So... I'm confused. Did she also kick her pregnant wife to death? Or walk around mugging/raping people disguised as a slave?
What parts of history still apply to this Nero?
So... I'm confused. Did she also kick her pregnant wife to death? Or walk around mugging/raping people disguised as a slave?
What parts of history still apply to this Nero?
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Do not try to understand fateshit.
Just fap, it's so much easier.
Everything. She got away with it.
The reason Nero is a girl is because Nero was obsessed with art and aesthetic more than being a good Roman emperor. It's why her clothes are all super flashy, weapons are brimming with gold, on top of being a super slut because no one actually loved the real Nero.
The historical Nero has yet to be summoned because anyone that likes Nero is a blind cuck that hates history anyways and would never summon someone as worthless as Nero.
I'd imagine its all still the same but with the differences gender wise. Probably still killed her mother. Probably had a surrogate woman who she kicked to death etc. Probably though.
>on top of being a super slut
Umu is pure! Pure!
That's only because no one has ever loved Nero and even this Neru knows it.
You summon her while she's still pure.
>UMU rape-spree
I will be genuinely disappointed if there are not doujins of this.
Im pretty sure that most parts of Nero's legend still apply to Fate Nero.
The Nero that is summoned is one before the time she went full retard.
Whore of Babylon
It's all lies and slander from filthy Christians.
At the very least her description in FGO indicates that the Nero we know is from before she went utterly insane.
Nothing historically applies to Fate shit
It's only a bath of roses. Sluts normally do slut things while they're dry.
Why does she have the same hair style and face as Saber? Why couldn't they just give Nero tan skin, brown eyes and dark brown hair?
Gawain, get off the internet.
>believing senate's lap dog tales
Nero was overall a good emperor
but yes, Nero did all of those thing in fate
Canonically? Some suggestion that Artoria may be distantly related to Nero.
In reality? They needed a design that piggybacked from Artoria's enduring popularity to push Fate/Extra
>the one who was slutty in TM is pure
>the one who was pure in TM is a slut
Sasuga, Japan.
So that's how the term saber clone was coined. Pretty much the same person
Amusingly, is Artoria had been allowed to physically age her body proportions absolutely eclipse Neros.
This is the same franchise that make Attila the Hun a shitty alien sent by the TotallyNotTheReapers
That sounds pretty awesome. Is that in Extella?
My Nero is sick!
The only time where Nero has larger assets is when Arturia is forcibly stuck in the body of a 14 year old girl.
Arturia is better. You can have oyakodon.
>every third famous leader was actually a woman and also had superpowers
>still forced to pretend to be men because of sexism
I want to squeeze Nero's big heaving umus
Too tiny and it doesn’t even come with a Mordred onahole.
Correct. Nero is ok in short burts but her personality becomes abrasive.
I hate Nero and I like this post.
>same hairstyle
Only Takeuchi makes that mistake when drawing Nero.
Wada gave Nero a similar but distinctly different hairstyle.
So, what would the actual Nero be, a caster that burns everything in his sight as his NP?
>Reading any TM work because muh historical accuracy
I thought it was better down where it's whetter.
>Tfw big into history
>Fate in general
And Attila the Hun wasn't a culture-destroying alien either, but them's the breaks.
> He hasn't watched the Blossom-sensei shorts
Some reddit meme
Incorrect. Nero is the superior Saber.
>Whore of Babylon superior to best king
You sound like a vegan.
For reddit folk, sure
I want to fuck the king and her son at the same time. I want Arturia to use me to teach her son how to please a man. I want my dick between the king’s breasts as she and her son practice performing oral on me. I want the king to kiss feed her son semen and teach her to swallow. I want the king to ride my dick like a horse and I want her son’s vagina on my mouth. I want to cum inside the king as I eat out the king’s son. I want the king to part her son's legs and show me her vagina. I want Mordred to scream for her daddy as I pound her. I want to fill her with just as much cum as I filled her father. I want enjoy Arthurian-style oyakodon.
>Canonically? Some suggestion that Artoria may be distantly related to Nero.
Of all the lame excuses for the Saberface epidemic, this is easily the one with the most potential for interesting development, so of course it's completely untouched.
It's a shame too, there's other fictional interpretations of Arthur being descended from Roman emperors, you'd have thought Nasu would have already jumped on that with Nero, but no.
Gotto save that for future installments.
>Fate/ Saber Order: Apocrypha of Unlimited Saber Face Works
Unironically I want Guinevere to have more focus in the future.
You think you've got problems?
>Start new chapter of FGO
>London Singularity
>First fucking area is Old Street
Fuck you, TM. I'm playing this trashy mobage to get away from my dreary daily commute, not to have it stare me right back in the fucking face.
No woman who chose Captain Boring over Saber's futacock is worth wasting screentime on.
Give me Morgan instead.
I wish Gil was my dad.
You really don't. Ishtar would probably kill you just to spite him.
Nero Alter when?
>Nero Alter as Berserker
No brakes on the rape train.
Jeanne and Arthur being distantly related to Nero is possible.
As for Okita, unless one branch of Nero's descendants just kept going east with each generation, I don't see it being feasible.
Poor Lancelot looks retarded with the Nerf sword.
OP Fate/Extra Last Encore in the coming year.
Is Hakuno as bad as that faggot from FGO? I don't really like non-action protagonists in my action or shonen series, especially those who cannot stand up for themselves and need the help from other characters to save your fucking ass.
>Tfw have to cross over L O N D O N Bridge every day to get into work
At least it's a fantastic catalyst. I can easily pull any british servant. Everyone else evades me though.
Hakuno did the Great Titan Expedition in Extella.
Hakuno is pretty based.
Okita was explicitly a joke about Saberface that ended up being added to FGO just for kicks, like Nobu.
I want to get into Fateshit, where do I start?
Eventually (You) starts to get shit done in FGO
Not really. She was pretty miserable before meeting Hakuno, desu.
The faggot from FGO is more of a strategist and manager than fighter.
He still beat the shit out of a weakened Goetia with Lord Camelot while buffing himself with command seals though.
>At least it's a fantastic catalyst. I can easily pull any british servant.
In all seriousness, is this a thing? I got Scat, Jack NP2 and Arturia all within a few weeks of starting. And maybe Franky counts too since it's Bongland literature. Also a bunch of Robins, but that's kind of so what, really.
Regardless, it's kind of nuts.
FGO actually has voiced VN scenes? I thought they weren't voiced.
I got Jack NP2 in 90 Quartz, and I've got Artoria NP3 and Lancelot NP5. Scat NP2 as well. Shit's nutty. I always roll when crossing London Bridge, so I guess that's it.
In Order:
>Fate VN
>Hollow Ataraxia
>Fate Extra
>Fate Extella
>Carnivale Phantasm
Essentially anything else is optional. Stay the hell away from Apocrypha.
Why does Bersekerlot look way cooler?
The Fate/Stay Night visual novel.
Or wait multiple years for the Heaven's Feel movies to finish coming out.
First you have to play Tsukihime. Then play Fate/stay night (with the voice patch, it makes it much better). If you don't like porn, get the Realta Nua version.
You can watch Ufotable's UBW and HF anime, too, but avoid Deen's unless you really really want to watch a fucked-up version of Fate route and a terrible UBW movie. Fate/Zero is pretty useful too for backstory, and Fate/hollow ataraxia is good as an addon to the original game (though I don't know if it's fully translated yet).
If you want a fun spinoff after that, read Prisma Illya and watch the anime, it's pretty nice if you like Illya and not-Illya voiced by Tamamo no Mae.
Edgy sword
Cool edgy armour
Cool edgy plume/hair
Cool edgy red visor
Knight of Owner looks amazing
Autistic Screeching
On the one hand, that's cool if it's really a thing.
On the other hand, I'm not looking forward to Onigashima, I'm not going to be able to pull Japanese servants any time soon. Ryougi too, even if she's not very good and I don't need her, I still want her all the same.
I take it with FGO still raging on the majority of historical servants are now genderbent.
Do they try to keep that same lame excuse "hurr I hid it from everyone" Saber did back in the original FSN for all of them or have they came up with some other explanation for this fanservice?
A few of them are just straight up "it's a parallel universe version", like Musashi, IIRC.
I cannot wait how they will kill you in last encore
I'll be sad about Hakunon dying.
Shiki is a freebie in her event.
Unless you want her saber version.
Hakuno is better, as well as each single Fate MC is better than Ritsuka.
That's what I meant. I'm going to NP5 her welfare version regardless, even if I have Jack it's nice regardless.
Try Tristan
Guinevere is a whore.
Musashi is a parrallel universe's Musashi, main universe Musashi is still a guy.
Shuten Douji is based on one of his/her forms as a petite female iirc.
D'eon just has ??? for gender, Self-Suggestion EX means they can be either gender.
I summoned Jack whilst in a pub in Whitechapel on a Misty Day.
LONDON Catalyst is real
To be honest, he's another average high school student that it was forced to participate into a war, and since he's not a action character, he doesn't know how to fight or defend himself, then he constantly needs the help from other characters to save ass. In short, the faggot from FGO is more of a damsel in danger than a Fate MC.
More like forced to go time travelling to fix history.
He does more stuff on the diplomacy with servants and management than actual fighting. The passive from Mashu makes him stupidly tough anyway so he can't be killed that easily anyway.
What's the similarity between based nips and Nero? They rejected to turn the other cheek, and rightfully so.
I want to fuck the King, the King's son and the King's Sister.
>doesn't know how to fight
They can't exactly fight anyway, with those utter shit tier magic circuits. Guda explicitly needs the special outfits to even cast basic spells.
Outside of casting FIST they can't do much.
They are just extremely specialised as a master with top tier servant management skill.
Not really. For Okita Souji, Roman just outright says something like 'Yeah, so Okita Souji was a girl. Sure. I'm used to this by now.'