Reminder that fujoshi are the cancer killing the anime industry

Reminder that fujoshi are the cancer killing the anime industry

Wow, are you just now learning that women ruin everything?

>says the idolfag

Reminder that fujoshi spend more on anime than you do, so it's only natural that they're catered to more than you.

deal with it beta faggot

Usually fujo anime sells like hotcakes so I would say fujoshis are saving the anime industry by being the only ones that actualy buy anime.

I see mostly good attributes there.

Sorry that the nips don't like her, but she's pretty much ideal girlfriend material on the west.

I see nothing wrong with this woman.

that's a cute fujoshi

speak for yourself

Shit, but more tolerable that /u/ntermensch.

It's your fault you don't buy anime and it's merchandise you stupid asshole


Well besides the feminist mouth, you are correct. To a certain demographic.

Chad sexalot will ignore her everytime unless she's in a relationship, suddenly he wants to fuck her.

This. Buy anime that you like and try to spend more than the loyal fans that support the authors.

But she's so fucking cute! And she has money too!

How shit of an artist do you have to be to make something that's supposed to the epitome of ugliness look pretty?

She has her parents money

Pretty terrible drawing desu.
This is what an irl fujoshi looks like

That isnt autism

Thats just degeneracy

that's an american with a "genes makes me fat" problem

I don't believe it but it's still pretty hot.

More than I have.

Fuck off r9k pol

I would say they don't even make a 50 split between otakushit vs fujoshit, its just that fujo flocks to only two or three shows while otaku buy a larger variety of shit.

is that drawing supposed to make you love fujoshi?

>cute haircut
>nice firm tits
>thick thighs
>cute panties
>neet cake

she's a dream
next time at least make her fat and less cute

But Fujos have way better taste than male otaku? To me they are bringing much needed balance to the shitty anime landscape.

It's true Loli trash destroyed the industry at least we have popular sports manga again.

Name me one good thing loli Moe trash brought to this industry.

The real one.

abe propaganda

they smell really bad irl if you dont tell them to shower, i lived with an ex who was one

vidya and sex were fun though

Not really. Just don't watch the fujo anime, there aren't that much anyways.


Fujoshi are a meme. YoI was popular so now people think the industry is saturated with BL anime and it's all topping the sales charts. This is not actually happening. It's made up.

There never was no "loli trash" or "loli moe trash" and the industry was never destroyed.

I'd fuck her desu

I'd still fuck her tbqh

Compare 80's and 90's anime to what we have now.

You mean compare 5-10 extremely cherry-picked anime, mostly not even TV shows, against every show produced today. Actually not even every show produced today, but a strawman of every show produced today.

The lolis from the 80s were a bit fluffier, but outside of that, nothing of value seems to have been lost.

>Reminder that fujoshi are a blessing saving the anime industry

Reminder there are more oldfag fujoshis here than oldfags in general.

Most 80s and 90s anime were also trash, it's just that nobody remembers them. Also, there's much more anime coming out right now than there were back then, so even if percentually more anime are trash, there's still more good anime to watch.

I remember them even worst ones from that era were less creatively bankrupt than the shit we have now.

I'd take Eva clone #3690532 over loli harem and Isekai #46865379

fucking lmao nigga, you watched what 10 anime on the 90s and you have the fucking GALL to claim it was better?
motherfucker go watch more shit before posting

There is no epidemic of "loli harem" shows, and isekai is just a fucking meme for anime larpers like you who don't actually watch anything.

Sure man suuuurrrrreee. Keep telling yourself this. I seriously question how many 80's and 90's anime you've even watched to attain your "enlighted" opinion. Because I sure as funk have watched plenty

Maybe one day you'll trully believe the loli trash we get these days counts for good content.

There was until they started to realise that shit doesn't fucking sell and produced far less.

Yeah just like there's been an epidemic of (insert anything here) because of a couple of shows here and there.

In 10 years no one will remember the loli trash we get these days though, just like no one remembers all the garbage anime that came out in the 80s and 90s.

What "loli trash" are we even getting, exactly?

Don't try to reason with the fujo.

The generic CGDCT shows we get every season.

There are no such shows.

Most of those are highschoolers, not lolis.

Eva aired in 1995 you dolt, eva clones didn't start appearing until the last 20% of the time range you talked about. The 80s and 90s were fucking full of harem shows, way more than we're getting today.

Also loli harem shows aren't a thing that actually exists outside of a few select examples and your overactive imagination.

>middle- and highschoolers are lolis
Do you have brain problems?
>CGDCT shows are actually common
Do you even watch anime?

>Usually fujo anime sells like hotcakes
>cheer danshi
>Usually fujo anime sells like hotcakes

This, desu. Without fujos the industry would be in red numbers.

We just recently, in the past 5 years, got to the point where you could get a homo show at least once a year. Maybe if it's a good year you'll get 3.

Even the most novice of anime viewers can tell they have little influence on the industry. But for whatever reason there is an instinctive desire to blame your problems on women.

Shows with plenty of upskirt shots of prepubescent girls.

The fact your unaware of what loli trash is despite how common it is says it all.

>blame your problems on women.
On fujos, not on women.

Do you even know what loli means?

>Shows with plenty of upskirt shots of prepubescent girls.
So a tiny number of anime that you for some reason have decided to blow out of all proportion.

>no true scotsman argument
Please commit Sudoku already.

Doesn't apply to all of them.

Do you?
And here's a hint: it isn't about age.

And Sup Forums constantly tries to equate fujoshi=all women who watch anime. That's really the perception. When was the last time you saw someone complaining that otome is ruining the industry, there's actually more otome made than BL yet Sup Forums practically forgets it exists.

Whiny nerds want to blame their problem on women, specifically women who love gay men. Why is that?

Yes and it refers to prepubescent girls or girls with a prepubescent body type. So not applicable to most middle- and highschool anime girls.

One fujo show per season shouldn't be a problem to anyone though.

I think you're suffering from something called "victim complex". Yurifags are as insufferable and as hated as you are.

That type of show isn't even common you retard. Name like 3 of those shows that aired this year if the industry is so full of it

With otome shows, one part of the audience self-inserts as the heroine who is wooed by a bunch of attractive guys while the other part imagines having the guys hook up with each other. That pattern is so common that there even was a show with that premise recently.

>CGDCT shows are actually common
How the fuck are they not common? I just did a quick count and there's seven of them airing just next season.

Tiny number my ass as far as late night anime is concerned you'd struggle to find a season where most shows don't lean on that trope at least once during their run time even if it's not the primary focus.

That'a the new default.

There are zero of them airing next season. That is because CGDCT shows do not exist.

You don't watch anime and have no idea what you're saying.

If you know this why did you mention highschoolers.

Or are you simply an idiot?

They're only common if you count every show with an all-female cast of main characters as a "CGDCT" show.

Who the fuck blames the state of the anime industry on yuri? You understand you are literally in a thread discussing how the industry is ruined by fujoshi?


Do you simply blank out the upskirt shots? Because that's a really severe memory loss problem.

True, there has never been an anime about cute girls doing cute things. Never ever.

They look pretty nice.

What show was that?

Didn't we already have that with kiss him not me

Do you think that you have any idea what you are talking about when you don't watch anime?

K-On is a slice of life show about a high school music club.

The priesthood of anime.

It's really hard to find someone that fat in Japan.

Fujos have been around since the beginning. You're just now noticing them because YoI was a suprise hit.

Upskirt shots aren't even common anymore, you talk like someone who only watches 10 year old fanservice-heavy shows and then mentally replaces all the characters with lolis. That's the only way your demented portrayal of anime even remotely makes sense.

You're someone who doesn't actually watch a whole lot of anime (or who only watches very specific anime and doesn't get the broader picture of what anime is actually like) and just parrots the same demented criticisms of anime that people were making years ago ("moeshit"/"no substance"/"sexualization of children"/"fanservice/male gaze/exploitation of female characters"). Criticisms that were really dumb back then but are especially dumb right now because the trends they were referencing have passed

>K-On is a slice of life show about a high school music club.
I know. But it's also accurate to call it a CGDCT show because that's what it is. Just like Free is a slice of life show about a high school swimming club, and it's also a fujoshi pandering show.

You guys like /u/ right?

If that is your sample of all Japan poblation, eww.

CGDCT is an incoherent label people slap on anything that seems to be about cute girls. Euphonium and Kemono Friends and Girls Und Panzer are all CGDCT just like K-On. Meaningless. But the anime community absolutely refuses to talk about anything in clear terms, always preferring buzzwords and memes and brain damage instead.

Do you have evidence that Kyoani staff was pandering when they made Free?

Are you really this stupid?
One poster complained about lolis killing the industry with CGDCT, other poster implied that most CGDCT shows are with middle and highschoolers, and that those are not lolis.


Reminder that Comiket has started as a BL event for fujoshi.


They still control like 75% of it.

I often see memes of fujo killing the anime industry but have yet to see the explanation of "how?"

Someone explain how girls enjoying homo ships in various BL and non-BL series is killing the industry.

The circles are about 50/50 male and female now, and not all women are involved with BL.

This is patently false but anyway.