Buyfag Thread

pretty girl

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Why do people keep making threads early?
Are you really so desperately hungry for attention?

well since porkchop is played out im going to start spamming dick girls as ops and you will post in the thread

Its the same retard, every single time.

Amiami just listed a lot of cute blends merch like coasters, pins, and mugs.

insta PO that mug.


That's nice. Already ordered the Stile plate and mug though.
Should probably finish the series eventually, but I don't want to deal with dumb trap meme bullshit. It was comfy up to halfway through.

He's barely relevant though.

Do you prefer the Irish maiden or the ghetto whore?

>dumb trap meme bullshit.
Hideri is actually a pretty fun character, just push through it user.


Reflection makes no fucking sense on either

Also, Ill take right
It's back

I want the one by blade

>Ark performance

I like, the guy knows his legs and thighs


I don't like traps but I like Hideri. He is a good joke character.
>Should we make a distinction between the two for next years survey?
It seems very arbitrary to lump all doujin with H-manga while ignoring regular manga, as sfw doujin have more to do with normal manga than with porn manga.
I would do something like that:
1. How many manga do you own?
1.1 How many of them are pornographic?
2. How many doujin books do you own?
2.1 How many of them are pornographic?
And that's if you really want to know how perverted are your fellow buyf/a/gs, else just ask for the number of manga and doujin.

To the left? Based Fumikane never disappoints. His and the one to her right are probably the best two, I think. I'm glad I only really like three of the designs.

Is the Gabriel Dropout Nendoroid still set for 2018?

Why is left censored?

what's the third one?

The girl illustrated by Yoshinori is blatantly padding her DFC

Post collections.



Hamburger lite on the far right.

I would have gotten that if they had stuck with the more messy style of Misakura Nankotsu, brutal penis, veins, balls bra and all that shit. Tongue sticking out and eyes blanking out

is that Sakura worth it?

>pic related is getting an anime
wtf am i reading.jpg

If you can find a place for it. As you see I had to modify the top shelf of the detolf to fit it.

Taimanin sluts are always nice sluts


would unironically buy every figure

no more Daiki pls

Eh. Is there enough content to make an anime out of it? I did like the one that had a bit of a story though.

yo mah man were did you buy those stands?

Finally got Alice, and she is great!

>enough content to make an anime out of it
>12 eps of panty flashing and verbal abuse
would watch

I got these two Christmas Raitas a few weeks ago. They're gonna look really out of place for every month that isn't December though. I can't bring myself to box them up though so that'll have to do for now.

I built them. Acrylic sheets and rods cut to size and acrylic cement.

I can respect a man who knows what he likes, but he needs to work on his presentation.

I've been meaning to sort them around and shuffle them. Maybe tomorrow

Wasn't aware she came with a completely different body. That was a nice surprise.

If you had one or two more shelves you could make a better display with what you have. I don't think you could shuffled them around with the room you have and make it look less cluttered.

I mean I was going to move a few of them out. I have other shelves

Once I have fewer I can for example use the middle shelf of ladies kneeling and seating can come up front while I have standing ones behind them.

Just ordered these 2. Wasn't going to at first but saw some people talking about it and I think they look nice together. Thankfully the 2 I wanted were still available.

are those the ikea cases? is that how they come stock?

So for anons who got the Licorne Saber Lily what are your opinions of this new company? Needs more figures to make a proper opinion or are you optimistic for future products with how this one came out?

Those are the pinnacle of furniture yes, though they are with DIY LED lighting set-ups.

Those are 3 Detolfs and a Billy with custom LEDs set up. I also raised the top shelf above Sakura 7 cm with small U-bolts to fit her.

Flat paint, missing shadows and highlights on skint ones, Hari and the dress, details could be better, molding is a bit sloppy. They are dar from being horrible but as of now they are barely average and sitting at slightly below kotobukiya tier.

It was average, nothing particularly impressive nor shit. Not really worth the price though.

Is that a motherfucking Bishoujo Mangekyou figure

thank you, anons. beautiful displays!



>molding is a bit sloppy.
What issues do you have on the molding?

What is a good place to get anime posters?

Left easy

the internet probably.

Left's face with right's body.

Hairs stars are underdetailed and overall too thick, in the same vein there is no complex texture on it. The dress has some visible molding seams and the same blunt molding issues that the hair.

It's like they tried to get a simple and elegant look but fell into the bland and underdetailed zone.

Nothing even close to figures like this

I get most stuff from local conventions and artist alleys.


If that picture serves as comparison, that saber looks quite boring. Even racing saber turned out way better and it was made by a so-so manufacturer.

Print them at your local drugstore.

Nabbing this along with pic related.

the episode he's introduced in is literally the only one he's relevant in

I want this so much. I can barely afford essential stuff right now. I don't even know why I came to this thread.

I guess I just can't see what you are saying without pointing it out on the figure itself. It just doesn't seem like a big issue unless i'm just over exaggerating your intent. Maybe i'm just blinded by my satisfaction with my purchase I just want to at least understand what you are getting at so I can be better informed in the future.

Worship Pochaco now!
who CHILE here?

She's not going get released this month, is she?

What does it mean to have a figure released as standard vs limited?

Should they really be pulling off cool poses while chilling on the table?

Left face + Right body.

tfw no dolls to play with and make silly poses

A man of taste.

Those 3 panels where her innocent look slowly turn to disgust are perfect.

Not sure if I should move them all to my place yet. I know someone is going to bring it up, but the one next to the billy is a closet door.

What should I expect from a preowned fig listed on Amiami as ITEM:B?

I know they tend to be anal about the condition of preowned items, but has anyone bought something at that condition that had obvious blemishes or scratches?

probably literally no difference between it and A except maybe some jap looking at it once

What site is this? Link?

read the reply chain

Almost back in business.

>Nendo Akko + Bunny Body under the bunny mech
Hah. Cute.

>buying that D.Va figure

that one is shit ass expensive

Could they get a less attractive woman to stand in the background and look disinterested?

I agree, it's shit, the quality is ass and it's expensive.

It's probably just some random desk worker that was in the office that day.

Plus it's Griffon after all, I'm sure a company like GSC or ALTER would have more beautiful women laying around for photo ops.

I was close to getting raccoon twice in a row by almost getting the claw to hook onto the loop thing on her head after getting her onto her side. I tried logging in with another account I have but it wouldn't let me log into it because the TOM website is acting retarded.

I guess it's what I get for trying to cheat, good luck to anyone else.

When do the Amiami cards switch over months? My December order hasn't shipped and they are now closed until the 3rd so will I get the January one?

Would you?

I got her, thanks for your work

I don't like how big the head is compared to the relatively normal proportions of the body.
I'd also rather not give my phone to Saber.

Oh my god so that's what it looks like zoomed out. By the way what do you use to panel line?

dunno. How useful is it gonna be in 5 years?

>tfw can't wait for this to arrive

Will probably get packed away in one of my totes because no way I'm displaying a dickgirl when I still live with family.

Anyone have experience with melonbooks?
They accepted my card but when I tried to buy something else a little later I just keep getting declined.
It's weird, my bank thing shows the money being sent to them and immediately coming back.

at least you're not gay