
Make or request Sup Forumsrt.

Other urls found in this thread:


requesting something never requested before.


Requesting Sakura from Tenshi no 3P in winter wear and/or a scarf looking at her breath in the cold air. Or, Sakura in a sweater with no bottoms on looking lewd and inviting.

OR, holy shit man thanks
its my birthday so this is nice to wake up to.

Requesting Kagachi in her sensei outfit doing lewd things with her tongue

Requesting a draw of me as a Saiyan (Based on my avatar from Dragonball Fusion) done in the style of Akira Toriyama.. Full depiction in the reference. Full bodied and colored.

In celebration for Kirara Fantasia, I want to request Nono and Matsuko from Urara Meirochou doing take_your_pick tag. Can be either of these 3 poses.

commission it


do it tho

Requesting the left pic with Babidi from Dragon Ball wearing the hoodie, hair and background of it.

I don't have a PayPal, nor the money or time to do so.

get paypal, get job, make money, put money in paypal
bam problem solved

Question guys i only have around 80 followers
if i want to start commissioning
how many months i should grind popularity doing popular thing before start asking for commissions ?

Depends, what are you using? tumblr or pixiv?

Do porn

How many people browsing this drawthreads and can i consider them as my followers?

It's Mirai's birthday today! Draw a cute picture of her for her.

Migh as well put a trip on and start blogging with pics of your butthole.

2-3 years. I didn't start doing commissions until I had like 400+ followers on Deviantart. However, sometimes it's not about art it's about connections.


>Mirai and Chris(Symphogear) have the same birthday
I never knew that.

Requesting Hajime putting on or putting off her pantyhose. Feet would be appreciated.

FB(80 follow) pixiv(102) and Deviant art. dunno how tumblr work
i would if i wasnt living in a radical muslim fammily
Damn feels bad
pic realted is my last piece (i can do anime too)

what are you doing on an Sup Forums drawthread?

>i would if i wasnt living in a radical muslim fammily

/ic/ is shit and i start anime on 4 chan so i thought you guys know something about
what did you not understand user-kun

Don't you know, user? Sup Forums drawthreads are the best of course!

Taking JoJo / Dragon Ball requests


Requesting Grayfia from High School DxD cosplaying as Dahlia from Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Requesting Medusa asking Shaula if she's going to cry like in the walking dead pic I got in the reference with Shaula looking extremely frustrated and holding back tears.

>I want to draw to become popular!
Fucking degenerate artfags today. No wonder these threads are just shit, all the good ones left because of the toxic assholes and got replaced by tumblr fill-ins who heard they can make a quick buck and a fast following on Sup Forums. Commit seppuku.

Be more radical than them, draw them tiddies, girls without hijabs.

Yeah, fuck people who want recognition and want to make a living off their art, don't they know artists are supposed to do it for free?

>quick buck
I wrote for years before sending to somewhere serious

>making a living off of anime art


Most people aren’t here to make a living though. It’s to push their shitty blog.

Requesting Rukia doing something cute/cool with any pokemon in the spreadsheet below
Pokemon: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Y6I0a_8jXF4isxPYXyMeRgWtqThR7fS5-v33GuFIkV8/edit?usp=sharing
Rukia refs: imgur.com/a/qItQA

Funny how most Japanese art and art social media sites aren’t behind a paywall and those people can still improve greatly without someone paying their rent. Yet the majority of Western artists I meet lock everything behind a Patreon. Of all skill levels, even DeviantArt tier. I’m convinced Western artists are just in it for $$$ and honestly don’t care about the art or art culture at all. That’s why you can always tell true Japanese art from western anime, especially in the faces and proportions. There’s actual heart in effort in it and it wasn’t a rushed process to be “the best kid who draws at the lunch table.”

>All the good ones left because of the toxic assholes and got replaced by Tumblr fill-ins who heard they can make a quick buck and a fast following
You're new, huh?
Also, no one leaves for toxicity unless you're here for the wrong reasons.

>le newfag got em XD
Only artist worth a damn here is paintr anymore
>nobody leaves for toxicity
alright Misha

/r/ing anything with the giant girls from Gantz

You're also bad at reading. Take your conspiracies elsewhere.

Thats rude, man.

Go ahead, explain what part I missed.

*unless you're here for the wrong reasons

>implying artist are still here because of the big quality of Sup Forums's request.

those wonderful request that are posted over and over again
until some shitty drawfag feels pity/pissed about (you)
and then does it again for free,

I'm pretty sure we can go to the archive and look for a year old
drawthread and thread is going to be like 93.5732% equal to this one.

I started drawing in these threads and eventually made a Tumblr/Pixiv after some time. I still prefer drawing requests here rather than doing commissions but I don't think that there's anything wrong with making money off of waifu drawings. Also, the toxicity here isn't that bad except for the weekends.

But weekend threads are dead.

It can be done.

>Funny how most Japanese art and art social media sites aren’t behind a paywall and those people can still improve greatly without someone paying their rent.
Funny also how animators and artist work obscene hours for shit pay, it's almost like they have a complete different value and look on art, labor and pay.

>Yet the majority of Western artists I meet lock everything behind a Patreon.
Not looking that hard in that case, few people hide everything behind a paywall, as that makes it extremely hard to market yourself, I've only seen a few people who make content which is indefinitely exclusive behind those paywalls.

>I’m convinced Western artists are just in it for $$$ and honestly don’t care about the art or art culture at all.
That's extremely cynical, and I hardly see what's wrong about wanting to try to make a living off of one of your passions, art is not just an interest and hobby, it's a marketable skill that people want and is willing to pay you for.
Systems like Patreon, while not perfect, are great as they can allow a small artist to be funded by a small circle of fans and enthusiasts (by really small numbers by each supporter, they only really need to contribute pocket change to make a difference), and this can be done without corporate sponsorship or being anchored to a job that needs your talent, but isn't interested in paying you to draw what you want.

Damn i drew that place where stocking squeezes juicy thigh well and then i realize it wont be visible in the end.

Thanks for reminding me that today is Thursday. With that said, take this bickering with a grain of salt.

i didnt start drawing 2 weeks i have years of experiences and if i didnt fear to be homeless or forced to go to africa to work in the family business i wouldn't ask anything
and what do you have against that ?
i will make people happy by drawing thier waifu and i will happy be cause i can draw and live with it
i agree with this guy patreon and tippe(for france) are good for the little artist

Everyone leaves because of the toxicity.
People come to Sup Forums because of the toxic nature, but it doesn't mean they're going to be doing free services if they're treated like shit.

There's a reason basically every Sup Forums scanlator, translator, and drawfag eventually quits what they're doing. Because people here don't appreciate people doing free shit for them.

>job isn’t interested in paying you to draw what you want
That’s LIFE. For fucks sake, do you think engineers get paid to code whatever they feel like coding? Do you think graphic designers can just do fuck all with whatever they’re PAID to do? No. This “I should get paid for my 3 minute scribbles because I don’t want to be an actual artist” bullshit is just... sad.

Monna dressed as other DB character

>quick buck
Yeah, fucking Western Artists, having the GALL to ask to be paid for something like this shit, it's not like art takes effort and time is a limited commodity or anything.

>posts art from an actually good paid artist as an ad hominem for shitty artists making money off of nothing
>calling art a limited commodity
>being this retarded

Not everyone can have a job they love, but the possibility actually exists out there, and for those who actually can, I wish them nothing but luck and ultimately congratulations if they can actually do it, because it's an impressive situation to be in that pretty much never lands in a persons lap.

>“I should get paid for my 3 minute scribbles because I don’t want to be an actual artist” bullshit is just... sad.
That solves itself because people who can't actually draw in a way that people find appealing (weighing also cost of labor), won't make that kind of money, if they make any. Just because you set up a Patreon doesn't mean it's free money, it's not a Get Rich Quick Scheme.

For now Sup Forums drawthreads are pretty comfy, i would say even too much, i feel like anons secretly laugh at me.

>shitty artists making money off of nothing
Show me some shitty artists making money of nothing.

>calling art a limited commodity
In effect it is, you can only make so many paintings in a lifetime.

Yeah, except that’s not true.
>be personable
>shitpost and interact with attention starved fans
>pump out shit tier fetish art faster than a 12 gauge
>still make money

Oh yeah, those artists are rolling in cash, they're living the life and have no worries, they're all independent.


damn i feel bad about starting all that drama
here some gal-ko-chan scribble to make you happy

>no one leaves for toxicity
This applies more to the WWD than here, but coming to what should be an anonymous drawthread and finding teenage girl high school drama with cliques, gossip about thread personalities, and an unwritten list of "wrong" people to draw for is dispiriting at best. You fuckers are mostly grown men for christ's sake. It's ironic that the ones who leave get called tumblrinas for not wanting to deal with triggered, tantrum-throwing babies. It's rare to be able to pin shitposting on a particular requester, so they either ignore everything and risk stepping on an autistic landmine, draw only for their buddies, or leave to somewhere they can work on their art with less unrelated hassle.

>sorry for art whoring
>art whores harder

See you in three days, but also, how much money do you think this person is actually making?

Moreover, if they weren't charging money, would you really actually want to be receiving art like THIS in a drawthread? Someone must obviously want that shit, and great for them that they can pay them, because I wouldn't say thank you for that shit for free.

Artist is synonymous for attentionwhore, what do you expect?

If their twitter is correct they’re making lots. This IS the quality of art posted here.

Who wants to make art and then never show it to anyone?

is it ?
oh can you tell me what is not art whoring then ?

That's subjective. How much are they making a month?

Not posting art at all i guess.

Are they pregnant or fat?

>This applies more to the WWD than here, but coming to what should be an anonymous drawthread and finding teenage girl high school drama with cliques, gossip about thread personalities, and an unwritten list of "wrong" people to draw for is dispiriting at best
It's extremely tumblr in that sense.

but how can i advertise my skill then ?

The people here are the tumblr not the artists who don't want to draw here.

Drawfag come to draw threads to draw, and I can't help your brain problems if you're expecting anything else other than "I'm drawing for free, for anonymous posters"
These threads have been good IMO, and posters here are enjoying the art produced. If you're getting shitposted to the point of leaving, then wew, I can't save you maybe they should actually go.

Scanlators and translators have their own storm that's not a part of how Sup Forums works.

Well yeah because the wwd is designed to be "draw for me and only me, for every week." Even mentioning commissions over there goes through some ordeal of "commissions is the worst experience ever, I like the heartfelt deliveries here"

That guy probably makes a lot for the same reason furry artists make a lot.

Requesting Domino wearing a semi-transparent china dress with lewd black underwear/no underwear at all seen through the fabric for New Years. Biting her lip or grinning deviously would be great expressions for her to have.
China dress for reference: i.imgur.com/gWrSpkV.jpg

Tits too small, not interested.

This too, when you're in a slimmer niche like that ugly shit, you're by default going to be in higher demand.

>slimmer niche
that choice of words made me laugh

it depends
but i promised myself that if i can make a living of
drawing i would take resquet here because my passion for drawing started in Sup Forums

This whole discussion is scary. Can we be friends again and have fun? I-I wanna be able to request.

yeah, only new drawfags who haven't been here long enough say that.

Give it a day, where these people will migrate to their own thread.

>Yeah, fuck people who want recognition and want to make a living off their art, don't they know artists are supposed to do it for free?
>Funny also how animators and artist work obscene hours for shit pay

There are thousands of (unemployed) artists, its only logical to look for the cheapest one, and it happens that there's a few that are willing to do shit for free.

sorry user bro
> gives a hug

But few artists who are really good work for free, and sometimes you want a really good artist.

Doing simple things

Uh, you don't get to bring friends.

A trap of your choosing in a kimono

Because hiring agencies are going to hold your hand and tell you it’s okay and brush your hair back and remind you how much you’re worth and that all of those slave wage workers can go fuck off.
You really are retarded. The basic art school graduate can copy just about any art style given to them and that’s all it takes to get a job. Hobby draw in your free time if you’re a poorfag and stop making shit financial decisions and expecting the internet to clean it up. If you don’t get hired it’s because you have undesirable traits or you’re not up to the task. Sucks to suck.

Requesting Dante, Farmgirl and Super Agent doing The Shield's fistbump.

I don't see why you're mad.

Requesting Lum mudwrestling another anime girl. Ryuko from KLK? Tanya the Evil? New Yuki Mori? Mira from Dimension W? Another that you like?