Dragon Ball Super

things we don't miss from Z.

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good animation?

super has better animation than Z but worse choreography

>Super has bad animation
go meme somewhere else.

>Jiren looks utterly bored

>alters the body of the user, making him skinnier and younger looking, more godly and elegant than Super Saiyan forms. User's hairstyle even keeps its regular shape, making him look more relaxed and less forced than other forms.
>User's energy becomes godly so it can't be detected by non godly beings.

>infuses SS with god power, changing its hair color. Small blue/pink flames of energy surround user's aura, and form works like a burst mode of SSG (making user's energy godly as well).
>The first seconds of the form provides of an incredibly high explosive power, then the mantainace of the form drains user's stamina to keep using a power beyond SSG's.

>regular SS
>lmao spikier and brighter hair makes you just stronger who needs more amirite?

Why people keep defending the original SS again? It's the laziest and simplest of all, literally KKx10 without drawbacks

He probably was
Hit was nothing to him

You're right. They're on the same team now, so them fighting wouldn't make sense.

>super has bad music

Thats actually pretty bad.


not really.

One of the best fights in the series?

But he appeared in Super already, and it was great because Toyo humilliates him every time


Lots of ATATATA but really this should be the standard for any DB episode.

>starts with lazy blurred moving background and dialogue
>purple guy is literally a dragged around still image during the fight
>red is a weird, blurred, unfocused figure in a distinct background during ground portion where he's ever actually animated
>atatatatatatatata again
Meh. Dragon Ball didn't have top tier animation or anything but the art work made it leaps beyond this.
How many levels of irony are Super fans on right now?

Dragonball > Dragonball Z > Dragonball GT >Super

>purple guy is literally a dragged around still image during the fight
>red is a weird, blurred, unfocused figure in a distinct background during ground portion where he's ever actually animated
you're retarded. congrats.

I have to admit one of the coolest move in DB (besides "Soul Punisher") is Supernova. Simply for how it is charged and looks.

are those the best transformation in dragonball?

yeah, nobody misses him, even with the Toei push the rating are still declining

>defending shitty palette swaps
SS4 > shit > Goku Red and Blue

Gelatinous rib cages.

I miss blood.

>literally same level as Piccolo
>suddenly SSB tier because lol poachers

Super is garbage and worse than GT

SS came first, and God/Blue are literally retarded recolors of it. Only turbo autists like them.

>Every thread is now just spammed with how shit super is
>All still continue to watch it week by week

How long until you nostalgia fans admit you actually enjoy the show?

>defending a furry transformation and magic pants

THIS is what Cell's final form should've looked like.

Glad to see I’m not alone in hating this forced faggot.

Still more effort than just changing the hue.

>triggered Pedro without arguments

>SS came first
Not an argument

>literally recolors
Way more complex than SS, way better. God and Blue are the forms that aren't just a different skin (for good)

90% of sonic OC designs has more effort put into it than super sonic, that doesn't make them better

>Lots of ATATATA

Super abuses the shit out of ATATATA and beams.

DBZ used them too, but not nearly to this degree. There was much more actual fight choreography in Z, an ebb and flow where one moment led to the next.

>Toei fanfiction

Hey guys check my super original Super Saiyan forms that took 5 seconds to create. I call them Goku Red and Goku Blue. They're original content, do not steal.

Also, please shill and defend them from anyone who claims they're lazy.

>complaining about cel animation

Back then, they didn't use computers. Appreciate it.

So how Toppo gone full power yet and is he as strong as a god of destruction or do you get a massive power boost if you take the position?

17 being SSB tier for no reason is worse than fanfiction.

Fanfiction writers are far better than Super's writers.

I unironically like the blue hair

>Be Zeno
>Erase a bunch of universes but not the angels
>Those angels now have no job

So if those universes weren't to come back hypohetically those angels would be standing doing jack diddly squat for the rest of eternity? Seems like Zeno doesn't go back on his word....maybe when the grand priest takes over this might be relevent.

is this supposed to be ironic?

all of them are better than SS4

You forgot Ultra Instinct lazyass



>Pedro is still mad because God and Blue are way more complex than any other Super Saiyan transformation besides its look
Go back to furaffinity

>that foreshadow
It will not be UI who will defeat Jiren after all.

I think the problem is nobody needs new forms in dragonball, the animators need to animate good fights and the characters need to have techniques instead of random power-ups.

Blame it all on Toei lmao


Powerups have been the name of the game since Z, friendo.

Vegeta Saga - Kaio-Ken
Frieza Saga - Super Saiyan
Cell Saga - Super Saiyan 2
Buu Saga - Super Saiyan 3/Mystic/Fusion

Hell, Goku's been getting power boosts as far back as Karin's sacred water.


Reminder tha Frieza is THE absolute EMPEROR of ALL the UNIVERSES.


nah new forms and rapid punches that shake the world is DB's while thing, it's alright to have the occasional character with technique and strategy but too much of it and it'll be another tryhard shonen that has several paragraphs of explanation like HxH


The cell arc was a complete joke animation wise, 60% of the episodes had DBS episode 5 tier animation

goku vs cell warmup was cool


Obviously. “Overwhelming power”


Thats some Mario bros z shit right there

Same, the lack of violence really hurts this show. It just look silly.

Getting a massive power boost would be absolutely retarded because you are supposed to TRAIN a lot before become a GoD. Considering that anime didn't revealed that Toppo is a GoD candidate yet and manga had him with god ki already and Vermoud saying he's retiring soon, I think the idea is that Toppo has been strong enough to be GoD since the start of the arc and the episode is just revealing Toppo's god ki and full power in the anime version

Is it aniraza or anilaza

Delete this lie.

It's a pun with "lasagna" so you are supposed to use "L" and "S", no "R" and "Z".
It would be "Anilasa" or something like "Agnlasa" or "Annlasa"

Vegeta was ahead of Goku, he was learning UI...WHAT HAPPENED?!

i dont think anyone ever said super has bad music but until the tournament arc the atmosphere was completely off compared to Z

The only anime to have rivaled OST to Super for me is Yugioh 5Ds.



You are right about Blue. God has for more changes than hair colour, as does UI.

stop reading wikis

UI is not lazy
It fits

Sarcastic bad animation aside, the greatest fight scene DB ever pumped out was probably from Battle of Gods.


The only fight scene ever that I can say is better than this is Boros vs Saitama and even that scene had less impact than BoG despite having better animation.

Are the shitposters banned or have the burgers just not woken up yet?

probably both

He did?

last manga chapter

Neck yourself

So when is Vegeta awakening UI, lads?

Next Arc

You are fucking mad

next year

Why would he be?
GT was cancelled after only 60 episodes and it's not canon.

Not more than that guy lmao.

mad like crazy, not mad like upset
SS4 is the best, legendary super saiyan was non-cannon too.

Sure it is, Jose Manuel.
Let me guess, you think Gohan Blanco would redeem DBS.

How weird is "Double Final Impact"?

Yamcha stole 18.

Krillin got cucked...but not really.

Why are burgers obsessed with ntr? Did you have a gf that cheated on you or something?

Even though I rock with la raza, aint no body Venezuelan here.
How did that meme even get off the ground???

Can we even say "canon" "non-canon" anymore, just because toriyama isn't writing it? He isn't really writing super either...

It's not ntr thou. Both are from different universes.


I miss that shit. Too bad the creator turned out to be a lazy furry.


I'm slightly drunk. Sue me

>le poachers meme
Why do people assume 17 only got stronger from fighting poachers? Android 17 most likely TRAINED when he had time off from his job. Just like everyone else in the series. Frieza because stronger than SSB just from 4 months of training, then overcomes the stamina drain in his golden form by meditating for a little bit. Yet I don't see you people complaining about that.


>that awful choreography
>hit flagrantly being a dragged still
fuck off