Anyone excited about this? From the previews it seems like some sort of Eureka Seven meets Bokurano...

Anyone excited about this? From the previews it seems like some sort of Eureka Seven meets Bokurano. A possible good candidate for AOTY 2018.

>Cocona already lost


Character designs look like shit.

>mysterious girl is a catalyst for something happening to mc

ive seen too much of this

It's FLCL + Diebuster + 5 Star Stories + Star Driver.

who's the director

I am honestly one of those "it's Trigger, I'll watch it" people. I have to be at least a little excited

>mfw when Cockona becomes Cuckona

It's Nishigori but he begged Imaishi to direct the action scenes.

It's one of the oldest cliches in anime.

>anime goes well
Based Trigger does it again.

>anime goes downhill

>anime goes well
Based A-1 does it again.

>anime goes downhill

I get the feeling it's gonna be the QUALITY Code/Re:Creators of the season.
Bland and mediocre and everyone will forget about it after it ends.

A1 can only do romcoms well.

I hope it's at least VVV/Aldnoah tier.

At least she has not-Kamina to fall back on

More like "Guilty Crown meets Star Driver" to me.

It's barely a trigger anime, Imaishi is only involved in action sequences.

It's as Trigger as it is A1. Either way, crediting a studio is dumb since it's 100% Nishigori's baby

This. I avoided Kiznaiver from the start not only because it didn't look like my cup of tea but because everyone said it was bad, but I actually ended up enjoying. Luluco meeting Nova again in the background was more emotional to me than the actual ending of Kiznaiver

Not really, trigger got more than enough chances to prove themselves already. If this new batch of shows they've announced doesn't impress me I'll start skipping their shows.

Maybe you just have shit taste, in which case I guess trigger trash is right up your alley

If the characters are entertaining I can eat up pretty much anything, so maybe.

>a young and naive freshman gets infatuated with a bad and dangerous older girl

If this is your cup of tea go for itm

The characters are all the most cookie cutter looking motherfuckers out there

Coming counter-clockwise, starting with the boys we have:

>Too cool starch collar rich boy
>harmless fatty who's good at encouraging others by being useless
>would-be lady killer with some smarts
>actual lady killer with serious smarts
>tepid blood good boy protag
>straight laced but honest honor student
>genki sports girl
>slightly airheaded rich girl
>class president
>mysterious exchange student with special powers

Like the minimum amount of effort in visually defining these characters. They're going to be the same shit you've seen a hundred times.

You only got the fatty and the pink girl right.

>edgy kid who trusts nobody but himself
>dumb tryhard who talks big and wants to show o
>cool and supportive best friend of MC
>depressed kid who is considered a drop-out failure
>"class president ", MC childhood friend
>attention whore
>smart and inquisitive girl who acts like everyone's mom
>dangerous mysterious new pilot with a dark story

As long as it ends in some kind of weird symbolic gattai-orgy where all the male pilots have to symbolically insert their dicks into the butthole or vagina of the girls, and the girls have to symbolically lesbo-kiss each another to unite their robots into one big superwaifu-bot to unleash ultimate power, I'm willing to watch it.

Needs more girls

The animation looks amazing, I just hope that they didn't spend all the budget in making the PV and the end result will look like Handshakers.

Who dies, Sup Forums?

Best friend and fatty.

>mecha has a side mouth

dam that character design looks boring as fuck