
So tell me about this shit, Sup Forums.

Is it any good? The main things I know are that food is involved, the power creep is apparently absurd, and the anime version's animation looks pretty bad.

From what I can gather from how it was promoted, I get the feeling Jump expected this to be the next big thing, but I never hear anyone talk about it.

Just give it a read faggot, the anime as usual marketed to kids had to censor stuff.
> but I never hear anyone talk about it.
Because you are new as fuck.

Well you're not wrong, in that Sup Forums is not my main board. But whenever I am here, there's never a thread about it, and nobody outside of here seems to ever say thing one about it outside of a rare posting of this specific page.

So it's good?

Depends on what your taste really, I enjoyed the absurd power level techniques and fighting later in the series. Just read like 20-40 chapters in, as for me? Yeah, its good. I like how they incorporate cooking of alien animals which have their own power level (capture level). Its hot blooded stuff.

Well then, I'll give it a shot. Is there a particular scanlation that's best?

Just go with whatever online most.

It’s good except for skipping half of the last arc and rushing to the final fight.

It got the cacelation notice early enough that it could fast forward to the final battle, but the fact that it had to get that notice at all was a shame. Admittedly, the arc seemed like it would probably drag a bit if it went as planned.

It's hilariously over the top even by WSJ standards.

Just ignore the "le forced series" fags and you'll enjoy it. The anime is pretty awful but Tommyrod vs Toriko was pretty good.

This show has the best and most hype threads out of the weekly shonen because people didn't spam threads and only made one a week. Good shit if you turn your brain off, everything just got so ridiculous near the end.

Its harem centered around Komatsu.

This basically.

The homoerotic overtones were immense.

It's amazing as long as you don't think about it.

I can appreciate some ridiculous shit. I read fucking Devilman, after all.

>le forced series
I'm guessing a lot of that comes from it getting to have a crossover with both One Piece and Dragon Ball?

Pretty much. That and it got a lot of covers while it was running, imagine, a long running WSJ series getting a lot of covers.

the author went bonkers giving love interests to Komatsu and then just went "fuck it" and finally made Toriko marry Rin right before the final chapter.

>I can appreciate some ridiculous shit. I read fucking Devilman, after all.
Somebody post the attack size chart.

Oh trust me, I've stumbled on some of the numbers, and an attack size chart, and I know they get pretty absurd.

>Pretty absurd

the most pushed wsj manga ever, it was crazy

The art is actually really well done, and it has some of the most insane fights from any battle series I've read. It's a really fun manga, just don't take it 100% serious and you'll have a good time. It was a bummer when it finally ended because the threads were so fun. It's honestly a manga that's pretty hard to predict because the stuff that gets pulled out is just insane.

>The art is actually really well done

So what the fuck happened with the anime version? It looks like some amateur-hour stuff from what clips I've seen.

>What the fuck happened to the anime version

In jumps bid to make it the next one piece, they gave it the same trash anime schedule. They did literally everything they could think of to make it the next staple.

I can't believe this faggot is STILL around.

The manga is actually done, yeah? So would it make sense for them to go back and do the rest of the series as a seasonal anime to give it some proper time? Sort of an FMA Brotherhood or Hellsing Ultimate situation?

Not if Toei is doing it.

Yeah but those don't really convey the scale, because the scale is how hungry people are and how much they can eat.

There's aliens who use megastructure cooking utensils to eat planets.
The entire story takes place on a planet 50 times bigger than earth but with the same gravity because it has a hollow center that is supposed to be filled like a giant tortellini.

So I take it the weird as fuck food-focused world is the main draw of the series, yeah? I took a skim over some wiki info and saw some of the setting stuff, like how there's a human world and a gourmet world where shit's a million times more dangerous but the food is appropriately better.

Honestly if you're planning to read it I'd stop digging there. The gourmet world thing is pretty important to the overall story.

>skimming wiki
>spoiling yourself
The fuck are you doing? Dont be another speed reader faggot just because you skimmed the wiki.

Waiting for my next paid week off to story time the whole dam thing. Unless someone beats me too it

Honestly I'm not even sure how I found myself on it. Through reading about the crossover special on the Dragon Ball wiki maybe?

But don't worry, I didn't do too much. And there are things I've actually spoiled for myself for real that I still went and read properly. I've already started reading, and I'm on chapter 3 right now. Does this motherfucker ever stop eating? I'm guessing the answer is "only when he's fighting"

How did it end?

The main plot points got railroaded into a swift closure, and we got a "The Adventure Continues" kind of epilogue.

I enjoyed it.
It was very shounen.
There were some super gay undertones tho.

The early chapters were mostly about the fauna and some stuff about the world with metric tons of eating, seeing how fuck huge the stuff he hunts in the series.

Its worth reading DESU. Especially if you like biggatons/power levels.

Naw man, it skips the entirety of the gourmet world arc, and makes up a non-canon ending at the last minute.

>Had to censor stuff
They butcher it.

No, he eats while fighting too.

So I noticed.

With the main cast going to space, to I assume the red (current universe iirc), blue, or white universes eventually that were hinted at for good food.

Meh, I liked the series over all.

Its a show about buff dudes, who like to eat outrageously delicious shit and achieving the next level of uber-man from doing that.

Honestly it was pretty fucking fun and comfy.

They were going to explore the blue universe IIRC.

Toriko Shippuden fucking WHEN?

Shimabukuro died yo...

I’d prefer Sariko instead.
All their descendants all girls and go on adventures.

Cute musclegirl food adventures?

The threads were the comfiest during the PAIR arc and the epilogue chapters.

Toriko was decent
better than naruto/bleach
worse than one piece/ hxh.

Toriko was a joyride from beginning to end. And it had the single most satisfying end chapters I've seen. That last feast was the best.

>the power creep is apparently absurd
man, you don't even know

Fake news faggot

>Space arc never ever
Fuck you for reminding me.

>that black guy strapped to some moon
i never noticed that and the guns too.

god i wish this series would keep on going

>planet sized 1911 just floating through space
I wonder how powerful a .45 would be scaled up to that size...

>Gourmet luck was really the pure spirits of a family of ancient gourmet gods that escaped the furthest lands in the gourmet big bang
>the family members' tastes were changed by the event and their favorite ingredients that they protected were scattered throughout five different universes
>Each of these universes are linked to each other and to the original furthest lands, where the ultimate transcendent divine ingredients await for all mortals who seek to claim them
>Toriko wants to find a path to the furthest lands, while eating planetary ingredients in the meantime
It would've been so good.

It gets pretty hype, but in the end had to be rushed before it got the axe

There's also a revolver and bullet out there. I'd guess they have the power of a supervolcano, assuming the Earth is on the bottom right for a sort of scale to compare.

Isn't Shima going to release some one shot in WSJ? Maybe if the response will be good, he'll get some series or they'll let him continue Toriko in some other Shueisha magazine?

>midora runs towards the dining table in the finale
cathartic boys

I choked up during that part.

What killed this series is the manga was revealed to be a pedo. It had a huge following prior to that.

U should check out Toriko OVA. It was made by Ufotable before the TOEI series premiered and it's really good. If if doesn't make u hype then maybe this series is not for you. It's only like 20 minutes long as well

>there's never a thread about it,
Even when the series was in serialization, we got to the point where only one thread would exist that never reached bump limit. After some time people left the series and left only the die-hards and occasional trolls to talk about it.

That being said this is a Shonen I enjoyed from start to finish and it only really has one low point for me. Give it a read because it's worth your time.

The monkey king was the best thing to come out of this series

I miss it so much.
It was such a fun read and the threads were pretty comfy too.

I think I shed a few tears at it.