Archer was right. Shirou's dream is an impossibility. It won't save anyone, not even himself

Archer was right. Shirou's dream is an impossibility. It won't save anyone, not even himself.

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just because he's right doesn't make him correct

Nah. Let him pursue it.

So why didn't he become a fire fighter or a cop if he wanted to save people

There are plenty of heroic professions that can be summed up as something OTHER than "travelling murder hobo for hire". Shirou was just an autist.


But which one was more attractive: Emiya, or EMIYA?

Always saving everyone without fail is implausible, but people can be saved in the pursuit. Trying is better than not trying. Saving one person is better than saving no one at all.
Being a superhero is specifically about saving lives, he wanted to emulate his pop, and magic and all sorts of supernatural things exist and it's stupid to have your protagonist want to be a muggle in face of all that.

>Essential superhero kit, by Emiya Kiritsugu
>Stinger missiles
>excavated rib bones
>willingness to execute hostages

No shit, EMIYA is living proof that Shirou's ideals are shit.

He didn't want to save people, he wanted to be a superhero.

So basically Shiro was an autistic little shit that cared more about being special than actually helping people
No wonder so many people on Sup Forums like him

The act of wanting to save someone is exactly the same as wanting for there to be people who require saving.

Shirou's ideal is not something to praise, it's an ideology of endless suffering for the appeasement of one child's desire to emulate the actions of a morally bankrupt murderer.

Why is it so wrong to want to save everyone

Because he just wants to get a heroboner from saving people like Kerry did from saving him.

>The act of wanting to save someone is exactly the same as wanting for there to be people who require saving.

Because Shirou only wants to do this because he feels that his life has no value and can't figure out any other way to satisfactorily kill himself besides throwing his life away in service to others.

Hello, I am the best track from the vn

shirou is like 16
He doesn't know shit about life
living as a hero is hard look at seig's life, he's seigfriend and he got broken down by people endlessly needing his help.

Shirou's ideals are like having a waifu. It's chasing after something beautiful even if you know you can't attain it.

There's value in that, and EMIYA forgot that. EMIYA admitted to himself that Shirou is right, that's why he allowed himself to lose in UBW.

Woops wrong link:

Because Archer is still Shirou and Shirou is a stupid shit? Yeah.

How do we make Archer happy?

Get Rin to stop pleasing old men
Archer will be sad forever

Don't forget

>worst excuse to cheat on your wife ever

Archers not that old

Irisveil didn't deserve a cunt like Kerry. She deserved someone who wouldn't betray her.

Any excuse to cheat on Iri is a good excuse.

Dreams are by their very nature impossible, but they must be pursued regardless.

At least do it with a hot chick like Fastwheel's wife and not an autistic reverse trap.

t. Angra Mainyu

Only when your dreams are stupid.

Anything would be better than Iri. At least the trap is useful.

Does the time as a Counter Guardian count to his age? Unending janitor service and all?

He thinks being lawyer would be more effective

Stop posting, Kiritsugu. Shitposting about your wife on Sup Forums won't make it easier to strangle her to death. Go play with Illya.

> It won't save anyone
aside from the hundreds or even thousands of people, Shirou saved during his career

Although I agree he should have fucked Illya when she was at her prime, it would have been out of character for him. Kerry doesn't make good decisions.

Jannu, or Seibah?

Here's a practical example why it's important to pursue the impossible.

In cars, designers put air bags, seat belts to improve odds of survival in a car crash. Of course, it's probably not realistic to save everybody in a car crash, but it's still worth pursuing a safety design that would save as much people as possible.


That's correct. He will save people, but he will ultimately be betrayed and killed in the end and live his afterlife as a murderer for eternity.

However, the pursuit of the ideal is not wrong. It's not wrong to want to save people, therefore it's okay to life your life for others if that's what makes you happy.


But are Shirou or Archer happy?

Ever present feeling always kicked in at the exact perfect moments and made me cry. That first time the scene with Kiritsugu and Shirou on the porch played, I could barely read because I was sobbing like a pussy ass bitch.

Death scenes don't make me cry. Tragic backstories don't make me cry, but boys becoming men makes me emotional as all fuck.

He's trying his best.


>turns back into cinnamon roll
>hair turns to shit

Sounds good.
>willingness to execute hostages
Deserved it.

How did EMIYA survive for like 2 days after being killed by Gil without any mana, and then suddenly have enough mana to snipe Gil from mlies away?

>How did EMIYA survive for like 2 days after being killed by Gil without any mana,

But he didn't just lose his master, he got killed by the Gate of Babylon.

Weel fuck, his stats are shit. How did a younger and inexperienced version of himself(Lower stats) managed to defeat Gilgamseh?

Read UBW and find out for yourself.

Anyone who summons Assassin should just forfeit the war and save themself time. What a garbage class.

>those stats

Bullshit. He managed to fight Lancer, Saber and survived Gil's killing blow without a master in these battles


It's not wrong, and he now knows it's impossible, but still worth pursuing

Or not be an idiot and use Assassin to assassinate the masters from the shadows instead of engaging in one to one fights with other servants.
Assassin is easily the most misused class in Fate.

Yeah you're right F/SN is all about power levels and if someone has slightly lower agility they're fucking dead.

YOU are the reason these threads are so shit. Fuck you and your insane ability to conveniently ignore everything in favour of criticism. Archer got his shit kicked in by Lancer, Saber, and escaped Gil's random sword spam by luck.

>he got killed by the Gate of Babylon.
No, the characters THOUGHT he got killed by gate of babylon.
>Weel fuck, his stats are shit.
Stats aren't everything and combat ability can't be simplified into numbers like power levels and the stats are just for general reference.

I mean, it works out pretty well in Fate and UBW. He saves people, and ends up in paradise with Saber in one or just is a happyhero in the other.

EMIYA died happy. He only became full of despair when he had to massacre people as a Counter Guardian.

It stands to reason that Shirou making himself happy by saving people and hopefully not meeting the same fate isn't a bad thing for anyone.

Hegelian dialectic. Neither were right, but both had something to offer. The agenda is making the world a better place. The Thesis is heroics. The antithesis is pragmatism. The synthesis is heroic mundane action and doing the best you can with what you've got without destroying yourself and becoming a villain in the process.

Just don't make any shady deals with the world.

He's good at what he does. He's refined what he has to absolute mastery. His swordsmanship is good enough to make Herekles appreciate it while insane. Good enough to fight the greatest spearman in the world. And he's mastered his variety of tools on top of that.

Which is the ultimate irony. Goldie mastered nothing, EMIYA mastered everything (not quite but it's more poetic that way) and Shirou? unlike Goldie Shirou was the master of just one thing, and it's the one thing that Goldie uses most of all, he mastered having an infinite supply of weapons.

There was nothing shady about it, Shirou was just retarded

You mean this one:

He was happy until he became an eternal janitor

>Or not be an idiot and use Assassin to assassinate the masters from the shadows instead of engaging in one to one fights with other servants
Isn't the metagame in the war to kill the assasin first to avoid that

UBW is a fucking stupid route.

That's why Heaven's Feel where Shirou gives up his ideal is the true end of the VN, after all.


Fate GO proved Emiya wrong

*blocks your path*