Darkness > Aqua >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pile of dogshit that’s been out in the sun for too long >Megumin
Darkness > Aqua >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pile of dogshit that’s been out in the sun for too long >Megumin
Nicholas Butler
Brody Robinson
Dylan Wilson
>Megumin fans
>"I love Megumin"
>Darkness/Aqua fans
>"I hate Megumin!"
Mason Ward
Character with genuine depth and humor > titty-monster masochist meme
Matthew Mitchell
megumeme is as deep as her chest
darkness has actual character
Connor Brown
Would a third series have featured more of Megumin's back story? Not sure what order shit happens in the books but they go back to her home at some point right?
Jaxson Thomas
Is there still a hope for an harem ending ?
Thomas Rodriguez
Andrew Baker
>hurr durr I get off to begin hurt so I took up a job where I get hurt a lot
Such depth and complexity
Josiah Jackson
>hurr durr i like explosion xd
amazing depth and humor