One Piece

Color spread out
Hate to admit it as Carrotfag but it's not looking good for her chances. Other than Luffy it seems Oda featured characters who aren't Straw hats, but the bun is still there...

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Oh and here's the spoilers
Chapter title is "Big Mom on the ship".

Big Mom tries to destroy Thousand Sunny to seek for a wedding cake. Jinbe tells her that there is no cake on the ship. She replies that if that is the case she has to kill her eldest son. Perospero is surprised to hear that since he thought he managed to deceive her.

Big Mom tells Jinbe not to call her son liar. She tries to cut down Jinbe with her burning sword. Jinbe stops her slash, but gets blown away after all.

Nami asks Big Mom not to destroy the ship since Carrot is in the room. The fire on Big Mom's hair spreads to the sail. Chopper blocks her attack right before Nami got hit.

Jinbe puts out the fire and blows away Big Mom from Sunny with seawater but she comes back soon. She intends to slice sunny and search for the wedding cake.

Nami tries to deceive Zeus again, but he attacks her this time. Brook got attacked by thunderbolt, but it doesn't hurt him at all since he is just a bone. Brook slashes Zeus. Nami attacks Big Mom with the thunderbolt from Zeus, which stops her for a moment. Nami and Co escape from Big Mom. Nami captures Zeus who has no energy to fight anymore. Nami threatens and makes him her servant. Big Mom starts chasing Thousand Sunny with Prometheus.

Has a color spread ever once given useful info about who joined? Why do you people obsess over these tea leaves?

I can't wait until Sanji catches up with his beloved Nami-san

Remember Rebeccafags saying that she would get the Mera Mera because she had "fire in her eyes"? This is nothing new.

The color spread is of characters who relate to the animals of the chinese zodiac, that's all the meaning to it.

Waifu claimed!

There are no enemies in this colorspread except Big Mom. This confirms surely she will be an ally of Luffy’s soon.

I love Nami. I'm glad she is holding her own. Do you guys think she will keep Zeus?

>There are no enemies in this colorspread except Big Mom
And Fujitora, and Minotaurus and Kalifa

How come Pudding is fine with Luffy beating the shit out of Katakuri? I mean I get that she wants to help the strawhats, but technically the cake helps both sides. Now Katakuri getting his ass handed to him isn't really something to be happy about seeing how him and Cracker getting BTFO makes it possibly less safe for her island too. As there are temporary less strong BMP to protect the area and shit.

How is mansherry rat related? I mean they were some squirrel dwarf hybrid I guess? Oda bringing up that old Kalifa gag is perfect. Wouldn't have zombie lola made more sense than big meme as the pig/boar?

>Rat - Mansherry
>Ox - Minotaurus
>Tiger - Fujitora
>Rabbit - Carrot
>Dragon - Momonosuke
>Snake - Hancock
>Horse - Farul (Cavendish's horse)
>Goat - Kalifa
>Monkey - Luffy
>Rooster - Marco
>Dog - Inuarashi
>Pig - Big Mom



>Strawhats fucking solo Big Mom
>Big Mom too fucking stupid to live
>they steal her cloud


More like sheep for Kalifa, since the bubbles are supposed to look like a wooly coat

>Nami and co getting away from this situation
Oda is a complete hack

>All the other signs get cool characters
>I'm stuck with fucking Minotaurus
Thanks Oda

Man you fags really take these colorspreads too seriously. All you headcanon fags are retarded.

Whats Big Mom's animal supposed to be? Pig?

When Big Mom couldn't move, Jinbe should have damaged Prometheus like he did before.

>what is Chinese Zodiac?

>hurr durr why didn't they abandon ship and die Oda you hack
Would this still get complaints with Zoro?

That's because waifufags are retarded.

Because Thousand Sunny destroyed = More fucking hype to not fuck with an Emperor

Wow, this takes me back. I remember those retards as if it were yesterday.

Kalifa is an “enemy” like Crocodile at Impel Down and Marineford.
Minotaurus is symbolic for Kaido who will be Luffy’s friend too.
Big Mom is a mix of Ursula and the Mom pirate who delivers the MC to Raftel n Castle in the Sky.

>Straw Hat

Hack posters are getting desperate. Next they'll complain Zeus can't harm Luffy.

You must have some low standards to have rebecca waifufaggots. Other than her golden bikini she had 0 redeeming qualities.

>Kalifa is an “enemy” like Crocodile at Impel Down and Marineford.

The rest of your post is equally retarded but this really hit me.

This is the first time they have had to run away without so much as even really fighting the big boss and their escape is the hardest they've had since Sabaody. That's plenty reason to conclude that yonkou are serious business.


He can't.

It’s Luffy’s most useful ability according to Mihawk who is is now also Luffy’s friend.

Carrotfags need to leave, they are the most obnoxious of the Girl of the Arc "fans".

I know. I'm just saying that hack posters would get pissed off at that fact even though it's obvious that lightning doesn't harm Luffy. Just look at them complain at these spoilers. 2 of Big Mom's homies are obviously nullified by the SH crew. Zeus can be manipulated by Nami as Nami has been shown to be able to use Big Mom's clouds since the Army fight. And JInbei obviously is a counter to Prometheus.

>destroying the Sunny
>Franky's dream is instantly fucked
>Nami's mandarin trees are instantly fucked
>Everyone's home is instantly fucked
>Only 3 Straw Hats are there to witness it
That's the cheapest piece of drama I could possibly think of and completely undermines everything regarding how important the crew's ship is for a shitty cheap twist. If Oda wrote out the Thousand Sunny from the story within the span of 2 chapters when Merry's gotten fucked since around Drum, I would have called bullshit writing. Go read HxH if you like this shit.

Let them fight the sanafag.

He's evading?

Fuck off

Just look at this thread.

>lol let's kill an integral symbol of the crew and a crewmember on a whim just for MUH HYPE
Did you start reading from Dressrosa?

Yes? No way I'm sifting through the first 700 chapters of weak shit.

Weak bait, very weak bait user. See me after class

Get the fuck out casualfag. The shitposters are evolving now.

At least you aren't some Literal Who's pet.

Why is everyone here obsessed with Sanji Nami? That's all you talk about/ talk about those posters. Same with people calling Oda hack

>Literal Who
At least you're not worst Yonkou

It's only one faggot
>Same with people calling Oda hack
Those are a special breed of shitposters, they will not stop until the series ends

How hard can that even hurt? Luffy had Amazon bitches pulling at all parts of him, dick included, and didn't even flinch.

The shitposters are evolving now.

It's literally one faggot who ban evades all the time.

nice doobs
Anyway, I prefer the English one piece OST 1 to the japanese one
However I HATE dubs, for voice acting and think that the one piece dub is shit and the sub is excellent.
Anyone share this opinion that the OST intro OP 1 is better english dubbed than subbed?
>for those who somehow don't know, the english one is the yohoho he took a bit of gum-gum intro.

Think about it, there are all kinds of different people there. A friendly admiral, a beaten enemy, a veteran ally, an angry yonkou, a passive animal,and a supportive king. it makes sense that there would also be a potential crew member on the list as well

Teeth, user

she probably thinks katakuri is gonna win since she seems more worried about luffy

You are so fucking stupid it hurts.

Absolutely disgusting opinion. 4Kids reused shit from other series for their OP one. That's the exact opposite of an "official source track"

Is not one guy. Yesterday there were at least five with different poster count and different pictures. Refusing to admit this doesn't help countering shitposting.

nice try

>What is phoneposting

Stop ban evading

Don't reply to it. Move on.

Where does it say he got banned? I can't find it




Please, be fake. Big Mom and this arc can't be this trash.

Colorspread: 12 characters being the representation of the chinese zodiac animals running to the future (new year). Luffy, Carrot… ETC

All chapter focuses on Sunny, it is the fight against Big Mom.

BM starts tearing apart the ship, searching for the cake.

Jinbe tries talking with her, but is attacked by a Napoleon coated with flames. Jinbe blocks it with armament haki in his arms, but is sent flying into the sea.

BM keeps cutting the ship, and then attacks with her hand (trying to squash) Nami. Chopper blocks the attack in his defensive form.

Jinbe attacks from the sea, wetting BM and separating her from Prometheus. He then jumps to the ship and sends BM flying with a punch.

Zeus rescues BM and gets angry. He thunders Brook while BM is saying she will cut Sunny in half.

Brook is faster and he is the one to cut Zeus in half, Nami uses this chance to activate Zeus and he thunders BM.

Zeus now is tiny and is in Nami’s hands. BM is still conscious and enraged, flying in a crazied Prometheus.

submitted YonkouProductions

I wonder what Enel would think if he ever learned that this girl with her static electricity stick can now call down lightning on the scale that only he once was able to do.

The banned page does not list every single ban. And desuarchive rips from there.

>The purpose of this page is to give users insight into what content is being removed, and why. Below is a sample of recent bans (not a comprehensive list of all bans), updated once per hour.
>not a comprehensive list of all bans

Him getting 30+ posts deleted at once indicates his ban.


>All of that shit and the only nothe worthy thing they did was took away Zeus from BM
wew lad

Fuck off faggot, do you have any idea how good this is?

Oh okay. It's because Zoro poster do appear there.
Anyways it's been 1 day so it must be over.

wens good big mom

Now, but he started shitposting long before 24h were done which indicates ban evading.

He's made of rubber, stretching doesn't faze him
But biting down on the flesh, especially with rabbit teeth, hurts like a bitch. Take it from a guy who owned a feisty baby rabbit

Well the good thing is Luffy Nami nigger got banned.

I hate 4kids and their dubs but I enjoy the intro op ost more
I know the abomination that isthe normalization and localization with the dumb shit like water pistols and such, but that isn't the point ,it's irrelevant.

>implying there isn't more than 1 LuffyNami nigger



So my predictions that Zeus will stay with Nami is coming true. Hype! I love Zeus. He'll make a great nakama.

wait a second, that guy gets called out with evidence and the mods don't give a shit?


She needs to treat him better

Is she even capable of treating anyone better?
She's a Grade A Bitch.

She better though. Zeus muh nigguh.

Just 1. The other ones ship it too but they just cry about it
What are you asking?
Because is not true

Sanafag just exposed himself. If only bans actually meant something to people who aren't utter retards.

Heh, the Luna nigger was fine compared to the Sana nigger.

You know at what point a shitposter succeeds? When they become recognisable for everyone, never stop and nothing is done about them. OP generals are literally sucking Sanafag's dick. That's why you faggots talk so much about him. He's here rent free.

>same filename, same time frame, pretty much the same post content in and
>is not true
Get the fuck out

Sanafag exposed?

Friendly reminder that Sanji is for Zoro

>people complaining about chopper tanking a punch from a strong opponent
>its ok when pre-ts luffy does it

Honest question. Why does Sana trigger you so much?
It looks like you are just another shipper

At least you arent Mansherry

Honest question. Why do you ban evade? It looks like you are really obsessed with fucking up these threads which is why you are trying to change the subject to some tumblrshit now.

This, they just ruin Wedding cake arc

get out faggot

You're probably talking about me, but you're wrong. I never got banned and I don't annoy people other than yourself. Mainly because I'm not a shipper. I just like to offer resistance to your shitposting.

I hope so. Nami needs to get stronger and I want his autistic stoner face to be part of the crew. Leave betametheus behind Zeus!