So you got in, right user?

so you got in, right user?

Other urls found in this thread:

I only want to get into the KG. I've already completed my backlog

Tell me how to make a successful application

>unironically watching anime in 2018
i thought we just assembled here to shitpost about shows we never seen.

I got denied twice
Even mentioned how I already belong to multiple private trackers all with ratios well above 5:1
What's the secret?

[email protected]

please in b4 sent:)

Not as amazing as I thought it would be, Bakabt was way better.

Be honest and genuine, and know the basics of torrenting. I passed it twice just writing about anime I liked.

I've been in AB for over four years and I somehow have 2TB of buffer. I will say while I like that the 1080p torrents are freeleech, I end up getting 720p ones instead because they save space and I don't care about 1080p.

Just say that you like dragon ball super and that you're part of the Gohan Chadforce.

Shit site.

yes my IRL friend got me in, but he doesn't watch jack shit anymore

Needing space in the age of $100 8tb HDDs
Even if you're an archive fag it's plenty cheap

10.42 TB

>Bakabt was way better
Heh not really, Baka not only has that retarded blacklist, but they also have shitty encodes of some series that have way better versions.

bring back boxtorrents

new years freeleech soon

Still, don't like bloated torrents. Sometimes it's like 4gb for 720p but the only 1080p is poorly encoded so it's like 25gb.

So I go on to use it the other day to download an anime because it had 2 seeders but was stalled, and you know what happened? I download the anime only to find out whoever uploaded it didn't include the OP and ED.
I thought this was a professional site, I just wasted precious ratio on a botched torrent.
Would have just let the one on nyaa run for a couple days until it finally connected and downloaded, which is what I did in order to get the OP/ED.

Unlike jpopsuki, I don't think theres any way for me to abuse the points system to keep a good ratio with no effort, so I'm kinda careful about it.

I got deactivated because I forgot to log in several times...

I feel the same way but I still get 1080p only. Haven't run into anything hugely bloated yet

>a professional site

You're talking to a mentally ill "girl" that got banned from AB actually. Don't bother.

I don't know man, when you need a invite to get in, I expect certain standards.

It's at least curated so you don't have to sift through a dozen encodes, and shit encodes are always replaceable.

What I liked most was the music content. Nobody on AB gives a shit about it, most of the new torrents don't even end up getting snatched.

>If you had the strength, you could live. This is our contract. In return for my gift of power, you must grant one of my wishes. If you enter this contract, you will live as a human, but also as one completely different. Different rules, different time, a different life... The power of the king will make you lonely indeed. If you are prepared for that, then...

Nah, I'm good.


On the first try.

alright, i'm using this next time applications are open.

>google bakabt will never return

What did you say?

Oh yeah, I really miss all the music collections on bakabt. Lots of them were very comprehensive.

Is bakabt still closed to the public? I really wish I had logged in at least once so that they didn't deactivate my account.

>applications still open
Jeez how low on users were they?
Site might as well be public at this point.

I'd rather talk to her than cryptic faggot

Good that I can relax now and download whatever I need in the future.

I'm pretty sure bakabt has interviews open in their IRC though. check it out if you want

take a guess how many people joined ever since applications opened.

>It's at least curated so you don't have to sift through a dozen encodes
I understand that this is was what they were going for, but I know of at least 3 ovas (Wicked City, Genocyber and Cyber City Oedo) that have low quality versions when there are better avaibles at AB. I would upload them but uploading anything on Baka seems like a hassle.

they probably want to fill it up before they close it again

Just looked, smaller than I thought.
How many joined in this round?

How do you even get your application rejected? I answered like a retard and still got in.

"As promised when we closed off our public component, several months ago now, we have been working on a way to still join BakaBT.
Currently our invite system is still in it's early phase of development, but it is possible for new users to join BakaBT by interview in our #bakabt-invites channel.

However users who still have a forum account, but had their tracker account pruned will be able to reactivate their account from theirforum profilepage. Do bear in mind that reactivated accounts are basically treated as new accounts, so stats will be 0 as we do not keep records of your old account stats once they are pruned.

Individual user invites will be made available soon, so Power Users will be able to invite people they want/trust outside of the official invite channel, but as mentioned that feature is still under development. Currently I cannot give an exact ETA, but we're hoping to finish this feature sooner rather than later."
-August 3rd

fuck you, larping faggot. you did not.

>How do you even get your application rejected?
you don't answer like a retard

no clue, but it hasnt really gone up over the course of the last few days. i dont really see why you conisder that the equivalent to an open tracker though. i mean, i realize that it was a hyperbole, but having 18k members really isnt that much considering the amount of fucking anime out there.

>30k maximum
nice edit my man

I answered the questions.

It's not that difficult: if you're rejected you either drew a dick reviewer or you're a retard. Possibly both.

Give them a reason to want to add you to the community; don't be a stupid fuck. It helps to actually write legible answers.
Applications are open again

>tfw account was deleted due to disuse
I only remember AnimeBytes exists when you guys make these threads

What are the best websites to look for comiket releases?

Are you implying that someone would lie on the internet?



JPS is two times better than BBT and AB combined for weeb music

You can reenable it in IRC. The first time it reenables automatically.

Treasure Island is AotF? What the ever flying fuck is wrong with neo AB. I don't want to see ruined classic children's novels by incompetent jap hacks. Also marked

Do I get new friends?

Where are you finding these $100 8TB HDDs? I'm looking at getting more storage space and I'm seeing $100 getting you 4TB.

Cheapest was $150 for 8tb drive on black friday.

Can you do multiple applications or do they check for your IP?

I already have an account with them but was thinking of making another one. Would they check for my IP or should I change it?

I disagree. There's some really good forums that have tons of old and obscure music not on bakabt/animebytes or jpopsuki.
jpopsuki is actually really limited for anime music, it's mostly contemporary Japanese music in general.

>watching obscure shit
Why would i?

Not OSTs user, and even when they happen to have them it's not all contained in one nice package for the series.

Jpopsuki is only really good for it's name, J-Pop, not anisong or anime stuff.

>baby's first private tracker
What's the point of these threads

why would you want another account? pretty sure that isn't allowed

Wish I had money then, gotta get one now as my current HDD is making noises I don't like. Gotta clone it before the fucker dies completely on me.

Mods want to be invited.

What's best way to get power user?

Why would they? Anime sucks

>implying the 2010-+7 mods watch anime

>"discussion" on some random fucking site for special snowflakes
fuck off

upload music

Yes user grapes are all sour

I know multiple accounts aren't allowed but I just want it. Would be nice to have as a back up. I don't even plan on using it unless I have to.

stay in /ptg/ you deranged monkeys

True, but I tend to download OST's from AB, since it is well arranged and you can download just what you want. In BBT, most of the time, is a single torrent with a lot of stuff you don't need. Although, I have shitloads of buffer on BBT, so if it is big I download it from there. And if what I'm looking for is rather small (like a single album), I download it from jpop, since I have more buffer there, than in AB.

if you're PU+ you could make an extra email then invite that email. skipping the application process entirely. Though you probably make sure that when you accept the invite you have a different IP.

how do you not have a large buffer in AB? Yen is so easy to get you just need sufficient HDD space

>not already having an AB and a BakaBT AND a jps
C'mon it's like you are all newfags or something

What's the best way to get yen?

Seed forever

1.5 Tb on AB actually, but a 4 Tb buffer on BBT and like 2 Tb on Jpop, but just because of the bonus points.

Leave your computer on.
You can also get YEN if you participate on the forums, but who does that

seeding shit or donating I'd guess
I've had 3 dead torrents seeding for ~7 days seed time and I've got ~600 yen

Is it exponential? I've had 6 torrents on for the past 2 weeks and have gotten about 3k.

1. Find a torrent with

>tfw you're filthy rich

>tfw I only get scraps each day

seedboxers need to leave.

I just don't like seeing beloved classic children's novels be raped to death by greasy japs

anime is 4k?

Would you let me hold hands with you're waifu for an invite?

Please don't attach kumiko to your shit posts

After 50000 threads about AB my indifference has turned into anger.

Fucking Anime Tenchō OST torrent, not a seeder nor a peer ever

I don't know why the mods don't delete them on sight

First time I applied, I answered the questions seriously and was rejected.
Second time I meme'd it up and told them I'd only ever leech and they let me in.

how do you know when an anime is re-encoded? it's the only thing stopping me from finding stuff to upload, fuck

avoid uploading lesser known fansubbers then. Whose releases were you planning to upload?

Thanks user, guess I know what i'm going to be seeding for the next year.

How often do you get rejected?

>4 invites
>no friends