Darkness > Aqua >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pile of dogshit that’s been out in the sun for too long >Megumin

Darkness > Aqua >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> pile of dogshit that’s been out in the sun for too long >Megumin


>Megumin fans
>"I love Megumin"
>Darkness/Aqua fans
>"I hate Megumin!"

Character with genuine depth and humor > titty-monster masochist meme

megumeme is as deep as her chest
darkness has actual character

Would a third series have featured more of Megumin's back story? Not sure what order shit happens in the books but they go back to her home at some point right?

Is there still a hope for an harem ending ?


>hurr durr I get off to begin hurt so I took up a job where I get hurt a lot
Such depth and complexity

>hurr durr i like explosion xd
amazing depth and humor

Do divorceness fags ever get tired of being perpetually pooper peeved?

>haha explosions!!! XD
Fuck off Megumeme

In the anime they glossed over some of the LN's plot points and skipped around the story line a little bit so it's anyone's guess as to what the plot of a third season would actually be.

Aqua>everyone else

>nuine depth

Deep down every man wants a woman like Darkness.

>inferior mortal women
It's not even a contest

Aqua is the only useful and fun girl.
Sure she drinks a lot, but at least she's technically the only normal one between LE EXPLOSION XD girl and that dumb titty monster masochist.

Reminder that this will be Darkness at the end of the series. Why anyone would invest themselves in such a character is beyond me.

That said Megumin and her fanbase are also annoying. Aqua best girl.

Still cuter and better than Aqua you massive LaLa fruit cunt.

>so angry he can't even piece together complete words

>Eris fans
>Only me and another user
Brother, where are you?

I'd switch Darkness and Aqua in your rankings, but otherwise I agree


Only you and Eris pretending to be user

Aqua > hot trash Megumeme >>>>>>>>> dumb schtick Darkness that got old after the first time

You know what I’ve always wondered about Darkness?
If Darkness were to get knocked up, would she orgasm while she’s giving childbirth?

most women do
megumi would just die though

Aquafags need to be fucking gassed.

I like Eris, but she doesn't do enough to be best.

they'd probably enjoy that
she doesnt even wear panties

Switch Darkness and Aqua and I'm sold.

>ends with Kazuma knocking up Megumin but she dies during childbirth
>he tries to rebound on Darkness
>she has actually gotten totally over him and is going out with someone else
>Aqua tells him that he can stay with her but that she isn't his waifu and he'll have to take care of the baby himself
Would be pretty funny seeing how mad the fanbase would be.

I'm okay with it.

Our god is an awesome god, and your taste is objectively shit.

I'm not. She should be confident in her DFC.

>okay with forgeries
Would you be okay if you got paid in counterfeit money too?

Why would you hope for something so horrible?


>all girls getting to be happy instead of just one girl

>unironically hoping that the story tosses any and all self awareness out the window and Trashzuma becomes Chad Sexgod because reasons
>unironically hoping that the story embraces the very tropes it was originally satirizing
Go rewatch SAO if you want a self insert Jesus fanfic

>all the girls being cucked for the rest of their lives
>instead of one girl having an actual relationship with kazuma
>the only route to happiness is riding kazuma's dick
>kazuma actually getting a harem

The more standard ending is one girl gets cucked and another girl actually gets to be happy. You know how these things work. The girl that loses never gets to be happy again. Girls if it follows the WN and Aqua ends up having a thing for him too.

Also I haven't kept up but doesn't Kirito only have eyes for Asuna?

On that note, how can she get drunk in the first place? Also why does she need to sleep and eat? Either gods in this universe are really weak or Aqua is far more incompetent at godding then anyone orginally though. Seriously, is she a god or just on overpowered human in charge of dead kids' souls?


Best fanbase on/a/.

That's like saying we're the best smelling pile of shit in the dog park

gotta be the best at something.

>tfw I realize the ornament aqua wears on her hair is water molecule

Step aside

I wouldn't mind being gased by Aqua if you know what I mean


She's literally an accessory to a meme girl.


Kiritio married asuna, fag.

>it's another losers bitch about Megumin episode
Meanwhile, I'm just appreciating the fact that Megumin is getting more doujins than every Konosuba at C93 and will win the Kazumabowl.

Konosuba would be great if she were the MC


Why don't people wear clothes like this irl? Modern clothes are so boring, what's the point.

Because she ruined an actually funny story into a shitty romance filler, fuck her

Don't blame Megumin, blame nips and people with shit taste

No, I blame the author who is a fucking jew going after all the schekels the Megumin merch gives him. He already wrote like.. 3 filler stories about Megu's past (which are fucking boring, like... holy shit they're bad) and the past 4 volumes were pretty much a shitty romance cock teasing. "Hurr durr let's be lovers but not really"

>Character with genuine depth and humor > titty-monster masochist meme
So Aqua is best girl? Cause shes the funniest and most complex female on the show. Everything Megumin does falls flat, no pun intended.

Yes, but don't you find it pitiful to spend your time complaining about a Japanese novel for teenagers not going the direction you wanted? Get over it, stick to the anime, I don't know.

Yeah, the last 4 volumes are nothing but Megumin. Sure thing buddy.

How can you guys hate one of the girls so much? They're all at least decent. The whole series evolves around them.

So I can't complain that one of my favourite series that was actually pretty fun turned into shit... thanks for the headsup user-san

Because romance drama sucks? It's not even good drama, and the last volume with darkness and her "daughter" was alo pretty trash

I like Aqua too

I'm not talking about you in particular. But threads bitching about Megumin aren't a rare occurrence, and that's kind of a waste of time for the parties involved. All you're ultimately doing is bitching, you know.

That doesn't explain why some retards on her go apeshit over the girls.
>Megumin is garbage
>Aqua is literal trash
>Dorkness should just die
If you'd actually think that, stay away from the series. But alas, hyperboles are one of the best tools to farm (you)s, so anons use them a lot.

>that's kind of a waste of time
Y-you do realize this is Sup Forums, right?

Wiz > Every waifu past present or future

Starless, but with Darkness

I like all the girls, hell all characters in this series, that's why I'm angry it changed into such a shitty romance filler

Yes, that's why you should forget Konosuba already and actually discuss something that makes you happy.

I like all of them too, but I don't care about some romance along the way. I can't imagine their relationship being in the center anyway, so I just wait until this plotline is over and we return to status quo with Megumin and Kazuma being a couple.

> I just wait until this plotline is over and we return to status quo with Megumin and Kazuma being a couple.
Too bad author pulls the "Lovers but not really" bullshit to make the filler longer

>literally this