What is her secret to making my cock so erect?

What is her secret to making my cock so erect?


It's her eyes


Yes, they're mesmerising. I want to lick them.

you mean lick around them and not actually on the iris, that would hurt

She can take it, she's a big girl.

>she will never physically and verbally abuse me
>she will never give me Stockholm-Syndrome
Why even live lads?

What else she can take if she's that hardcore?

Shinka actually gets depressed whenever an user dies.

I don't like where this conversation is going.

Praise the thicc!

Imagine wrestling with that, she'd win every round.

woof woof

Very funny

I want to wrestle her %%ass%% with my %%face%%

You shouldn't hold back, durable girls like Shinka are genetically engineered to take a beating and dish out her own.

The though of her nibbling on Deko's flat chest & pussy.


>be Shinka
>come home
>see this
What do?

And hard.

being a slut

Mori Summer is a pure maiden.

I wish I was Shinka.

Get a bigger dog

I do

Of course you do you troll.