Shadow version, because someone (s) (r) wants attention and is samefagging like crazy.
What do you think of othinus as a character?
I just finished nt9, I liked it. It was a good novel. But I felt her character was a bit "weird", as she had over a billion years and yet stuck to her beliefs until the very end, and only realized the obvious after the 100,000th time Touma beat her.
In the same way I actually think this is deliberate. She is a pragmatist who cannot think of something other than what she believes, until she is finally shown another way forcefully, not through words but actions.
This is why touma only got to her once he forcefully showed her that he understood her. She wouldn't accept that outcome until she saw it with her own eyes as possible, until the very last second.
In some ways I think this is true for a lot of kamachis antagonists, but not all of them. For example, styil and Kanzaki were willing to give touma a chance without knowing with their eyes it would work.
Othinus as a character?
Do you think if the shitposters had 1 billion years to learn that its not all one guy calling them out they would finally realize it?
Nope. They would just call it >one girl, then roleplay as her
I want to formally apologize for engaging the redditor. Ruined the last thread.
Shut up samefag
> Shadow version, because someone (s) (r) wants attention and is samefagging like crazy.
Apology accepted. Don't engage him again, he's been around for awhile and he's ignored for a reason.
Low effort OP designed to attract shitposting.
Time for the final test, just ignore him this time, maybe he will go to the other thread.
Ignore the people claiming samefag every two seconds.
Are you two dumb? This guy started sperging out over “redditspacing” and being obnoxious, the other guy told him to fuck off and didn’t give him (You)s, then the “redditspace” screeched got really mad and shit up the thread by accusing everyone of going to reddit. And you think he’s not the shitposter?
Literally leave. This entire thread was made to avoid you and your derailing. You are a friendless nobody who spends his days shitposting and roleplaying. Actually kill yourself, no joke, no "hehe xd!", seriously kill yourself.
The guy was literally caught samefagging last thread
Imagine being such an asshole people make entire threads to avoid you.
Learn to understand social ques.
Dude, you fucking started this by screeching about fucking reddit spacing for half the thread. Don’t even fucking try to act like you are a bystandard
Imagine samefagging and making a thread to avoid the mean mean Raildexfags making fun of you for samefagging.
See, I told you the next thread would be ruined.
Look, the entire thread doesn't want you here. I'm even angering them by giving you the light of day. Fuck. Off.
Go create another thread if you want, go roleplay as me, I really dont give a shit.
You don't enter someone's house and then start yelling at them, if you truly are not a shitposter than fuck off since you're not wanted here.
This is a thread made by the “reddit spacer” autist from last thread. No subject, doesn’t count.
>look the entire thread
I think kamachi uses pragmatism as a plot device quite often. Even touma refuses anything other than his opinion until he sees another solution work, even then he can still fail.
>starts shit and is an obnoxious fucking cunt all of last thread
>gets made fun of for it
>guys everyone totally wants YOU gone, YOURE THE PROBLEM AND REDDIT TOO
You know what’s funny about this? I’m not even the original guy. I just started picking on you when you were caught samefagging.
This is pathetic.
>Othinus would be an even crueler monster than she was before if Touma died
>Touma's nature might change if Othinus died
>both options caused Ollerus to shit his pants so hard he lost both his arms to prevent that from happening
I wonder what he was thinking Othinus or Touma would do if it did happen?
>mfw the thread shits itself without me having to do anything
It's pretty interesting to me, most characters in other franchises are convinced through words and logic. In a way, it makes them kind of sad existences you can pity. The kind where even when defeated you can pity them for refusing the better option on account they truly werent able to see it.
Next time learn to let things go and stop getting bent out of shape over a fucking formatting choice you dumb faggot.
Must be something more to magic than raw ability, the kind of "if you believe hard enough it will happen" kind of thing.
I bet its all about practicing the medium to channel your true wants, and then your desires being the fuel for your magic. Since all magicians have some reason for becoming a magician, that reason would be their fuel. Unless of course it was solved, in which case they would lose all if not the majority of their power.
My best guess is since othinus has so much practice with the medium, if she had enough ammo, like touma dying, she could be truly able to become a god all on her own.
This is bullshit. Othinus has been around for fewer than 15 volumes and her relationship to the main character is being pushed this hard?
That they'd snap ?Othinus was a fucking Magic God, she would have figured out something, and she still had her crossbow that could destroy the world. Touma is far from dumb so he would probably try use the dragons? Or maybe nothing so drastic and Ollerus was panicking for nothing. We probably will never know.
A double SS or spin off about it with each other seeing the other die would be kind of cool tho.
And here we go...
Mysteries that need no answers are often left best unsolved, for both the mystery and the viewer of it.
Wouldn't it ruin it if we knew why?
Apology not accepted. I just caught up on the thread and you were the main offender there and were clearly trying to agitate people. The other guy got a little obnoxious too but you honestly deserved the shit that happened to you late in the thread. If you aren’t actually a shitposter then stop accusing everyone else of shit and take a good look at your own actions.
Metaposting about a dead thread accomplishes nothing.
This is right, despite an Imouto's status as an inferior clone to an inferior esper
Where have you been for the past 4 years?
I wonder if someone will get the hint and either leave like everyone wants or learn to stop doing what everyone hates.
Even though that someone is a complete child, and is many more things, this is an anonymous imageboard where he could stop and nobody would know what he did, getting forgived whether the forgiver knows he is forgiving or not.
Doesn't matter how many novels he's had with any other girl, Othinus has thousands of lifetimes worth of time with him in story
Someone has to be sacrificial lamb to make super touma, be thankful its the tiny less than 15 volumes witch.
Neither does bringing it back up through a backhanded apology. Sorry, but screaming about a ducking formatting house for half a thread need to be reported or at the very least frowned upon. Same with the “discord”, “one guy”, etc. It’s cop outs used to deflect bad arguments and confuse people and literally never does anything good for the thread. I’m going to say something here and now because this shit has to stop.
I haven’t posted since I called you a cunt, you false flagging faggot. People can see what the fuck happened and what you did, I don’t need to defend myself.
How much can you samefag, holy shit.
You the user that almost stopped reading the novels because of the whole world erasing thing at the end of NT8?
Yes. I was just pulling legs more than anything, but yes, the execution was actually much better than I thought.
Samefag calling me the samefag? Seriously?
This is not a Raildex thread, right?
Then I'm out.
Advice for those who keep metaposting: Learn to let go.
70% of Metaposters are shitposters
29% are insufferable retards that can’t let shit go
1% are people that actually lay out a thoughtful analysis of what is happening and encourage people to rise above, talk about the series, and not give up.
Just be kind to him. Worst case please ignore him. To be honest I don't think he's even shitposting, I've seen some people in my time who'd seem like they are acting but are dead serious.
Look at this image and tell me you don't feel a little bad for him?
He even roleplayed as me pretending to be me samefagging, he obviously has a screw loose somewhere and I can't help but feel bad for him.
Why are you bringing this shit up? You just got done “apologizing” and fucking did it again. The thing that’s happening in that thread has nothing to do with what you were bitching about last thread, and by the way, that isn’t me you damn retard.
Literally why are you even posting this?
I really don’t see how that’s applicable. Chad is a Sup Forums meme isn’t it?
Jesus Christ no one cares
Hey man, I don't want to see people be rude to you. I wasn't apologizing before, but I am now, I wouldn't mock a 12 year old and right now its just punching down. I don't pride myself as someone who punches down or is harsh with those who can't understand social cues. Just please be a bit more careful in the future and try to be nice.
I was on the fence about this honestly, but you keep dragging it back out. It makes me think you just want to stir shit up. If I’m wrong, then take my advice and let it go dude.
are you a fucking tard wrangler or something
You really are a sniveling piece of shit aren’t you? Whatever, thanks for showing me the other thread I guess. Just stay over here and shitpost to your hearts content.
Come over here and let me slobber on your cock you fucking faggot
i am beyond confused, raildex really is too smart (or autistic)
The next time you faggots pretend you arent autistic im linking this thread
It’s literally all one reddit guy from the Sup Forums discord that mobile posts
How do you even manage to keep yourself alive with an IQ this low, never mind comprehend language well enough to type?
No u