ACE studying with her gf

ACE studying with her gf

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What is ACE studying?

Best girl studying table tennis with her senpai.

how to pong

You mean kouhai.

I don't see best girl anywhere ????

Don't disrespect your future captain.

yeah yeah, whatever

Cutting slits into her skin so as to inset scorpions by the tail into them so it looks like scorpions are growing out of her.

I don't think a thread was up when Munemune had her birthday so here's her birthday picture. A certain someone's present is bigger than the others. The anime staff also shared some more genga to celebrate the occasion.

I believe in season 2


2018 is the Year of the Dog.

How to mate with bears.

That's her on the left not facing the camera.

Kururi is dead, but she's still with us, in our hearts. She's on every Mozuyama picture from now on.

this is the correct answer

Who's Shinka?

I know she's there on your image, but we're talking about the other user's image.

>full chapter of ACE getting rekt in just 15 days
it's been a while

>season 2 happens
>Tsubame gets skipped, we anime original now

I'll take what I can get

>season 2 happens
>it's the Hanabi is ACE universe
>everything is the same except the swap

even better



You are the ACE.

inb4 Spookasa dumps in Takkyuu threads

Will next chapter show someone getting cucked once again? My heart can only take so much NTR

then we get to dump ACE in Lucky Star threads

SPOOKACE wouldn't work, it has to be Koyori or Kumami.


ECA eht era uoY.

Koyori would be the best for spookyposting.

We will ever know how ECA got those white ribbons? ERP ECA didn't had those.

Koyori can give the Spookasa feeling, except she's also really competent and nearly unstoppable, so it's even worse in a way

that one programming meme book

>downvote arrow
You're pretty good.

Flipping the arrow has been a thing since it was airing two years ago.

>ACE is a Java babby who prioritizes flashy UI to show off, until Koyori transfers and shows her the critical issues caused by the garbage collector and forces her to pick up C
Shakunetsu no Gentoo Musume

>two years ago.
Don't lie to me ever again.

>two years ago
Jesus Christ, you almost gave me a heart attack, I had to check just to make sure.

3 years.

>season 2 happens
>80% of it is bear namek with non stop Ace pounding at the table

You think Mayuu plays chuuni fictional spy with others? Scorp would go along.

>80% of it is bear namek
All is right in the world.
>is the best character
>gets the best development
>gets the best screentime
>makes the best faces
Kumami keeps winning so hard it's unfair to the other girls.

Hamster goes along with her chuuni games for food.

They play make believe during practice when Dess isn't looking. Dess gets angry and Scorp is quick to act like she wasn't part of it and was just telling them to stop.

>Prefers tears over sweat.

Dess only gets angry because she thinks Zakuro wouldn't approve. Otherwise she's the most chuuni and would be the first to play. Remember when she yelled WE'LL BEAT YOU TO DEATH at the protagonists over pong pong?

Tears are basically eye sweat.

Kumami is a bad girl.

>you almost gave me a heart attack
Why? Is there a problem with discussing ACE after two years?

Yes, I thought it was two years of me failing to convert everyone into Mayuufags.

ur mum laff

That's a really big contact lens if you think about it. Also, doesn't that mean their eyes are canonically very big? I wonder what type of implications that holds for every living human...

Well she needs an entire case for one lens so I'd say big eyes are canon. It probably helps track the ball when playing ping pong.

How do we call this new type of PRE ACE?

Post the original.

Is Mayuu their daughter?

Contact lenses are like the one thing in anime the always break the fourth wall when animators least want it, most of the time they're still drawn small, seeing them actually match the eyes is kind of hilarious in it's own way though.

Using our words, user.

Feels bad that Munemune is not as popular as even some of the side characters.

>2 shakunetsu thread in 1 day
what a beautiful day duwang

Do they teach that in school?

I would go along too.

Sex ed

Fuck Koyori. In the ass. While ACE watches.

She is very uninteresting, I'm not surprised.

Bad, user. ACE is for fucking, Koyori is for watching. The hole depends if it's PRE ACE or POST ACE.

Don't lewd pre ace. She's for consensual yuri armpit kissing at the very most.




doujins when?

PRE ACE is for consensual yuri foot licking.

4 more hours.


No one post the Spurdo edit.

She's alright, but she's paired with the more endearing captain

What doujin would you make?

>inb4 boring Koyori and Agari yuri

Sweat orgy between all the girls. Doujin ends with Koyori gathering everyone's sweat with her tongue and gargling it.

Kumanosuke x Agari's arrow

Only if it lasts 15 chapters just like the real thing

>sweaty characters play ping pong and cum
>lewd JCs

There. It's a normal chapter.