Remimder that Netflix makes good anime

Remimder that Netflix makes good anime.

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Netflix has the budget to make 20 thousand average anime series if they wanted to.

None will ever be available outside of Japan rhough. I don't understand why Netflix agrees to this shit, it doesn't help them.

They didn't make this though, they just licensed it.

pic unrelated, right?

Netfix doesn't make anime at all.

>Remimder that Netflix makes good anime.
Good? In which way? Direction is terrible, characters are terrible, story? 100% wasted potential. Character design and animation is good, nothing more.

pic unrelated

Guaranteed replies

>animation is good
Never give your opinion on animation ever again

Who hurt you?

Name ONE(1), I'll wait.

>name one
>>pic related

Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau

That wasn't made by netfix, nor it was good.

monocle-chan almost as cute as lykos and ouni is best leader.
but the writing became really dreadful, more deserving of comparisons to elfen lied than to shinsekai yori

When you pay for it, you make it.

>buy finished product
>resell it
>I made it
That's not how it works at all.

I'm talking about when they produce it. Not stuff like glitter force.

Netfix never produced any anime.

So ea didnt make battlefront II?


What about devilman crybaby?

What about it?

Very funny guys

Netflix didn't make this, what are you on about? They licensed it.

>netflix original

And? So do Sony and Bandai.

Congratulations, you fell for Netfix propaganda.
Green made it and red produced it.
Do you see Netfix anywhere in there?

They've literally slapped that "Netflix original" label on shows they licensed 10+ years after they ended. It means absolutely nothing.

netflix said its their original! it must be true!


Dude, Luke Cage is so gonna bust your ass.

This show has been in my backlog for a while. Should I watch it?

Yeah, it's good enough, but could have been a lot better.


Yeah, it's alright. Watch it now before it goes up on netflix and all the normalfags start talking about it.

It's has its flaws, but not too much, i liked it.

No, it's a massive waste of time.

I thought it had a shaky start that showed some promise, and got worse from there. Other people liked it.
Watch what you like.

What about the new voltron

Why don't you decide that yourself instead of vacillating like a faggot? It's not like your time is so precious that you can't invest an hour and a half in a medium that you're supposedly a fan of.

Because I could be watching something else if this show isn't worth it. But since the replies I got were polarizing, I guess I'll just watch it and see how everything turns out.

But will it get the second season it needs to flesh out the world more? That was the only good part of it.

Wasted potential the show. The MC is so boring from the start till the end. Ouni would make a far better protagonist.


Netflix Japan said they sign the streaming rights directly to the studio and give them money immediately, and won't ask how will the studio spend the money.



I don't think studios are even normally asked how they spend their money.

I must be a carpenter then, because I own a table.
And a car factory, because I own a car.

You've literally just said they just buy the streaming rights

Theres no disputing it.

Waiting for [B] at spring.

The three things saving anime are:
Netflix, China and Mobages, otherwise every single anime would be cheap lowest appeal denominator crap

I'm just saying that they still heavily ivest in the show since "their" shows can be watched only on Netflix while the average anime has like 10-15 streaming services you can watch it on.


None of those things are saving anime, and anime doesn't need to be saved anyway. Lowest common denominator is a meme because nobody understands what it is and think it's yet another way of saying "I don't like this."

>since "their" shows can be watched only on Netflix
That's what buying the streaming right means you fucking retard.
Guess what Funi and Crunchyroll where doing for the past 5 years.
They only thing that Netfix added was slapping Netfix Original™ on the shows they get.

Where is that from? inb4 Netfix

Q: How do you spend your money?

A: Uh, we bought a lot of beer, and hired some strippers, and then we came up with a great idea for an episode! It'll all be in the DARK! You can't see anything. Think of the savings!

>That's what buying the streaming right means you fucking retard.
Are you unable to read? I never said they didn't, you moron. I'm just saying they invest far more than CR or Funi or any other streaming service.

No one implied Netfix doesn't have or isn't investing a lot of money.
That's the only thing Netfix is doing, throwing money at the studios that actually make anime, Netfix itself isn't making anything.

Thank you based Neflix.

Fuck off. The truth is that anime is degradating, because after OAV era there was no real money to be made in it. The amount of shows increased, but all those shows are cheap shit intended solely as advertisement to generate revenue for investors by either being toy commercials, or ads for manga/LNs.

The last time someone put big budget in anime production was Gundam Seed and Sunrise learned better since than, despite its success.

Studios have no funding and no initiative to produce quality animation and works -they make cheap shit with cut corners and outsorcing half to north koreans and chinks. For simple reason - you cant make money with it.

The only force trying to "manufacture" blockbasters is Aniplexx, and they are exactly the cancer killing anime as well still in the end are cheap jews.

So what saves anime in modern time is sudden influx of money without requirement of immidiate return: the main sources are
- Netflix
- China funding and buying shows
- Mobage market swimming in money and investing heavily in creading high budget anime ads for their games competing with each other

The only parts of anime that atm somehow is ok on itself is Otome/Fujoshi shows.

Stop saying Netfix you subhuman ESL, it's Netflix.

People have been saying this since the 60s buddy.

Have fun watching all the cheap 3DCG shit when investors realize its even cheaper than hiring north koreans to draw your "anime"


Not him but
>the info from official site is a bad argument

>The truth is that anime is degradating
People have been saying that since the 90s.

>The amount of shows increased, but all those shows are cheap shit intended solely as advertisement to generate revenue for investors by either being toy commercials, or ads for manga/LNs.
Late night anime does not sell toys. If you are thinking of figures, those are not a priority outside of special cases like Frame Arms Girl. Figures are made by third parties under license and how much of them get made depends on the anime's popularity.

A publisher who wants an anime adaptation to promote their manga or light novel is not the one actually making the anime, nor do they benefit from a mediocre or bad anime. A good anime promotes the source better and creates more revenue.

I don't know where people constantly get this idea that if an anime has anything else attached to it (manga, LN, merchandise), it must mean the anime must have been hastily thrown together just to promote those things.

>cheap shit
>The last time someone put big budget in anime production was Gundam Seed and Sunrise learned better since than, despite its success.
>Studios have no funding
>cheap shit
If you think budget is so important then go have a look at Simpsons which costs something like 2 million per episode. Then look at One Punch Man, which was made using an average budget (somewhere between 150 and 300 thousand).

>cut corners
All animation cuts corners.

> outsorcing half to north koreans and chinks
The vast majority of production work is done in Japan. Full outsourcing overseas almost never happens.

It's pretty obvious that you don't even watch anime, at least not anything more recent than Cowboy Bebop.

3D isn't cheaper and there are no North Koreans drawing anime.

That just shows Netflix is throwing a lot of money not that it's involved in the actual making of the anime.

Oh user, you just keep spouting more and more shit.

Ignorant newfags with no clue what they talk about. Can only be explained by extreme youth, given you cant even see what kind of shit you are used to consume nowadays, as lack experience for comparison.

Out of dozens Winter 2018 shows exactly 2!! are detently made, and the rest are pale shadows of what they could have potentially be if anime industry was in better state.

>animating 3D isn't cheaper
Why the fuck do you think it's used then?

Stylistic purposes.

You assume everything needs to be Square Enix/Sangizen tier. It does not. You`ll get 10 more Kemono Friends/Houseki no Kuni (yes, technically its shit despite fags praising it)/Pingu in the City

Quality CGI cost money. Shit one, requires neither talent nor money. Anime studios litterally use worst kind of drop out and trainees to do CGI that simply coudnt find a job in video games industry and paid in noodles just like animators

That's why 3D use is generally frowned upon right?

Someone who doesn't watch anime doesn't get to call anyone else a newfag, and the Winter 2018 season hasn't even started yet.

It's cheaper/faster for some purposes. Production costs for animation movies in the US went through the roof after moving to 3D, and you don't see many TV shows there use 3D even though the networks don't give a single shit about quality. 3D animators in Japan are paid significantly more than 2D animators.

>Houseki no Kuni
Your entire opinion and existence, discarded.

Netflix does not "make" anime, they fund it. It still airs normally.

>It still airs normally
>Devilman Crybaby
Not for long. I do agree with you though.

>comparing 3D used in movies to 3D usually used in anime
You didn't see the new Berserk anime did you?

Houseki no Kuni is one of the few anime that use pretty high quality 3D.

Castlevania is written by Britbongs and animated in Texas. It's pretty far from "anime" if you ask me.

Projecting much?

>It's cheaper/faster for some purposes. Production costs for animation movies in the US went through the roof after moving to 3D, and you don't see many TV shows there use 3D even though the networks don't give a single shit about quality. 3D animators in Japan are paid significantly more than 2D animators.

Once again, you are clueless. First of all US and Japan media industries have absolutely nothing in common. Secondary, 3D animators arent paid more - they are paid wages, unlike animators who are paid by frame and anyone who is decentely paid is in Videogame or TV industry. Anime gets shit and students.

Secondary, majority of anime studios dont even have inhouse 3D departments. As far current 99% of anime production goes everythign is outsourced - backgrounds, 3dcg, sound, 2nd key and inbetweens.

There are only 2 driving forces in anime industry that can live by making 3DCG animation and are tasked with most of the anime works doing animation for others as well - Sangizen and Orange. Services of neither of them cost a lot since they are dependent on work on jump on any offer eagerly.

The smaller collectives, like Poligon pictures, 8-bit inhouse one, Shirogumi etc. litterally live check by check making most money from making TV advertisement and bits for video games/movies. And are even more desperate for anime work, since it usually involves longer work thus higher security.

Tasking them or any of those smaller ones with making own anime is like dream coming true, since it means own copyrighted source of income - which none of such companies usually have. They`ll not only work for 5 cent they`ll also suck your dick as a bonus.

Bringing up Berserk is a dead giveaway that you don't know what you're talking about. It's a meme outlier, and there have been 3D shows before and after it.

At least post the intro.

Literally right in the intro.

>It's a meme outlier
Indeed it is, but why do you think it was made in 3D and not otherwise?
It's cheaper.

I actually like the ED more than the OP, so I was kinda sad that they didn't play it in the final episode.

>Projecting much?

>Once again, you are clueless.
Projecting much?

>First of all US and Japan media industries have absolutely nothing in common.
3D animation is 3D animation.

>Secondary, 3D animators arent paid more
JANICA's statistics say that they are. Average yearly income of 3.84 million vs. 2.82 for key animators and 1.11 for inbetweeners.

>Secondary, majority of anime studios dont even have inhouse 3D departments.
I didn't say anything about inhouse 3D departments.

>The smaller collectives, like Poligon pictures, 8-bit inhouse one, Shirogumi etc. litterally live check by check making most money from making TV advertisement and bits for video games/movies.
Polygon has made Knights of Sidonia, Aijin and Blame and is making the upcoming Godzilla movie.

>Tasking them or any of those smaller ones with making own anime is like dream coming true, since it means own copyrighted source of income - which none of such companies usually have.
Anime studios don't usually own the anime they make

The ending is relaxing but it’s the same visual. I like it as well though. I’m excited to see if they decide to make the Shelter anime. That will definitely be a really good one if they decided to do that especially if Porter Robinson did the music.

>Netflix 独占配信中
You might want to translate that lad.

3D can be cheaper in some circumstances.

Exactly. Exclusive delivery.

That somehow implies Netflix made it?
Because it doesn't, they just bought teh streaming rights.

The argument is that it’s a Netflix exclusive which it is.

>The argument is that it’s a Netflix exclusive which it is.
>Remimder that Netflix makes good anime.
No it wasn't.

They did technically help make it. No one single person made the anime and without Netflix this wouldn’t have happened and if it did it wouldn’t be even close to as good looking without the budget.

Pic not related.

>They did technically help make it
No, they just threw money at it.
That's like saying any sponsor ever helps making the product they sponsor.

A sponsor does help make products and events they sponsor possible which is why a lot of people say this wouldn’t be possible without so and so sponsor especially if it’s the main one.

Like it or not Children of the Whales is a Netflix anime and is displayed as a Netflix anime.