Which 2D girl wears the best pajamas?
Which 2D girl wears the best pajamas?
So is it positive or negative? I think it's positive.
Its not even a contest.
Pretty cute desu.
best girl best pajamas
2d girl sure is a funny way of spelling Lala.
those pajamas with the weird toeless socks
Mafuyu - a stripped sleeping shirt
Kaho - Tanuki onesie with hood and tail.
Maika - traditional yukata
Miu - track suit
Hideri - a western night gown with pants
did hideri gets a morining boner?
>maika in yukata
Yuno who it is.
sparky's look very comfy and I want to cuddle her when she has them on!
Why is mild fanservice like this so much hotter than nudity/sex?
Might have something to do with the saying "Leaves more to the imagination".
Why does she have a pregnancy test?
She just got back from her summer vacation to Africa
Maybe not the best, but somehow memorable.
Well shit, I was going to make that pun.
It's absolutely true, though.
Maika < Miu < Kaho < Mafuyu < Hideri
It's a thermometer
>lain 0/0
Newfags, newfags everywhere
I agree, I had to scroll down way too far for this.
>It has cats both outside and inside.