I've just finished this and I liked a lot

I've just finished this and I liked a lot
Well... I didn't like how it ended of course. Season 2 when?
There was a lot of thing they didn't developed... Why Japan doesn't finish what they start?

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First for Horikita.

Quit typing like a retard.Its an advertisement, READ THE LN.

Kei a best.
Honami a second best.
Sakayanagi a third best.
Whorikita a shit.

Shit taste
I prefer watching my waifu being cute rather than reading about her

Kei is best girl

The LN is better
Kei best girl you shouldn't forget that

Season 2 won't happen unless the author finds another studio AND the studio is willing to "retcon" season 1 anime into its proper form. Season 1's director took a lot of liberties especially with his waifu Horikita and deleted all the Kei scenes even though Kei becomes much more important later on. His one inch dick probably won't want him to do a Kei-centric season.

These are the best girls you can invest in this series as they're worth a lot of points.

Horikita > Sakayanagi > Ichinose > Hasebe > Ibuki > Shiina > Sakura > Karuizawa