One Piece

Jinbe has years of experience over Luffy, so of course his Haki is stronger

Huh? Cracker has 4 legs?


>Chapters later

If Brook isn't at the top of your list as the best Straw Hat after all this, you're beyond help.

>They actually go at her using tactics, working together, and exploiting her weakpoints
>Powerlevelfags all come out of the woodworks to complain "NOT MUH YONKOOOO"
What a fucking chapter lads. Fucking loved it.

His haki was thinned out and cracker was in a very good position

Do we know that jinbe has both arms still

So is Big Momo weaker while skinny or not? Because if she isn't then Oda is making her look like a total joke

Slow down.

/ss/ pls