This Mexica Goddess is asking for your heart

This Mexica Goddess is asking for your heart

What do you do?

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Fuck her tits


you might lose your dick in there

Wait, that's a bad thing? I mean, it went inside that wormhole anyway.


I want to lay my head on her lap, suck on her titties while she strokes my dick gently until I cum.

What THE FUCK happened?

The Aztec couldn't draw for shit is what happened. No precolumbian civilization could properly capture her beauty through drawing alone.

Lucoa body is literally too much for me, but I would gladly let my native American guerrero friend fuck her silly.

I know you are shitposting but plenty of precolumbian cultures were insanely impressive artisians, pic related.



I want to suck on dem tiddies.


well I had more but Sup Forums is giving me issues and won't let me post more images, and I need to head to bed anyways

>some fucker in ancient times made this with mud and a pick
>i cant draw an animu face with a digital tablet and a shit ton of tools to help

My ideal Lucoa doujin is having this alpha golden heart aztec procreate with her.

Too bad all we got was shota/bald fat man shit.

The coconuts up in the palm tree look like tits, not coconuts


rape her

If it makes you feel better, that specific statue was apparently only made sometime around 600-900 AD.

Thats what coconuts look like when they still have their husk on.




Nothing. Quetzalcoatl was against human sacrifices.

As long as she's not asking in a literal way

>ywn be statutorily raped by a by a literal Mexican titty monster
Life isn't fair

in some sources.


make her sacred xocolatl instead

Go to the next town, capture 10 of their finest warriors and pull their hearts out in front of her.

Why can't we have stuff like this

Because the Conquistadors burned every book they could find, and destroyed every building and city they could find and built early colonial period cities out of the pieces, and then dieases wiped out everybody who was alive who still had the memories/upbringing/skills to remake or continue the culture.

If Cortes wasn't a dickwad or the Tlaxcallans never sided with him, and dieases didn't BTFO the whole region as hard as a result, you could be looking at a timeline where the region modernized like japan while still keeping ttheir pre-industrial culture, history, and cities intact, and had those inlfuences games and media.

That all being said there is still way more preserved and left then most people realize, you can buy entire books about Aztec poetry, for instance

She did stuff to her sister or something
that's your problem, why would you think the tools you use would make you better/


>you could be looking at a timeline where the region modernized like japan while still keeping ttheir pre-industrial culture, history, and cities intact, and had those inlfuences games and media.
That will always sting in my heart imagine a modern mexico built around pre-Columbian downtowns.

Go read up conquistador accounts of some precolumbian cities, it'll more then sting"

There's tons more excerpts of descriptions like this both from where those are from and from other texts.

The jaguars and plumes should give you a hint.

imagine how horrifying it must have been to be an aztec. your art is full of skulls and demonic jaguars and shit and your religion revolves around killing and eating people to worship scary ass gods.

>even more thicc
>revenge sex
>group sex
Japan ain't nothing.

>imagine how horrifying it must have been to be an aztec. your art is full of skulls and demonic jaguars and shit and your religion revolves around killing and eating people to worship scary ass gods.
Imagine being a follower of Abraham, and realising that your religion invented the concept of making non-believers criminals. No other culture had the silly belief that complete strangers in other far away lands, are committing a sin for not ever heard about your own god existing. The South Americans were confused when the Spanish insisted that they convert to Christianity. Why the fuck did they demand it at all? It makes no sense.


>imagine how horrifying it must have been to be an _____________. your art is full of _______ and ___________ and shit and your religion revolves around __________________ to worship scary ass gods.

Copypasta with potential

My favourite part is how the conquistadors outlawed the growing of quinoa because they saw it as sacriligeous leading to mass starvations.

Ironically quinoa survived to this day to become one of the most prominent grains/vegetables in western diets.

What book is this? I wanna read it.

Good things.

Literally all this. Lucoa is a bombshell.

Ejaculate in her womb over and over. She can have all the baby hearts she wants.

I need my heart to survive, ma'am, sorry.

>Not pulque

Oh wai-

>Mexico city should be a venice city with beautiful pyramids and temples, surrounded by the same skyscrapers we have today in one of the biggest cities in the world since ancient times

It really sucks.

I'm sure they were pretty well off, considering most sacrifices were slaves and pows they captured from other tribes

LEtting aside the fact that you are an ignorant underage faggot, that actually sounds pretty good to me.

I want to rest my head in Lucoa soft pillows

you know that out of the states people were buried under churches, right?

Her paizuri would be the best fifteen seconds of my life.


>other tribes

*other states. Most of the region, especially around where the Aztecs were, had state governments and cities. The average city population even back as far as the 1420's was in the tens of thousands of people.

Here's a map of the region in 1519 showing state/territorial borders (not indivual cities, or towns, since there were thousands), only stuff marked with "territorio" would have been tribes, and even then some of them had small urban communities or cities/towns. Anything else is city states, kingdoms, confederacies or unions (if labeled with "confederacion") or actual empires (if marked with "imperio").

As you can see, the only areas that really were predominately tribal or simialy "not civilized" were around the lower half below mexico, or way to the north.

Not sure user.


How many pure Aztecs live in Mexico today?

>sorceresses laughed at him
>he then had sex with these sorceresses
Absolute madman.

I don't know man, I like her design and all but I can't see her breasts are real breasts. That boing sound and the way they kept bouncing reminded me of rubber balls more than saggy fat, which tits are.

>No other culture had the silly belief that complete strangers in other far away lands
Yeah, they just went off and subjugated their neighbors and made human sacrifices lol. Not saying Judaism was any better but you're looking like just as much of a prick.

I don't into modern mexican stuff that much, I'm mainly only interested in precolumbian era stuff, but I'd suspect zero.

There's certainly plenty of people in mexico that are descended from the ethnic groups in actual core Aztec cities: The desecedents of Montezuma have their lineage traced because they were admitted into Spanish nobility as viceroyalty during the colonial period, so there are people today who can trace their family tree directly back to Aztec royalty:

Generally speaking, pretty much everybody in Mexico has at least a bit of native DNA in them, IIRC over 90%, and some regions still speak native languages, including Nahuatl (which is what the Aztecs spoke) and Mayan languages, and a fair amount of groups still idenfity as indigenous, though I couldn't tell you genetically how much of them is native vs european or how "indigious" is defined in mexican demographics. seems like a place to start looking though, and pic related is an example of somebody with a more genetically native apperance; though keep in mind different native ethnic groups looked different

To clarify, What was the core of the Aztec empire; the lake system in the valley of mexico in cntral mexico, is today litterally underneath mexico city. The lakes were drained in the 1700's to alleviate floodiing (since the spanish couldn't replicate the systems the aztecs had in place that allowed their captial to be built on the lake with canals a la venice without flooding or sanitation issues) and to give more room for Mexico city to expand.

So the core Aztec cities and territory were areas that the Spanish ran and took over directly during the colonial period, so those areas in mexico probably have the least amount of their population's genetics % wise be native, though; again, pretty much everybody probably at least has some native ancestor.

You'd want to look at the more rural areas in north or west Mexico, Oaxaca (where the Mixtec/Zapotec were) or in the Yucatan peninsula area (which is where the Maya were) for more geneticiially and culturally native groups. The Maya in particular had independent, uncoquered city states all the way into the 1690's, and even going past then you had various groups still practicing native traditions and culture to some extent, though obviously not unaltered by the passage of time and colonial contact

Nipples need to be bigger

There is not a single evidence that she is Quetzal you mongo.

But she is named as Quetzalcoatl

>fifteen seconds
I wouldn't be able to last that long. Her offer to do me would be enough to make me wet my pants.

The manga actually calls her Ehecatl in some parts, which is a specific incarnation of Quetzalcoatl associated with the wind


Just some few months ago, they discovered a Temple for Ehecatl underground in Mexico City

Source in Spanish

are you talking about catacombs or relics? jews were the first religion to get rid of human sacrifice with the story of abraham and isaac, and it was uncommon in the roman republic and non-existant in the roman empire.

Not suprising, as has been said already, pretty much all of the core aztec cities are buried underneath mexico city


Came for the titty monster, stayed for the Pre-Colombian Mesoamerican history


Give her the dick instead


she became more chill
Grab the nearest sharp object and attempt to teat my heart out of my chest before dying.


That thicc body

>The manga actually calls her Ehecatl in some parts, which is a specific incarnation of Quetzalcoatl associated with the wind
It is likely why she has a right eye of Jade. The wind stone.

>"Our astonishment was indeed raised to the highest pitch, and we could not help remarking to each other, that all these buildings resembled the fairy castles we read of in Amadis de Gaul; so high, majestic, and splendid did the temples, towers, and houses of the town, all built of massive stone and lime, rise up out of the midst of the lake. Indeed, many of our men asked if what they saw was a mere dream. And the reader must not feel surprised at the manner in which I have expressed myself, for it is impossible to speak coolly of things which we had never seen nor heard of, nor even could have dreamt of, beforehand."

> After we had sufficiently gazed upon this magnificent picture, we again turned our eyes toward the great market, and beheld the vast numbers of buyers and sellers who thronged there. The bustle and noise occasioned by this multitude of human beings was so great that it could be heard at a distance of more than four miles. Some of our men, who had been at Constantinople and Rome, and travelled through the whole of Italy, said that they never had seen a market-place of such large dimensions, or which was so well regulated, or so crowded with people as this one at Mexico."

> Indeed I do not believe a country was ever discovered which was equal in splendour to this..But, at the present moment, there is not a vestige of all this remaining, and not a stone of this beautiful town is now standing."


fucking japs the detail is amazing

I considered an alternate history where Columbus doesn't make it back from Hispaniola because all his ships are broken, instead he gets stuck there. It would then take a couple of decades before any other european showed up, but at that point european diseases and a healthy skepticism towards christianity had spread on the mainland.

I like how they bounce

Give her my dick instead.

As much as I dislike how Maidragon discussion thinned from series discussion to chorogon lore/banter to UUGH THICC, the side-effects of everything centering around Lucoa and the Mexican goddess meme has spawned quite a good number of interesting infodumps. It's so fucking dumb that the only technical records left of pre-columbian, mesoamerican societies are two and a half burnt codecs, so talking about them almost always brings new little tidbits and thought threads.

>asking for your heart
Insufficient funds.

>two and a half burnt codecs
I never realized until now how much was truly destroyed by the conquistadors
It's amazing how much nothing schools truly teach. You're forced to learn about how the conquistadors were all evil and shit, which is completely wrong, but the teachers are so incompetent that they can't even deliver on the other side of that by teaching you truly how much these civilizations accomplished, so you end up with an entirely wrong viewpoint and will look like more and more of an idiot the further you delve into this topic

Same goes for other topics, but I could talk forever about the issues with public education. I'd like to talk about it on Sup Forums, but that will never happen

My heart belongs to my waifu.

ancient aztecs were based, they weren't moeshitters or waifufaggots

>the conquistadors outlawed the growing of quinoa
And rightly so.
Fucking hipsters.

hey! quinola is great for hunger management

Who cares?

The best/worst part is the towns/buildings/gardens those excerpts are talking about isn't even the captial city proper, but just a smaller settlement across the lake from it.

Almost everything they are talking about there is what's labeled as Iztapalapa on the top right here, which was only a fraction of the size and as prosperious as the actual city; and there were like 10+ other similarly sized towns as Itzapalapa around the shoreline/on islands near the main city itself too. So the actual captial city (which was outright in the top 5 largest cities in the world at the time) or other large cities around other parts of the lake system were even grander.

That being said, the Market it mentions WAS inside the capital.

I mean to be fair, there are more then two and a half native books/codice left, there's around 30, it's just that the vast majority of them were made during the colonial period in an attempt to re-record information that was lost by conquistadors burning stuff by friars and shit going to native people and getting them to tell them shit, or by said native people themselves.

In addition to those, we also have other native writings for the Maya in their stone steele, which has pretty detailed information on specific rulers and their life/political events on a day to day basis. On that note, the Maya had an actual true written language, in addition to a hieroglpyh system: The hieroglyph glyph scrpt, as you imagine, had specific pictographic glyphs that represent what they show, but they had a seperate glyph script where you had sub-glyphs that represented spoken sounds, like letters, and then combined to form words, and was a true written language in the same way asian character based ones are.