Spoilers never
Shingeki no Kyojin
I've just catched up with the manga. Holly shit stoic Eren raging is much more scary than his usual rage.
I agree with you on this one.
He is like a vengance incarnate now.He is the night.
Isn't it too early?
Indeed. He will only become more terrifying as he continues his GRIM REMINDER
did last thread get nuked?
And is it just me or his titan became a bit bulkier like Grishas.
Armongfags posted armin porn
Armin belongs to Mikasa.
Whats his masterplan?
To be a dead dilf
Ragetard is so savage now
Why attack titan posseses memories of the future, and why eren waked up from a future dream while not yet being a titan?
>Shartmongfags being cancerous again
Who would've thought it possible right?
why would anyone like Annie
Don't get it
She makes life worth living user
Armin belongs to everyone.
How do people still talk about this show.
It's Naruto levels of bad and should be banned from Sup Forums.
Araa~ Watch the lip, user, or I'll slap it of your tripfag face.
>such a newfag that he doesn't even know what a tripcode is
Typical Attack on Titan poster.
Fuck offfffffff namefag
>Fuck offfffffff
How underage are you, really.
You're really not helping your case right now.
Fuck offfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
You need to be 18 or older to post here kiddo.
Have anymore trendy buzzwords to use improperly kiddo?
Your posts are just embarrassing at this point.
You don't belong here.
>muh elitism
It's supposed to be early spoilers month...
Where are the spoilers?
>attack on titan posters are all underage
Well fuck me sideways, no shit.
fuck you m8 im older and more /fit/ than you bastard cunt ass cock
>muh your new
>muh 18+
so was it ever explained why rid ended up so big?
He took CT serum wrong would be my guess
stop retards
But his cringe is too much
stop you
And people wonder why these threads get HAKAI’D
Endgame right here, brothers.
Hongo OUT
Falco is a good kid and doesn't deserve this.
Hanga a cootie
Manlet IN
I hope they use protection. They reallly shouldn't bring a kid into this situation.
Hey man, whatever happens, happens. Ymir would've wanted it that way.
no one's falling for that shitty bait you fucking dumbass piece of shit i hope yiou fuckgni
Who the fact cares what Ymir Fritz thinks? She's responsible for this mess.
Just because a god exists doesn't mean you should worship it. That just encourages them.
>She's responsible for this mess.
She is.
At the very least, she's responsible for all of the terms regarding the titans. Like the endless nightmare they live in, their violent nature, and the fact thatt shifters can only live 13 years.
That shit ain't on Marley.
Armin killed the manga.
And I killed your momma last night. What are you gonna do?
The fall of shinganshina was 9 years ago, not yesterday, Reiner.
I ship HistoriaxMiku.
What happen /snk/?
>Not MikuMika
Pretty shit tier
people got tired of waiting for spoilers.
The only reason why Mikasa might like Miku is because she has the same eye color as Eren. And her hair is also that colour. But she'll probably just prefer Eren instead.
Historia, on the other hand, will probably really love Miku's voice, the center of her being. She'll probably find it comforting to hear her sing.
Why mods deleted the entire thread instead the Armong posts? they are so lazy?
Did you not see that thread? It was beyond saving.
I want to kill my self wheres the fucking spoiler?!
guys helos is the wht im telling you
The magazine is out in Japan right?
yes, we just have to wait a leakers leak it
Yes. Early spoilers tomorrow. Prepare your anus Reinigg
You're going to kill youself over snk spoilers?
Go see a therapist.
He's a ragetard that has evolved past a normal ragetard. His is a rage that burns coldly, constantly, a frigid river of transparent acid, concerned not with suffering, even his own, but the end of all life within and without himself which is visible through his apathy. And he knows it.
Just caught up.
So who's the bad guys?
>Wall eldians (if story is true) would have enjoyed peace, Willy/billy? only bought up the fact the titan attack was false due to the titan shifting from the king family to eren. Eren attacking will also further strengthen the whole worlds hatred on paradise.
>Marleyans/warriors for obvious reasons.
I know it's not all black and white, but is there someone we're mostly routing for?
Best crossover
>who's the bad guys
Great Scott
>“Levi, you should get out of here. I’m not coming back.”
>“What? Why the fuck not?”
>“Because,” he said, placing a hand on Shrek’s shoulder. “This is our swamp.”
>The scouts were quickly led away by an equally disturbed and bewildered Levi, and they never returned to the swamp of Erwin Smith and his Shrek again.
It's beautiful.
i am not even going to open that, i believe you...
Another glorious read.
everyday we stray further away from God's light
>I'm going to have to reject your advances
>Shrek x Erwin
>Farquad x Levi
This shit should be illegal
Well, dykemir does have the same seiyuu as miku.
Pairing characters with Shrek for cheap laughs got old in 2013.
Helos reveal soon?
Can someone post the shingeki eye chart?
he is wht
You ship Hisu and Ymir's VA?
AM is endgame.
Gas yourself.
Lost my EH folder, otherwise we would be having a good time now. Fellow EHfags wanna help me refill it?