When shingeki no kyokin was still good and interesting

>when shingeki no kyokin was still good and interesting

when's spoilers


What if the series had ended like intended?

With them stuck in Titan territory, fucked.

The Marley arc has been shit desu. Even shittier when it looked like Eren forgave them. But we'll see what Eren does

OP is baiting. No one in his sane mind would regret uprising arc. Remember how stale 2014 was. Little to no progression each month, Isayama adding mysteries and plot nonsense, (remember how people thought how farfetched the whole Levi Ackerman thing was ?) the shitty pacing... truly the worst period, even worse than Marley flashbacks

>Falco ruins a good moment


>when it looked like Eren forgave them
heheh noooo he may have come to understand his enemy more, and perhaps even partially sympathize with their cause.

Yet Eren is just like X-Men First Class Magneto: Sure he gets it but they still killed his mom! That shit doesn't just slide.

>wanting Reiner suffering to end when it's only getting started
Don't you like fun

>Attac on Tiyans

>Implying the Grisha flashback arc wasn't interesting

Sure we got our answers but now everything lost it's interest. There is nothing left for us to discover

SL protec n Ern atac

uhh War Hammer appearance and exactly what is it's specialty.

I have always had the hypothesis that the War Hammer has a more solid internal build than the others, giving it significantly more strength (and thus the ability to utilize massive objects with ease). Also he would be harder to damage because he is more than just majority air.
Remember how Eren struggled with that one Boulder? I believe the War Hammer wouldn't struggle at all.
Remember also when Eren (before he got hardening) would punch stuff and his hands would explode? and how Hange kicked that Titan head and it was basically light like a ball? I believe the War Hammer wouldn't be as such, which would explain my crackpot stuff above.

So relative to it's size as a Titan, the War Hammer would be the most physically durable and strongest. Just my guess

I lost interest since the Marleyan Eldian shit

It already went to shit there.

Yeaaah buddy, real fun right there

>There is nothing left for us to discover
Yes there is. Warhammer and its host, as said, but also:
>The actual origin story of the titans and what happened to Ymir Fritz and her daughters
>How Kruger got the Attack Titan
>Whether or not Kiyomi Azumabito has any connection to Mikasa
>How the Ackerman clan was actually created, all we know is that they're a bi-product of titan science but that doesn't tell us much
>Whether or not Levi's dad is anyone relevant
>Seeing if Eren can activate the Coordinate fully
>Zeke's master plan, if he has one
>If the Curse of Ymir can actually be broken or not

And of course, the most important thing:
>Who introduced Zeke to baseball and why he loves it so much

It made it more interesting though.

Big steppin' Genki

Thinking about my own post, but:
>Kruger introduced Zeke to baseball as an attempt to get closer to him while Zeke was starting his military training

How likely is this, Sup Forums?

i actually like it again when hobo Eren goes grim reminder

The last arc was terrible but the current arc is shaping up to be good

>Even shittier when it looked like Eren forgave them.
You should stop reading tumblr fanfic, Eren is a revengeful warmongrel.

Yeah, when?

>50 chapters with a who repeating the same thing twice.

I love hobo eren

>restorationist being dumb
Water is also wet.

What was the original ending?

No one cares, landwhale. That's also not Eren.

>I’m progressing towards the ending that had been set before

>a who
You mean the most important character of the series, user. Prince Kruger deserves respect.

Kruger played a part in getting Zeke to sell his parents out though.

Did they enter the basement yet? I mean that was a pretty important plot before I dropped it, with the witchhunt (titan) going on as the replacement plot and such.

>the most important character of the series
Get a hold of this faggot.

I want kruger's own spin off/prequel series

Yes, they went into the basement. Literally prepare your anus


Everyone wants it. But we'll have to wait, sadly.
I hope they'll expand on his predecessor's master plan

He paid for it. He's dead now.

It was not clear, but the creator was said to have said it ending like the ending of "The Mist"

People like you wishing for Gabi or Falco dying are really getting on my nerves. Be edgy on Sup Forums or somewhere else you fucking retards

So 4 hours or so for spoilers like last year, right?


>when Frieda was called Geographia since we didn't know her name
good times

Reminder that Falco survived

It went to shit after the Sup Forums arc

holy fuck where are leaks or spoilers fuck sakes

Can you PLEASE fuck off to Sup Forums or at least find an anime/manga scene to reference instead? You're fucking infuriating.

yeah it was only for a dozen chapters or so but it was pretty fun

Eat shit warriorkeks


Rod is Levi's father

Kruger's responsible for everything happening in the series the way it did, though.

Me too. I at least want to know more of his backstory.

I feel like he came up with the master plan himself. He was full of rage after Marley killed his family and wanted revenge.

I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case. Given that Kuchel was probably forced to keep the baby I'd say it was someone from an important family.

Unless the father is Pyxis

Does any of this matter? Isayama has already changed the story multiple times and admitted to almost no planning and it shows.

Any answers at this point will be asspulls and contrived.

Yeah, I'v honestly never seen a story shit the bed so hard. Usually I'd be upset but frankly speaking it depresses me because I really wanted to like this series.

Every month just gets harder and harder to read, id rather drop it and keep the memories.


>Does any of this matter?
I was mostly shitposting but the stuff about Ymir Fritz is probably important to the plot.

Also, funny thing about writing a story for almost 10 years: your ideas change and your characters grow in ways you didn't think they would when you first created them. There's been a bit of foreshadowing for things though, so it's not all asspulls. Dina being the Smiling Titan was planned from at least the point where Eren punched it, but most likely from the very beginning.

The Reiner shit is pretty boring but there're still a lot of interesting elements to it. I appreciate that for the most part you can never figure everything out. Even if the fandom works out some stuff there's always something that comes out of the blue. For example, it wasn't really a shock that there were people outside the walls, but nobody could've predicted the Marley vs. Eldia conflict.

>Tfw that'll be after midnight my time
I always have to play the game of: do I stay up late for spoilers/Korean scans or do I go to sleep so that I can read them in the morning? (I usually stay up for a few early spoilers)

It's not about having things to discover, it's seeing where the story goes, what will be the solution.

These threads and post like this are the worst, you're just saying these things without presenting any kind of valid argument.

We already know the solution will be half-assed. Isayama can't write
There's no need for argument. I'm right

i just want to say a few words since this is the last chapter we're gonna get for this year: despite the continue shitposting, shipping, intolerable memeing, speedreading and such, these threads have always been my first platform for discussion during the entirety of 2017, for this a series that accompanied my life for almost a fucking decade and i don't honestly know where else would i go to talk about SnK if these generals suddendly disappeared from this board.
Anniefags, Erenfags,LHfags,LMfag, GrimReminderfags, Warriorfags, Mikasafags, ThirdworldZekefags, Mrs. Smith, Arminfags, FFfags, MGSfags, YHfags and more... i hope i'll see you all bastards again next year

Thanks user, hope to see you too

I'm here since may 2013, thanks to the anime. Thanks you Sup Forums for the wild ride


I didn't get his endgame. He basically wanted to become a cuck ?

He became a cuck so Armong could get asspull.

We should find and kill in the most excuriating way possiblethe user who mentioned spoilers being available earlier than usual. The faggot who said they would be released on the 28 should be gassed as well

Kenny has nothing to do with Armong

When has anything ever been half ass? this guy always goes all the way on whatever it is, you're purely talking out of your ass.

Nothing presented thus far suggest a "half-assed" solution, his definitely going to go all the way with whatever he chooses, as he always does.

unless maybe you plan to actually explain what you mean, and specife your critism? Unless of course you're just full of hot air, and just throwing around negative adjective without actually proving anything gets you off.

Except happening to steal a serum just so he could give to manlet. And he hated eldians.

Thanks to him we got the serum drama shit.

Same, m8. I'm just here to post theories, both bullshit and actual ones, but at least we're all in this together

So that melted corpse in the castle was an Ackerman? Its what happens if they use the serum?

just read chapter 69, this time slowly.


This page ruined the Beast Titan for me. Zeke is a shitty character and he's gonna get remined by Eren hard. No keikaku involved

What the hell are you talking about

Are you literally retarded?


Put simply he just wanted to be the strongest, but somewhere down the line he lost his passion for it, he got tired of it

By Eren?

What about this panel makes him a shitty character?

Was Keith Shadis responsible for breaking Eren's 3DMG in the beginning ?

they all are gonna get reminded user especially gabi


I think you posted the wrong page.

>30 separate posters
>84 replies
What the fuck are people talking about here ?

what abilities has people come up with the warhammer titan?

has anyone thought that maybe it'll have huge elbow/knee joints?

When is the next chapter heard it was releasing late december..... which is now..

apparently in 3 hours like last years

it's the blacksmith titan. he will be able to materialize weapons out of thin air.
those giant weapons for titans seen in art depictions of the titan war were made by him

Those will be long. Can't wait for the grim reminder

>in 3 hours
I would wake up if I was you.

I asked to be tatooed this back in 2015. Now it looks like shit and I regret it badly. Especially considering that Armin is the colossus now. Erwin should have won the serumbowl

Maybe Falco and Reiner are trapped in the titan WITH Eren that way Reiner can't use his armored titan

You deserve it for being a retard.

You poor bastard. Erase it.

where chapter at

More likely is that Reiner just partially transformed, Eren style.

>"Hey Nile! I want through the maths again! I've checked 23 times already and mathematically the holocaust resulting 6 million Jewish deaths is impossible!"

How do you react?