Depressed low-self-esteem girl develops Stockholm syndrome in a fantasy setting

>Depressed low-self-esteem girl develops Stockholm syndrome in a fantasy setting.

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A most typical female fantasy. Beauty and the beast variation.

manga a best
anime has glaring pacing/composition problems otherwise it's pretty good

Oh gee. It's almost as if this anime is meant for 15 year old girls user! Where did you make this discovery?

Why am I seeing so many shitters chalking this up to be AOTS of AOTY? Sometimes I can see why a mediocre show with some flashy calling card gets mistaken by brainlets as a masterpiece, but this is just the definition of well animated mediocrity.

>well animated
key point right there.

no one can know I enjoy this.

Just like every female wet dream fantasy.

Is this any good, I didn't watch much of this season

Dude! Teenage girls LMAO

Because everyone except me has shit taste.
3-gatsu is objectively the best anime of the year.

The part where she imprints with the dog while j-pop plays in the background was abrupt and corny. Otherwise watchable.

>actually cute
>good physical condition
>not dumb
So, she is Kirito of females?

>he don't have female friends with who he can talk about shoujos he like
what are you ? a faggot ?

where the fuck is the chise/elias monster smut

>mary sue with daddy issues loves to fuck her wendigo husband

>what are you ? a faggot ?
No. A socially inept loner who masturbates to cartoons.

aren't we all

yeah pretty much. i hope she winds up magically shanking him before running off to escape

>implying that if it was a generic black haired anime betamale and an attractive female lich with big tits or some shit that you wouldn't eat it right the fuck up

The only thing that could have save this anime, was if this guy had showed up

>OP describes the show in general terms without saying his preference on way or another
>feel attacked.
imagine being so defensive you make out fights out of nothing.

I need webms of this show

letho is best waifu

>Stockholm Syndrome

It's not.

>linking literal garbage
out with you

Then you are worse than garbage

Thats what females are into, a dangerous beast that could fuck everyone's shit up, but doesn't because he loves them.

>tall guy
>half monster
>treats her like a pet
>protecc pet
>is rich
yeah i too wonder why its soo popular

The soundtrack is really nice tho.

>posting TGWTG shit
>calling anyone out
top kek

lets butcher it

Again, all this makes you is worse than garbage

Considering how things went in manga, I'm pretty sure that the redhead is outright crazy.

>being loyal to your husband is Stockholm syndrome
I mean I guess it is, from a certain angle

where do you think we are.

is England a fantasy setting?

Go away Geralt, you're drunk.

Is this not a beta male fantasy? I like Chise. She's cute yet she's broken enough to be attainable.

>Stockholm syndrome
But it's not. Chise literally believes everyone around her dies because she is around them, and she's now in a place where she feels like she won't fuck everything up just by being there.

>england has magic

>He doesn't believe in the fae

Nah man, a broken girl will make you miserable if you really love her. And you will feel like shit after dumping her. But you have to. Even if all your friends hate you for it. Like you betrayed her. She needed you. But shit user, it was killing you. You like to tell people you are ok now, and you kind of are, but not really. And maybe you sometimes think you are broken too, and that it was nice to be with her. Even if she was miserable too. At least you were not alone.

Let me guess, you thought Imouto Sae Ireba Ii was the AOTS/AOTY?

Really interesting fantasy concepts and worldbuilding
Interesting dynamic between Chise and Elias
Thematically heavy
Great color palette
Comfy pacing that fits the mood of the material

>It's almost as if this anime is meant for 15 year old girls user! Where did you make this discovery?
>Why do so many people praise it
Gee I wonder. It's almost as if this place is full with 15 year old girls with Yaoi on ice and gay swimming being pretty big shows?

anything outside of china is

i didnt say you could bring freinds

>comparing FOTM fujoshit to this
Don't particularly care for it, but it doesn't seem like it has the same appeal as those.

Pretty much. It runs in a shounen magazine for a reason.

thats my fetish

even better if its a horrible monster with a slimy tongue

How do I get one as my GF then?

>comparing FOTM to a show about cute boys doing cute things
I know right. Fucking hell Free at least was something actual male adults could enjoy.

There is literally nothing bad about Stockholm syndrome desu.

You think girls come to this site? Let alone this board?

Everyone develops Stockholm for society in general. Its the only way we can go to a wageslave job in the morning

This is just this season`s inferior Violet Evergarden. Wait for real things, its only 12 days left.

Well the people making YoI and other fujoshit threads either have to be all girls or all homos.
Which is more likely?

>You think girls come to this site? Let alone this board?

Someone haven't been to /cgl/ or /r9k/

traps don't count

the science doesnt lie

fujos do

Goddamn, that hits close to home.

>their scene in the manga
i hadn't cried in years

>Stockholm syndrome
>when she's free to go at any time

Have you been in a Your Name thread? Or miyazaki movie threads? These folks are mentally ill and watch the same children's movies over and over then come to Sup Forums to discuss them

>when she's free to go at any time
literally answered in the first episode

>fujoshis elect this aoty on normie polls
>elias takes a signpost out of his ass
>it says lolno
>harpsichord motif plays for extra wonder and wonderment
>elias says it says lolno
>chise says "" annoyingly, stretched over 4 seconds. her brain can be heard subtly melting.
>sign is actually voldemort, attacks chise
>elias massively extends his dick and bitch slaps voldemort with it all the way to a fucking isekai
>feminists too busy masturbating to complain

I told everyone discussion on Sup Forums would go to shit and that adaptions were a bad idea.


I forgot it exists and I certainly didn't want to be reminded in a mahou tsukai thread. That shit might suit aho girl.

I want to punch his face

>Stockholm Syndrome
She sold herself of her own volition and ended up in a place where she isn't just constantly miserable or treated like a mental patient.

Her learning to like her current life even if it's not perfect isn't something I would really call that Stockholm Syndrome.

The forest king episode was the cringiest thing this year. Dropped it there.

how does monster/human reproduction work .

I liked it more when it was called Hare+Goo

Tell me, why does he wear the wolf's head medallion?

He can convert his body into a completely human form at will and he does it during the dragon auction arc.

Not allowed.

Chise is cute!


I would argue that it's 60% girls and 40% guys that post on Sup Forums

>attack on titan generals
>tokyo ghoul generals
>every other shonenshit thread is 70% shipping
>literally every other fujobait show gets a moderate following every season
Do you think it's just weirdos and fags bumping all the shojo shit and otome garbage threads?

it turns out, we're all little girls here and so are you

This 100%.

>Why am I seeing so many shitters chalking this up to be AOTS of AOTY?
Because it's constantly advertised on Facebook

Remember when there was no anime in sight and the manga threads would get 50 responses and everyone was happy?
Good times.

Tell us more about this lost golden age pops.

With the exception of a few really popular manga, isn't this how every adaption turns out?

Why is everyone shoving their hands in Chise's hair 600 times per chapter?

That or the adaptation is shit and gets forgotten about immediately after it ends and no one really brings it up when discussing the source.

Headpats keep her alive.

You know you would if you could.

>She sold herself of her own volition

And she also got half of the money.

To expand on that:

She "sold" herself and got 2.5 M pounds in exchange, a mysterious, attractive/scary nonhuman shapeshifter husbando
(who is developing actual feelings for the first time in centuries thanks to meeting her), a pretty house in the countryside of magical England, with a live-in fae maid who does all the home chores and cooks for her, and a talking dog who doubles as bishonen bodyguard.

She has no limitations on her day to day life, not even school; spends her time learning magic, taking care of the garden,
preparing conconctions and going on adventures. All that scaping from a horrible previous life.

Pretty good deal I say.

Well there's the eternal shota merchant after her and she's dying of magical cancer and there's that time that Elias looked like he was about to eat her but she wasn't even fazed compared the shit she has seen before, because there's has to be a story to tell after all.

>Well there's the(...)
also the thing where Elias wanted to sacrifice her friend to prolong her life and almost got away with it without Chise noticing

This one is comfier and the characters are actually endearing.

I had high hopes for this show.

>people talking about female sexual fantasy #534

are you guys really older than 20. couldn't stand this garbage after two episodes.

>Elias looked like he was about to eat her
He just wanted to see how many licks it took to get her centre to pop.