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>be careful who you call ugly in middle school

My dick demands more.

She was cuter before

why did nobody notice they past 3 hours in the bathroom?

this, OP is a faggot for posting ugly boys

Go on...



She doesn't even look ugly.

He had his chance


>from beautiful longish black hair with glasses to ugly dyed short hair with a dozen earrings

You ruined it.




This. How dare that faggot rejected that cutie!

Coming-back-stronger has always been a fave trope of mine but only for gay doujins, with hets, I am kinda iffy with them. Source?

Coming back strong enough to be the boss of this gym?


she looked better before

>went from attractive to meh
Shit tastes.


S o u r c e m e

>Shorter hair
>Dyed hair
>Multiple piercings
>Trying to get fucked in a bathroom by a guy she isn't even in a relationship with
>He's fucking falling for it

These idiots deserve each other.


It's not fair to post this right now, slut looks like Tomo.

No boner, no!! She's a slut. Why can't you follow my head for once!

What's wrong with sluts?


I think she looks cuter now, maybe aside from the piercings, and she's clearly been in love with the same guy for however many years now so she can't be a slut.

U k bro?

>she's clearly been in love with the same guy for however many years now so she can't be a slut.
I bet she practiced with other men so she could impress him with her skill.

is that wrong?
If she loves him and is totally devoted to him now?
Maybe you might worry she has devious plans of making him love her and then introducing her to better guys
but she honestly looks like she is going to enjoy every moment of the mating press.

Thanks, but I can't read moonrunes

Poison can be enjoyed, but it's still bad for your body.
Damn I love food analogy.

but how can you tell its poison before trying it?

>rejected pure qt but likes her when she turns into a slut
Get this normalfag shit outta my 2D.

>english source

Beta male mc's ruin everything

He never he liked her
Just penis in vagina

With the knowledge passed on from other people.

Thx user

I'll name my firstborn tissue after you, user

>puts dick in slut
What about the std's?

Cant be helped

I hope MC just fucks her and dumps her( or keep her as a sex friend) after that.
If you tell me he stated seriously dating a whore, I'll get mad.

they just have drunk sex

Nigga it's just a vanilla story. She even thought he recognized her and was surprised when he didn't.

how come its ok for us to fuck countless women and not be called a slut but if its a girl they are sluts

A key that opens many doors is a good key but a lock that can get opened by any key is a bad lock, or something.

It's keys and lock things.

Only if the guy doesn't go full retard and decides to marry her.
Luckily, it doesn't look like he will do so.

>fuck countless women

Where do you think you are?

Dont the pure girls have some term for this?

>object analogies to justify the treatment of human beings


Negro its just one chapter

A man who can ride any horse is a cowboy; a horse anyone can ride is a good horse.

But would you want to fuck that horse?

Lurk more you cancerous faggots.

Double standard?
Society has changed though, not every guy is out there having a bunch of sex. It's now just the girls and most attractive.

i used to think this was a mindless analogy, but only now do i fathom its elegant brilliance: since it is generally very difficult for normal men to get laid, a man who manages to sleep with many women is admirable. now, in the course of being hit on by many men, a normal woman denies many lesser men to pick one that she considers to be of good quality, hence the admirableness of the promiscuous man. since all it takes is a "yes, i'll sleep with you" for a woman to get laid, a promiscuous woman is likely choosing to accept advances from lesser men, therefore a promiscuous woman is considered contemptible for 'loosening' her prerogative to choose. side-note: you can't say that men who sleep with many woman are also lowering their standards to make it easier to have sex, because lord knows even most women of horrible quality are hard to get. the model also assumes most people are normal and not abnormally promiscuous. don't be mad feminist, simply appreciate the undeniable validity of this analogy

>Pure girl get rejected
>Sluttify herself to get what she wants


Cause the guy has to work his ass off to get the girls.
The girl on the other hand only has to open her legs for some rando, which makes her an "easy" and "cheap" girl.

It's other way around in matriarchal societies.

>and most attractive.
you're would be surprised how many average roasties i have met in my life.
i only go for church girls now

This. Everyone posting and not saging in this saucebait thread deserves a fucking extended vacation.

this is bot the kind of stuff that needs any kind of support or main stream exposure.
off with this degeneracy

Well that's not an inaccurate guess

Want biology related explanation next ?

Because male can impregnate many female at the same time while female can only be impregnated by one male at a time.
A man trying to impregnate many women at the same time is biologically normal. while woman trying to get impregnated by many men is biologically abnormal.

Want sociology related explanation next ?

>there are people asking for sauce when its in the front page of panda
holy fuck christ its almost 2018 and people still don't know how to access panda?

This. Women need to understand their place in society

Even worse, someone posted it on the thread.
People just can't read or use ctrl+f anymore.

Good for you, doesnt change that 90% of guys have been shitposting the internet or became rampant homosexuals that can't get enough soy or close their mouth when taking pictures.

Any explanation that isn't some stupid analogy is preferable.

>while woman trying to get impregnated by many men is biologically abnormal.
I'm not sure I buy this, considering the penis is shaped specifically to displace the sperm of competitors.

This furthers the fact that women are just for screwing with

It can't take away all the sperm, and it also can't do shit if someone came in there 3 days before him.

Yup, can't allways be the first, but never be the last.

>he thinks 0.01 percent of whiteoids nintendotoodlers represent the rest of the male sex group
how about you go out once in a while lad. the world isn't as "soyboi" filled as you think.

Where are the femanons when you need them?...

>I'm not sure I buy this, considering the penis is shaped specifically to displace the sperm of competitors.
The competition doesn't fucking happen in the mating phase stupid, but appealing phase.
You also forgot the matter of the health of the subject. A male trying to impregnate many female have less risk compared to female getting impregnated by many male.

The plot of this is fucking retarded.

They're posting things like "T-this is a good story", " the girls is great, I hope they marry each other" or "how come its ok for us to fuck countless women and not be called a slut but if its a girl they are sluts" while ignoring posts where the arguments are so right they can't say shit about them.

>he expected some ground breaking shit in a hentai

I can't get off until the plot is good enough for me to self-insert.

>The competition doesn't fucking happen in the mating phase stupid, but appealing phase.
This can't be stressed enough.
Animal would compete showing their alpha-ness by various way, it might be their cries, their beauty, or their strength.
Do you seriously believe human are supposed to compete for offspring by pumping our semen inside woman and then scraping it out ?

What the fuck is wrong with all these teenager-level comments. People still think that the lock/key analogy is actually a clever response? Are you all fucking neckbeards?
Promiscuity is a BAD trait, doesn't matter if you are male or female. You can choose not to care, smoking is also a bad trait, but people do it and others tend to accept it. How important (read: revolting) you consider something to be is your own business. I hate promiscuous people so much to the point that I don't even want to touch them, but I accept some people don't really care about it.

Used goods that will continue to be used by random men until they're past their prime and seek real romance. That's not all though, you can bet that once she's married she'll take the NTR route if her man's d is not big enough. That's whats wrong with sluts.

Did you ever get confessed Sup Forums?
is there someone who likes you?


Yes buy she was black and fat

I don't know about locks and keys and semen-scraping, but man was that a good fap. Turtleneck sweaters are awesome.


Clearly the knowledge passed onto you has failed you so far, why trust it now?

He's drunk and this hot whore is cordially inviting him to fuck her. Anyone would do the same.

You opened your post with a condescending talk, but the point of your post is just everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
You're just a passive aggressive faggot, or even worse, a modern woman.
Do you think neckbeards is an insult in Sup Forums of all places ? This matter is something with a clear cut answer, and your post have nothing to contribute in it.

There used to be a girl that liked me...

Nah. I don't think there's anyone who likes me right now either, my own family doesn't like me. I did confess and got rejected before though.

Fuck no, girls don't even talk to me. All I have is my waifu. I hope at least she likes me

From a genetic prospective a guy who fucks hundreds of women has the chance of having hundreds of children and thus has a legitimate biological reason to screw around. A woman on the other hand who has one partner her entire life and one who fucks a bunch of guys will have the same number of children everything else being equal, so a woman benefits more from stability than a range of sexual partners.

Mind you in a sane society a guy who fucks random women will get himself killed by a angry husband sooner or later, and even if society tolerates him he's putting his and others health at major risk even if he always uses a condom.

She got paid by someone in class to do it just so she could break up with me a few days later.
So no.

i can't find the enlighs scans. But who is the artist.

This was so shit.
>hey i see you're drunk
>lets fuck in the bathroom because why not
>cums 2 pages later