Dragon Ball Super

Leave Toppo to me.

Every time.

How is the episode out a week early

there are already 5 DB threads

OP are they flying?

freezer's tail looks a loot veiner than what i remember

Is this the /dbs/ general?


>tfw you don't need tranquilizers to paralyze opponents


>vegeta will get offensive UI and give Jiren a great fight


Out in 2 weeks

G-Gohan, tasukete. Dyspo is too strong.

Is she even going to get ssj3 in the future if universe 6 is ever going to get wished back?

>Out in 2 weeks

but you have posts like this that exhibit behaviour only found in generals

Why does Sup Forums dislike 17 now?

We finally got a non-saiyan whos relevant and putting in a shitload of work

Okay to make sure that these threads don't turn shit we need to make a few rules.

>First of all no manga Vs anime at this point it's beating a dead horse with how shit the manga is.
>Second no Waifufags in these threads it's stupid how we literally don't know anything about them and Waifufags have already shown up fucking shit up. Besides 18 is the superior option anyway
>Third no Torkansufags or whatever they are called.
>Jobhan fags should also fuck off and stop thinking there boy will do anything other than job.
>Are gtfags allowed? Is it the superior show? NO, HELL NO! Even the worst of super, is still better then the best of gt.
>Furries out!!!
>what about vados and 18 lewd posting? Completely fine and requested!
>Buucucks and Cellfriends should stop shitposting about there irrelevant boys not being in the tournament. If people actually wanted them then they would already be a part of it.
>Copy pasta fags get out!!
>NOBODY LIKES CAULIFLA AND HER AUTISTIC SISTER beacuse they ruined Dragon Ball Super fanbase with public masturbators and femdom fags
>no jobgeta vs lizardcuck
>Don't call all sides cucks and feel superior!
>Finally stop giving these retarded tripfags (You)s
If we all do that then the threads will improve.

They won't, already confirmed by their voice actors and Toshio

>without even being able to to put up a decent fight

Are those spoilers real? Because man that just confirms how much Toei hates Vegeta

but i like caulifla, user


>Android 17 entraps GoD Toppo within his strongest barrier
>17: "Toppo, no matter how strong you have become even a GoD can still be knocked off. You say you're a Pride Trooper but your dark sense of justice is frail compared to the love of Universe 2.. and I see now this is the best way to defeat you. Zeno's sick ambition to terrorize the world will ultimately be put to rest by a warrior with true justice."
>Toppo is struggling against the barrier and is visibly sweating, but the barrier is beginning to crack
>17: "GOHAN! DO IT NOW!!!"
>Gohan: "B-but... if I do, then you'll—"
>17: "WHAT!? Something is wrong...! The CHADforce is gone..."
>17's eyes go wide as Toppo shatters his barrier
>Toppo: "Sorry, 17, I'm staying! But if you have a elimination wish... Far be it from me to keep you from it!"
>Toppo viciously blasts 17 and throws his beaten body to Gohan's feet
>Android 17 smiles as Toppo slowly begins to walk toward him
>17: "... Gohan, let it go. It is not a sin to not job for the right cause. There are those who justice alone will not reach. Toppo is such a being. I know how you feel, Gohan. You are gentle. You do not like to erase universes. I know because I, too, have learned these feelings... But it is because you cherish justice that you must protect it."
>Toppo, moving ever-closer: "This sentimental downpour is killing me. It's so nice of you to job, 17, but the time for jobbers is no more."
>17: "Please. Stop your choking. Protect the island and the animals I loved. You have the CHADforce. My scanner sensed it. Just... let it go."
>Toppo kicks 17's head, knocking him off the stage
>Toppo: "Yet another fighter you could have saved."
>Gohan see's an image of a dark horse running past his eyes
>Gohan: "17... you loved justice... you gave everything up to save it... and you were just a retard. I let you job. I can't do that... I won't watch anymore. I feel it slipping... AND I WON'T WATCH THIS ANYMORE!"

Reminder to all anons. Report any avatarfags who use Caulifla, Kefla, Gohan or any other character to shitpost/bait/troll. This is considered avatarfagging and is bannable. Enough reports will get mods to notice. This is the first steps to cleanse these threads and stop having these trolls give us a bad name.

Don't forget they linked this thread from the last one, like a general.

Yes, they are very real, check Herms if you don't believe me.

I said right at the start of the tournament that Vegeta wasn't going to get anything good because he didn't get any foreshadowing this arc

Just JoBETAcucks, Gohanfags and Fatsoppofags seething now. The shift has changed

I think his personality is extremely boring and his excuse for being as strong as he is is total bullshit

Dubfag detected.

Reminder that 17 is a weak little bitch.


That post doesn't link to this thread you retarded newfag.

>his personality is extremely boring

But hes basically the only character who isn't a generic shonen retard

That's part of the joke, yes

If he was Blue-tier he would have easily beaten Rozie.

can someone shop both vegeta and goku here


Christ, and Vegetafags were so hopeful as well

Fuck off, you retard.

I feel the same way for Gohan. If it wasn't for his muh potential, 80% of his popularity would be out of the window

She is going straight into ssj4.

Jiren is a being who will never lose ~ Belmod

There is a universe where a mortal lives, even a god of destruction. CANT DEFEAT ~ Said by Whis 2 times with exactly the same words

My money if the expression NEVER LOSE is not the secret of Jiren's power

It is not that he is super strong or he can defeat the gods. It is a kind of skill that makes it unfeasible. In other words, you can not force it to admit defeat ... It's not just a question of power level

Yes it does, you can't link "directly" to it but you beaners use the same thread title every time so it still accomplishes the same thing.

Our emperor won’t lose to a fucking gay cat. Fuck off.

the only cool character thing he has done is playing the villain for U2 and being an asshole to them


Fuck off spic.

What people enjoy about Gohan is that he was the underdog for most of the time. Because he was weaker than most of the enemies but with Rage boosts he was able to be useful.
Notice how the both times he became the most powerful he did horribly, against Cell and Buu.
Maybe that's the reason I'm enjoying him so much this arc

why must you bully frieza sama


He's probably mad that he didn't get to post an even more cancerous thread than OP.

Probably already wrote a 2000 word post and thought he had the perfect image for it.

Then OP cucks him with a garbage thread as usual.

Does posting this make you mad, user? Are you angry? Feeling a little ruffled?

Take your Wojaks back to Sup Forums retard.

17 is shit though, more boring than Jiren. Toppo is shit too, all of U11 is.

>Because he was weaker than most of the enemies but with Rage boosts he was able to be useful.

muh potential

>I prefer guts

Ice cold. It takes a true act of brutality to awaken chadhan.

bit touchy user

Yes, he had the potential but he still was weaker than pretty much everyone


Awwww is the Vegetafag salty?

I enjoy U11's shittalking and Toppo's dabs.

Why are they always together?




>17 is shit though
that's just your opinion user

fake news

Gohan is the most boring character in DB.

Vegeta Frieza and Zamasu are the only relevant characters when it comes to personality. Goku comes close

Only south america can generate this much autism.
Hope spic subhumans get rangebanned.

Jesus Christ 18 has no chill

i had marcarita edit, but no one saved it

I ship them.

Tien is more boring actually


>buttmad user that OP is cancer is now spamming porn

>Goku getting destroyed once again by Jiren.
>Full power Vegeta unable to even put a decent fight against Jiren and gets badly injured.
>Frieza having problems with Dyspo of all people.
>17 doing his best just to paralyze Toppo, a literal GoD tier fighter.
>Gohan choking and hesitating to help 17 to take out Toppo.

What went wrong, lads?


Good job

what the fuck are you doing
you cant post this on a safe for work board




Outside of Tien, I can't a find a db character that rivals his dullness

You don't know cold.

18 deserves it all


OP here the mods should just delete this thread and ban DBS threads for the rest of the day


Fuck off

begone thot

Boy, did he ever make Zamasu look like a joke.


This except unironically

>that filename

is that bibleblack?

>Believing some Jap-made spoilers over Herms