Dagashi Kashi season 2 preview

Are you ready for more best girl?


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Yes, I am ready for more best girl.

>the first 17 seconds of music

Bath scene

I love this flat board.

Same here

>s2 is conventional comedy with horrifyingly flat colors instead of interestingly animated fetish fuel/candy infomercial

I want to knock up this kouhii slut

It's still candy infodump.



Should I start watching ss1 right now?

Hopefully there will be less anime original shit and more comedy in this season.

Should you not watch S2 at all?

All I want is at least one or three good pantyhose shots and just a bit of flat fanservice to balance things out.

read the manga instead

I'm not sure I've ever wanted a series to just accept reality and become nothing but fanservice before. Until Dagashi Kashi, that is.

Good enough. Looking forward to it.

So does candy girl actually like MC or is it just hopeless and they let flat win again?

Is the manga ended or still continue?
I really don't want to wait every week for a chapter.

It's ongoing

Kokonotsu confessed to her in chapter 170 (two chapters ago) and she's not against hearing that confession again once things have settled down at the Shidare Company and he's finally decided to make a decision regarding what he wants to do in the future. Hotaru definitely likes Kokonotsu differently than she likes Tou, Saya, and You. Meanwhile, Saya got BTFO into the friendzone way back in chapter 152.

>Saya got BTFO into the friendzone way back in chapter 152
>translated chapters is way far behind

That was really was cute and surprising that they seemed to moving the plot and relationships forward.

You can read it alongside the translation using either one of these archive links:


>Saya got BTFO into the friendzone
Time for Sayafags like me to end.

>Saya got BTFO into the friendzone way back in chapter 152.
So there is a chance for me after all.

Still cute

>Saya got BTFO into the friendzone way back in chapter 152
Repeat after me: Childhood friends never win.

>Saya got BTFO into the friendzone way back in chapter 152
Arnt there like 95 chapters in total?

There's 95 chapters typesetted into English so far. The raws are at 171. Chapter 172 should be coming out this week.


ahh ok

I wonder if Hotaru will transfer into Kokonotsu's school? She said she'll still be around until August at least, but the school year has started.

>Hopefully there will be less anime original shit
Hopefully not, otherwise Saya fades back into the scenery. ;_;

Why can't they move the two semen demons into a series that doesn't suck ass? It's the biggest waste in waifu history.

This, it's literally a short candy commercial the series.

Honestly I'd prefer if Dagashi Kashi dedicated less time to talking about Japanese candy and food, more time devoted to the relationships between all the characters.

her breasts are too large

lmao kys you homo

Didn't the childhood friend win in Sankarea?

But it is called Dagashi Kashi

I did yesterday and had lots of funn

Did you think Saya had any chance?

Find out in two weeks! Or more.

They could, you know, not make the show seem like a candy commercial paid by some Akihabara candy stores?

But why?

>tfw you actually like the candy infodump

>Find out in two weeks! Or more.
Most likely since this week's chapter seems to be an erotic dream of Kokonotsu's.

Doesn't it get boring making it seem like a candy commercial? Why not have more scenes with the characters (the romance was was played down in the anime).

>Doesn't it get boring making it seem like a candy commercial?
People seem to keep watching and reading it despite no plot happening.

Yeah exactly.

And the 2nd page of that.

But this is what the manga is.


I still think they ruined Hotaru with the new design. The season 1 design was absolute perfection.

>watch candy ad
>"waah why is there so much candy ad in this ad?"


Literally only good for her body

>bottom panel
Just how ready for passionate breeding is she?

Wait, this is supposed to be a comedy?

I could barely get through episode 1 because it was so fucking dull. Does it actually get watchable?

No. Dude, here's a litmus test for a show. Browse the threads of a show before watching it. Are the posts about how great the show is or about which girl is best? If the latter, it's a bad show.

Unless you're a newfag, you should have been around on Sup Forums long enough to figure this out.

>Are you ready for more best girl?

So they are introducing Hajime right from the start?

They cut too many gags from the anime.

Wow, a genuine Hajimefag, probably the first one I've seen.

Not him but I think Hajime is great. I want to see her get drunk and frisky. She's a clear second best after Hotaru.

considering there are only 3 girls, unless you count the okonomiyaki store cake, being second best isnt exactly impressive

God knows ive W A I T E D for this all my life

>15 minute episodes.
>looks cheap as fuck.
What a fucking shame.

what the fuck bro spoiler your shit

You're probably not going to remember any of that anyway. It's like S3 material.

saya is my waifu and id never forget that shes getting rejected ;_;
do you know when the rest of the manga is getting translated btw?

172 today in a few hours (at most).

>Saya got BTFO into the friendzone way back in chapter 152
not fair

Best girl winning is great though.

This is what I meant. Everyone puts her as second or third.

Why the best girl never wins? fuck

But Hotaru's winning.

man Saya is such a qt but her anime sucks ASS

>her anime

I can't wait for more of this.
