Do they actually wear swimsuits like this or is this anime only?

Do they actually wear swimsuits like this or is this anime only?

Other urls found in this thread: sports swimsuit

you think women's swim teams race in bikinis?

have you ever seen professional swimmers?

Do you even get out much, OP?

You know where you are right?

>ywn start dating a girl in the school's swim team
>ywn wait for her after-school to finish activities
>ywn be teased with how she always wears a swimsuit underneath instead of plain pantsu
>ywn sneak into the pool at night and mess around
>ywn start making love in the lockeroom
>ywn cum inside her mouth as to avoid staining her clothes during school
>ywn tell her how you always wanted to cum in the gap in her swimsuit and body
>ywn fuck her thighs with the swimsuit still on

Yes, I'm well aware that this is Sup Forums on Sup Forums. So naturally there are many shut-ins here. Even so, I'm still a bit surprised that OP doesn't even know about this.

Maybe OP is just really young and hasn't experienced school yet.

this is a christian message board user

Why even live

I see a benis

They actually removed school swimsuits like that from the Japanese curriculum due to the fetishisation, and now they have a "briefs-like" attachment, rather than emphasising the vaginal area in the delicious way, or so I heard

>and now they have a "briefs-like" attachment

Take off your faggot goggles, faggot.

Competition swimsuits exist.
Needless to say they aren't as delicious on actual 3d women.

girls cant swim

This is the most "I live in my basement" thread ever.

Sup reddit.

>Black and paki girls
fixed that for you.

Implying shut in neets are born shut in neets.
OP's question is as if he was literally born in a jungle and only just now saw the light of civilization.

Didn't you at least had swimming class back in school?
Answer is: Yes, some do.

you are in the wrong place

go home reddit

Competition swimsuit is the best swimsuit

Athletes are sluts. So she's fucking the men's swim team behind your back. Laughing on how flabby your body is compared to theirs.

They had them in my high school, didn't think of them as a big deal until anime however

No. the best swimsuit ever made for olympics looked like singlet and spats.

I'm not poorfag like you, i live in a big house.

Hantsu x Torasshu currently has the best mizugi

That's why I go swimming frequently, I get to look at cute women in swimsuits, with the added bonus of losing flab.
The only problem is those cute women in swimsuits are rare and I get the obese old ladies instead.

I thought Japan wasn't brainwashed by SJWs yet? Why do schoolgirls there wear those 19th century tier swimsuits instead of bikinis?

The OP asked whether they actually wore swimsuits in the game you dolts. Good G-d this is embarassing.
And this is the most newfaggish post ever.

low effort

OP should have clarified and replied then, instead of closing this thread in shame

>wake up

Don't fall for Sup Forums memes, the Japanese right is every bit as culturally & sexually repressive as the American idpol crowd.

My basement is bigger than your entire house, what have you achieved in life?

This is such a stupid post that it has to be real and genuine.

Maybe they're just avoiding you.

>ywn tell her how you always wanted to cum in the gap in her swimsuit and body

That's it, I want to do that so fucking bad. I don't care if it feels shit, I just want to do it. sports swimsuit

And you don't even have to leave your basement.

Why the fuck are you saying "that's it", you prick? Are you actually going to set out to complete this complete this goal?


psh, nothin personnel kid

>that hair



She doesn't even have nice thighs and that hair should be illegal.

What's that white stuff in her crotch area

Heavens above, this is repulsive.

For competition yes, but for leisure the only girls who wear one-piece swimsuits like that are fat chicks

That's Hair conditioner for her pubes

No, the ones removed were these. Then they either continued with the same style, but shorts like you mention there, or changed to just standard one piece swimsuits like in the op, and standard swimsuits are more common.

why the fuck are her pubes sticking out? that's fucking gross

Fewer 3DPDs, more swimsuits?

Less fat cows

I refuse.

My dick


Wetsuits are ultimately superior anyway.

Any clothing that is tight on the girl and shows off her curves is good.

Implying they aren't.

>Fucking you and other men
>implying that she wouldn't laugh at the tiny roid peens and worshipping your massive shlock

Found the pedos.


Swimmers can be pure maidens


Most clothing does in 2D

So do normalfags think one-piece look better on girls or are there actually people that prefer bikini's just because they show more skin?

Wrong. In 3dpd it's disgusting. Here it's fertile.

Fat is fat

Thank you for your fast (you). It made me feel noticed and lightened up my mood.

too far is too far

From the top left, 3,4 and 7 are the best. I've never been a fan of the original school swimsuit, I prefer the standard one-piece.

In other words Nori > Nazuna

while I agree that one piece swimsuits are superior in general, bikinis aren't so bad if you accessorize.

>I've never been a fan of the original school swimsuit

>bikinis aren't so bad if you accessorize.
This. Interesting designs and pretty accessories are the advantages that bikinis have over one-pieces

i know how to swim

Normalfags prefer bikinis because brainlets think exposed skin and huge titties are all there is to sex appeal.

Nori is sexiest wideface

Post your swimsuit and prove it.

The material is too thick and it's not as skin tight, also doesn't cut as high up the thighs as a standard one-piece.

I could understand you liking it more if you were a nip that grew up around it at school or something, but when you start with the standard one-piece it's just a downgrade.

I don't like to go swimming though so I don't have one

I prefer bikinis on lolis and one pieces on tittymonsters.

I don't like them highcut, so yeah, the old style is superior. plus it has the flap where the bottom part is sewn in.

Guys, lets not forget leotards, too.

Gymnastics, swimming and ballet form the trifecta of tight-cut, sexy womens' outfits.

Is there a difference between a ballet and gymnastics leotard?

True statement

>I don't like them highcut

What, how can you say that, the high cut is what makes them so good, you see the top part of the leg that's either normal covered by her pantsu or bikini bottom and can see where the groin joins the leg which is the most lewd fucking part. So you end up with this long uninterrupted view all up the girls leg right past her groin, just leaving her pussy obscured by the tight material of the swimsuit.

You're literally just lying, no way you don't like the higher cut of a normal one-piece.

I believe it's the material its made from.

I like you, user. You understand the beauty of high-cuts.

Does that say iitsuchi?

Artist was very forward to note that he likes that specific part.

>koko suki

Like here I think.


Lower cut gives you the trefoil like panties when viewed from behind. Plus it kind of looks more modest, like a complete piece of clothing.

It doubles as both bra and panties!

Mothfucker I was way off. How did I get "i" and "ko" mixed up.

Never gunna make it

To be fair you need to have a very high IQ to truly appreciate one-piece swimsuits.