It's not going to have a happy ending, is it?
It's not going to have a happy ending, is it?
last chapters don't give us optimistic expectation.
At least anime ended on a positive note.
All that suffering came almost out of nowhere, which in a way is fitting at least.
One can only hope.
How far past the anime is the manga? Is it translated?
chapter 42 pronounced in Japanese means dead people
About 2/3 from quick online search.
If they don't just die, what kind of ending do you want?
Wake up from the simulation as it ends with all payer logged off.
They copulate and eat muushroom people.
an edgy one
They get on a space ship and leave for the space colonies where the rest of humanity resides.
what chapter did the anime end at?
The arrived at the levels above the sky, which is actually the real surface of the earth full of trees.
It will be an "open ending".
The author won't know how to finish it properly and it will go with the classic Japanese bullshit "it's all about the journey..."
Dennou Coil was too good for this world.
Bad end for potatoes; good end for the Earth.
What if we get a Shoujo Shuumatsu remake by Abe one day?
Or by Yamada and KyoAni!
The heck, everywhere i look chapter 28 is tagged as 28 in the panels but then chapter 29 is actually named 33 Channel.
It ended with "Everyone but yout two is dead. Mankinds extinction is at hand. Become comfortable with the feeling of hopelessness." How the fuck is that positive?
It's comforting to know that the end is near and you've done everything that needed to be done and you're not missing out and can disappear in peace. For a show of this tone, I consider it pretty light-hearted.
How is this even related to anything, yet alone this thread?
It's from the previous thread, moron.
How is that even related to anything, let alone this thread?
just caught up with the manga.. chapter 42 when? actually i don't even wanna know
Sometime in January and since it's last chapter in a volume and looking at where the story is, it could be the finale.
Follow the response chain, moron.
gb2 /vg/ gaylord
Cloning machine. They will repopulate the Earth with copies of themselves.
Never even been there, moron.
As I was burning some documents the fire reminded of Yuuri's beauty.
Birds singing reminded me of her voice.
1.She probably smells good
2.She is brave and selfless
3.Her attitude keeps spirits up
4.Her body is wonderfully proportioned
5.She has pretty eyes
6.Scientifically proven high adaptability
7.She gives off a sense of warmth and softness
8.She is beautiful.
9.Hair tastes good.
10.Great sense of rhythm.
11.She would keep you warm and share food with you.
12.She is good at pressing buttons.
13.She would be a good mother.
14.Right amount of crazy.
15.Knows how to operate weapons, both simple and complex.
16. Fat teats.
17.She is protective of those she loves.
18.She has no inhibitions.
19.She could make a great meal.
20.She is probably god.
21.She is the coolest person in the world.
22.She inspires creativity.
23.She is very strong.
24.She is difficult to digest.
25.She makes her friend happy.
26.She knows how not to embarrass her friend in heartfelt moments.
27.She always knows where to go.
28.Not afraid to experiment with the unknown.
29.Well balanced in all senses.
30.Does not get hangovers.
31.Defends the weak.
32.Athletic, could have competed on a international level if the world hadn't ended.
33. Always helpful, even when she doesn't mean to be.
34.Not ashamed by nudity, finds it to be liberating and beautiful.
35.Greatest philosopher of her time.
36.Can harness the power of the moon.
37.Stretchy and cute face.
38.Fears no man or beast, can defeat foes despite obvious physical advantages.
39.Cute navel and pubic hair.
40.High intelligence.
41.Can discern between the inedible and edible.
42.Lovable in general, can cause men to waste their time compiling a list that will never be complete.
43.Her body is warm and would be nice to cuddle with.
44.She is a survivor of impossible circumstances.
45.World's greatest riflewoman.
46.Quick reflexes.
47.Great at holding hands.
48.Greatest artist of her time.
49.Not too picky about things.
50.Great with pets.
Now with a part two!
51.Talented singer.
52.Can hold her liquor.
53.Possible descendant of Aryans.
>tfw every chicken I ever owned I thought of as a pet
>had to kill every last one of them
>high intelligence
That's what makes Yuuri so amazing, not only is she incredibly cute, but she is also highly intelligent!
She's a little idiot who deserves a cheeto-brand beating!
Please stop that, Yuuri doesn't deserve anything but love and kindness.
Sorry but what does a bunch of aliens eating weapons cause the world to end?
the world didn't end because the nuko things are eating weapons. The world will end because the only 2 people left are Chi and Yuu
So you're telling me the people they met just a few episodes died just like that, and that their start off point had everyone die?
It's been quite some time since they've left their home.
The nuko aren't omniscient, they could have missed some people. Also, they're not aliens, their genetically engineered.
Nukos are cute.
Their genetically engineered what?
Stop getting attached to your food
The bleak misery that has been the last few chapters is what gives me hope that there will be a happy ending. A sad ending just wouldn't have the same impact if we were already on a downward spiral of despair.
I feel like this is going to end like the video game Journey, where there's some kind of "ambiguous" happy ending like they find humans about to leave the planet or maybe a spaceship that lets them keep ascending, but it'll be very heavily implied that they actually died. Hopefully they don't do that though because that's such a predictable hack move.
This is how I feel. I feel like at the end of this, they'll realize that they didn't need the vehicle, or the journals, or even for the world to come back. They'll learn that all they need is each other.
Since when did they have humans?
Is this from his twitter?
Oh and to answer your question yes it is.
Is it true the author is suicidal? That could definitely influence the ending.
What is Tkmiz trying to tell us?
I really like Tkmiz's attitude!
Fascinating, Tkmiz really is interesting!
Interesting observation.
Write the goddamn thread name.
die generalnorm
>we've observed everywhere but the highest layers
do you even implications
It must have been awful getting lost in the big, scary catalog.
What does
I really like that Yuuri.
It has to be among my favorites.
Why is Yuuri so huggable?
i want it
I expect something like SORANOWOTO.
>they'll realize that they didn't need the vehicle, They'll learn that all they need is each other.
I mean, they still need food and water otherwise they die, and the vehicle was a primary means of acquiring food and water. Having each other is fine and all, but it doesn't make you less hungry, and I don't think eating each other is quite as good for the soul.
Thanks for the fucks that recommended this. I don't need this in my life. I thought this is about nothing but apocalypse now it's literally about nothing.
Make things useful or fucking die, tards.
It's not over till it's over.
I am the ultimate predator, Chi-chan.
What exactly did you expect from a post apocalyptic world?
>God emperor Yuu
Maybe the beam and rocket killed them. All hail genocider Yuu
Where can I find a download of the opening? I can find the EDs on nyaa but not the OP
At the usual places, user. Don't be a retard.
>the answer to the ultimate question of life, universe and everything is 42
Oh boy.
Chi-Chan > Yuuri
ru ru lu ...
>Reisen reinvented herself
Youtube? Maybe?
Look for
[171129] TVアニメ『少女終末旅行』OP主題歌「動く、動く」
in TokyoTosho
>More One Sex
I laughed
Help, I can't stop listening to 終ワリノ歌
I keep humming it to myself. What is it saying anyway?
Same, it makes me feel sad which makes me happy
>implying this is sad
They have their best friend and hypothetically lover with them for what is the rest of their lives, they reached the end and saw what all man wanted to see, the end of it all, the two of them, in a way, have attained philosophical immortality.
Also, you can die happy knowing you wont miss out in next season's anime
It's positive if you are comfortable with the feeling of hopelessness.
I actually tried to imagine what it's like being dead, then I realize I'm not going to wake up again for all eternities. I got panic attack and stopped imagining.
At least I've personally confirmed myself as a non-suicidal person.
Did you find it yet user?
It's the song of the end. It doesn't matter what is it saying. The end. Owari. Finita. Koniec. Конец.
Welcome to the existential dread party, you hate life but are too afraid of oblivion to kill yourself. It only gets worse form here.
From the person's point of view death is essentially a state where you lose consciousness (self-awareness and proprioception) forever and ever. In fact, you get into such a state every time you fall asleep. Sweet dreams, user.