Space Brothers

Name a more based anime
go on, I'll wait


I've never seen it but it looks overrated.

I hated this one.

Thanks for contributing.

No problem. Everyone has to start somewhere. My first anime was Bleach. Turns out some people start of with great anime while you start of with trash. That's fine. You still get to watch dozens of anime for the first time.

Space Brothers.

is a season 2 never gonna happen or what?

human cant go to space user. earth is flat

Pacing was shit. Like really shit

Boku no Pico

Almost finished with a 2nd watch. Loved every minute of it. Really wish there were more shows like this and less teenage angst.

Kinda weird how Sup Forums claims that stuff like attack on titan and whatever is wish fulfillment for salarymen, when I'd assume this is way more of a wish fufillment series.

>attack on titan
>wish fulfillment
I laughed but yeah, with the (im)proper mindset anything can be a wish fulfillment for salarymen, aside for the obvious self insert/wish fulfillment series.

I mean it's hard to say this is wish fulfillment when Mutta isn't really a salaryman starting out. He's a car engineer working for a big company and had his car design win an award and actually get made. He wasn't stuck in a dead end job, he just wasn't happy with his successful job.

That's exactly what it is.

Overrated shit with a vocal circlejerking fanbase.

Just like old times.

It has been years, let it go.

Still, he's 33 and was just essentially blacklisted from the industry to the point here he couldn't even find work and had to move back in with his parents, credentials aside.

He wasn't even unhappy with his job. He just couldn't accept his boss talking shit about his brother.

Shit taste desu.

actually pretty proud that no one bit on this


Funnily enough, I hit the recap episodes right after I hadn't watched the series for about 2 years, so they were much appreciated.