Brigade because they're all One Pump Chumps.
Gohan. Worst character and most disappointing. Badly written and animated. Has been in the series long past his relevance.
To add he even tried to help Dino on how to woo Maika on more than one occasion. If anything Dino is more of a faggot for fucking up simple advice on how to woo a girl. Hideri is more masculine than both male characters in the show and doesn't shy away when being near girls like the other two guys (Kaho hugging him, Miu hugging him, and Maika falling on top of him) and is more chivalrous (offers to help Miu with her bags when he saw her staggering) in contrast when Akizuki spazzed out when Kaho tried to get near him or as mentioned the several times when Dino fucked up simple advice or when he went on about his height and Mafuyu knocked him down for not taking a knee in front of a lady. What kind of tall faggot gets knocked down by someone as small as mafuyu? The surprise attacks with the broom handle don't count as they were from blind spots, Dino is forgiven for that. When Hideri went through the same he had a look of pain rather than pleasure, thus not a faggot.
He was a mistake, kaho and akizuki should've been main characters
>Hideri looked more agonized after a broom attack than Dino
Does that confirm Dino is more of a homosexual than the guy who dresses and acts like a girl?
Combine with Dino's other actions and fuck ups I'd say yes. Especially when he's got a naive, Kurokami Nippon girl that's interested in gaijin/foreign shit right in front of him (playing field in his favor). His cannoli should have already been buried deep in JK pussy.
Astolfo is worse honestly. Hideri is more of a meme if anything.
Hopefully that's his father beating some sense into him
I like Hideri and he's one of my favourites of the show/the only trap I actually enjoyed but him shouting for handsome guys to help him out when skiing sounded real fucking gay, even if it was in-character.
Came here to post this SLUT
Except it was changed in the anime.
he's right though
Almost every character was shit.
She was fine and also hot. Her friend was awful though.
He's the only entertaining character from blend S, not even for the
>hurr durr token trap's are gay
part, Injected a lot of fun into the show
Remember to bap your trap
Elf Yamada deserved a better show.
Holy shit guys calm down. If you concentrate any more shit taste in this thread it's going to create a world-shattering explosion.
I hate her so much.
Elf was a chuuni shit. The only good girl was Bookstore because she was non-offensive if a bit bland.
carpet muncher
The MC was such a fucking faggot, but at least the show was smart enough to not give him a happy ending. This bitch? Literally tries to destroy the world, gets who knows how many people murdered and outright murders people, then gets off with a happy end.
Literally everyone in the threads had a better ending with the faggot MC manning up and telling her she was a shitty OC and blowing her the fuck out.
I didn't really consider him the main character, Meteora probably had more screentime
certainly more lines
>hating the Hayama Hayato look a like
That's just a problem with the anime overall. Who WAS the main character?? No one really. And you can get away with no main character and a large central cast if you're a smart writer. It's obvious that the writers were not smart.
this. also Naru was hot but a bitch
>dude is italian
>speaks english and never speaks italian
2x years old jk loving otaku
he is our guy
this boring as faggot.