How can a literal goddess be so dumb and generally useless?

How can a literal goddess be so dumb and generally useless?

Seriously? Who's dick did she suck to get a cushy job ferrying the souls of death youths to the afterlife? She certainly isn't qualified for it through merit.

Countless years of sitting around doing an piss easy job takes its toll on your brain.

Aqua is the smartest character in the series!

How many more template threads are you going to make?
Are you completely mentally ill?

What motivation does she have to be useful? you think she should get off her ass and 1 shot the demon king in 5 minutes? then what? nothing is solved since the demon king is the gods fault and she knows it. if aqua finishes the quest she has to go back to doing her real boring ass job sitting in a chair reincarnating people. or she can get drunk off her ass every day leeching off kazuma.
it might have started off as an unwanted forced vacation but shit got comfy fast.

Water carries various connotations of death, rebirth, purification, and travel
Many religions and cultures attribute those things to water, rivers, ponds, and oceans. The river styx (not technically completely water), baptisms, and a couple events like the Bon festival all hold those themes to water and figures that use water.

It’s possible that the body of water she resides over has something happen to it or that there were too many gods of water to have every body of water have one god.
It’s also possible that she holds multiple realms like how Apollo resides over the sun, medicine, and poetry

You tell me. Not a lot of gods can pull their own weight.

That still doesn't explain the all around general stupidity.

Shes a woman