Chapter 82 out on fascans. Next one is last one

Chapter 82 out on fascans. Next one is last one




>this chapter
What the fuck.











What the fuck





No way

are yo fucking kidding me

and that's it



Wow, these were some great timeskips. Thanks for posting the chapter.

Well, that was an stupid ride.

Good fucking dammit, this is too good and at the same time is like a big BTFO for any reader.

don't say stupid, we are arriving at Kino central station


>next chapter
>panels made out like a credit roll
>last page will be fire punch clapping his hands off with a single tear rolling down

But even Earth is destroyed. I wonder if Agni just kept floating in the middle of the void trying to remember who he was.

Can we finally agree that this was one of the wildest rides of this decade?
Fucking masterpiece.

>Next chapter is the final chapter
It's been a hell of a ride. I'm still on the edge of my seat, no clue what to expect.

The pages starting from onwards are from the movie he is watching.

>the colors were in monochrome and there was no sound

Has there been a manga more deserving of the title "Kino"?

Kino no Tabi

>a literal eternity passed
This fucking author, man.

what could POSSIBLY happen after this

Oh, then that changes everything.

Hell no, every single panel on this manga was genius.

>an eternity passes
>Judah's body is still in great shape

It's a cycle, the manga ends with chapter 1.

director ;-;

>what could POSSIBLY happen after this
the new star wars movie.

>no one will ever love you enough to spend eternity in space stealing energy from other planets

>the movie ends up saving fire punch and the world

>next chapter, first page is black with text in the center that reads "A long time ago, in a far away galaxy"

What if Earth started to get cold because an other tree from an other planet stole it's energy to heat itself?

>time skip ends
>tournament arc begins

>Judah is floating in the dead of space
>a meteor appears in the distance
>she stares at it and starts to recognise a familar silhoette
>it's Agni, naked, burning and erect
>she opens her arms in embrace for him
>they collide with a force of a literal Big Bang
>universe is born anew
>Look forward to Fujimoto-sensei's next work

How did this fucking newb mangaka fuck over everyone in the industry with his awe inspiring handling of paneling, storytelling and storyboarding?

Fujimoto punched the paper with ink stained fist until it looked like manga.

I would be okay with this.

Every fucking time.

What will Fujimoto-sensei's next work be?

The Heart.

Well guys I can only say that I enjoyed this wild ride with all of you
This.. this shit was weird in a good way

How long until the anime adaptation?

Good ending.

All we know for certain is its genre: it will be kino


Is this manga getting axed or something? This feels all too abrupt. One moment Agni is sitting in a theater clenching his fist and the next we're going thousands of years into the future and the Earth is destroyed literally

Well fuck.

>This feels all too abrupt
Is this the first chapter you read? The whole manga is like that.

>Is this the first chapter you read?
Aye ye cheeky cunt skipped everything up ta this point.

Where else is the thousand year time skip

Please use pic related to preface the final chapter.

Mangaka has said before that he had the entire story planned out from the beginning.

“Mysi need to reread this drunk and happytical” describes how the pacing makes me feel.


Every chapter, I swear to God every chapter puts me on the edge of my fucking seat.

These fucking timeskips

And people complain when we get a two year timeskip. Also, isn't this eerily similiar to Mirai Nikki's ending?

Jesus fuck
Is Agni also floating in space?


How far we've come.


The fuck did I just read

Agni is watching his life because he died.

What the absolute fuck
I don't even know what to think of this

Somehow i don't feel despair but only comfyness.

>Five timeskips in one chapter

truly unmatched genius.

I guess next chapter is the heat death of the universe followed by the big crunch?
fuck me I have no idea whats going on.

But what about Star Wars?

The author must've seen The Last Jedi and said fuck this shit I'm out

When are we going to send a letter to the author praising his kino manga?

As soon as we figure out how to make it spontaneously combust when opened.

No way

This ending is still looking better than Prison School's.

But man I can't comprehend the shit this manga has been showing me.

I'm in
We could attach a matches to the letter

I am enjoying this ride more than I should, probably.

>not sending a laser etched Zippo with Fire Punch written on it.

What the fuck is up with this chapter?

This fucking ending.

So the giant tree becomes a giant woman?

World Punch is one fire manga

You know how the villain's goal was wait out the universe for star wars to come back? Guess when these final chapters started coming out.

Are you implying we live in the Fire Punch universe where the Ice Witch's plan succeeded?

The manga felt like it was getting axed every seven chapters

It all happened a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.