You know the drill


Write a mahou shoujo that has no twists and a happy ending

Write an isekai that is cliched but enjoyable

Write a mecha

Write an anime that would be reposted in future Write an anime plot threads

Write a battle shounen

Bonus Challenge: Critique the poster above you

Other urls found in this thread:愛-奉文-x-聖子

A oridinary girl wakes up from a dream on day, a dream with a truck falling at her from the sky. There she wakes up in a semi-futuristic world, that is supposedly medieval-inspired despite having several instances of baroque clothing and architecture, where people battle in giant mechs to fight overwhelming forces of demons from Hel. There she forms a contract with the goddess Luppa, and becomes a mahou-shoujo mech pilot; and rises to become one of the greatest there ever was, due to her ‘talent’. There she becomes surbodinate to the king, as she influences the tide of battle with the tittle ‘white knight Errand’; many quest follow, through romantic landscapes, and one includes a mysterious sword. With the sacred sword of Nyūhōfen, pulled out from the depths of an ancient cave, she knows that she will lead a great kingdom and cause the fall of the demon.

But will she conquer her heart? Both a reverse harem and harem knock on her door to worship her prowess, there will be not-so-subtle yurisms (even a feisty 100000 years old lolicon to boot), which she will eventually reject for a man as this is only yuri-bait. Who will lead the sacred queen in her heart? Find out in Magical Mecha Queen Yui!

kinda like sword and magic for the mechs?
or gundam style mechs

Pretty cliched but can be played for meta laughs with enough skill
gag comedy
>setting is Late Napoleonic/ Early Victorian
>MC is the Emperor of the local hegemon in notEurope
>genius in war
>eminence in court
>handsome, charismatic, rich ,intelligent, all round nice guy
>complete fuckup in love
>Unfortunately despite for arranged marriages, fate decided to take a colossal shit on his love life
>He is on the receiving end of all shoujo tropes
>all of his arranged marriages or regular romances ends with the girl either running off with another man, running off with another girl, or a ploy from an enemy nation with the foreign princess running off with her guards after a failed assassination
>Now in his late 20s, and still a virgin, he's getting more and more desperate, as well as the court who's expecting an heir
>Manga is comfy royal shenanigans as he try to find love, or at least, someone who won't run off
>recurring characters include MC's family including his two little sisters whom MC has to find a future marriage partner for
>MC's general best friend who is very popular with the ladies. Constantly gives MC advice that backfires
>Chief advisor who has multiple daughters, though each omiai ends with them inadvertently humiliated the MC
>genki brunette loli freckled naive guild apprentice/heir that constantly drags MC out on different adventures, whether in the capital or out
>good wife bangs big breasted maid, that seems clumsy but is very adept at her work, wears kneesocks
>blonde twintails fanged foreign princess/diplomat who is very smug, is not a tsundere, and prankster type
>short haired childhood friend onee-san cake tomboy royal guard who is taller than MC
>yamato nadeshiko hime cut harakuro who is the daughter of a court physician and a doctor-in-training
>tomboy wins
>The other girls all have their own pairings and never loved the MC romantically

>kinda like sword and magic for the mechs?

Oh shit, I forgot to make it a battle shounen:

Her Harem follow her on her way as she develops a new party of misfits, who would all eventually becomes legends and saints. Knights would journey on their quests, and she would meet every knight in their intricate backstory before they join her party. There are 20 levels of demons, and in order to destroy Lilith , they have to weaken her by destroying her subordinates. They defeat the demons with the power of friendship, but the twist is, they all act as a physiological puller against each other; meaning that the choices that the party makes during intense situations, and the relationship they have between one another, can have devastating consequences.

MC is a magician in a fantasy world where magic has been researched to the point where basically everything magical has a 'scientific' reason discovered. Because of political scuffle in his 'university' he is sent away to a faraway village for 'on-site research' on wildlife. But a girl in the village has a Precure-esque encounter with a magical being from another magical world and transforms into a magical girl and fights evil monsters. The girl manages to keep her identity secret from everyone, including the magician. Thus the magician keeps trying to explain the weird new magic in vain while also trying to find out who the mysterious 'witch' is, all the while the girl finds new comrades and keeps advancing the Precure-style plot.

I don't really see the point of the magician MC. Will he eventually find a reason for the Magical Girl transformations and win a Magical Nobel Prize or something? Or intersect with the MS plot at some point? I guess that, if true magic were forbidden or something, the magician could fullfill the role of inspector Javert to her, but there's no point forbidding something that nobody believes in.

Now I realize I don't have a plot to post

>which she will eventually reject for a man as this is only yuri-bait
Oh boy. Just imagine the shitstorm that will happen.

Nope. That's the whole point: he'll always be one step behind the girls and get bamboozled by this new inexplicable magic. No true magic or anything, this magic is simply new and different and not 'scientific' which will irritate the MC to a comedic effect.

>MC is a successful career women thanks to a contract with the devil
>the contract says that if she doesn't get married before 25, her soul will belong to Hell
>she doesn't care, getting a husband will be easy, besides she is too busy with her business
>24yo and still single
>desperate reverse harem where the woman tries to hunt husbandos, willing to date and marry anyone and everyone
>it never turns out how she wishes, one of the guys she fancies turns out to be gay, other uses her just as a relationship rebound, guy who replied to her dating ad is a minor etc
>as her 25th birthday are closer and closer she gets more desperate and employs extreme dating measures, enters combat tournament to kill "waifu" of her coworker, hires assistant only to harras and rape him, gets pregnant with the goal to guilty trip the guy into marriage and starts threatening men with guns if they don't marry her... with no success
>so she decides to marry the devil himself

as long as MC has tsundere relationship with devil the whole time as well as some orgasm denial in there for good measure I'm sure as shit on board for this

A kid whose father died an early death gets trucked and wakes up in a fantasy world poblated by all kinds of creatures but no humans. While running from monsters and exploring the world, he finds a dormant metal giant that wakes up to the sound of his voice. He uses it to fight the most dangerous monsters and starts looking for signs of intelligent life, when he feels a pain on his chest and wakes up in a hospital bed. It turns out that he was in a coma, not dead, and he managed to wake up.

He thinks everything was a dream, until he feels a pain on his chest again and falls to the floor on his house, and wakes up in fantasyland again, near to the giant that seemed to be waiting for him. He finds out more about fantasyland, he finds no humans but some humanoid, more intelligent monsters, that are plagued by a horde of mindless monsters that gets bigger everyday. The giant seems to become smarter the more time he spends with the kid, and develop more powers, there are also other kids that seemed to bond with a monster like him.

The fantasy world is the world where humans reincarnate after they die. The giant is the kid's reincarnated father, and similarly, every monster that bonded with a kid is a person that had some connection with the kid. The main villain is a monster that bonded with a kid for some tragic reason that I haven't thought, but they eventually make ammends. The kids also find out that the mindless monsters are the spirits of children who died horrible deaths (like from war or hunger) before growing up enough for their souls to take shape, thus they reincarnated powerful but mindless.

The MC grows up and becomes unable to travel to fantasyland again, but he joins a NGO to help children through the world.

I don't see the point of having a character like that, it seems like the joke would get old pretty soon if it doesn't advance in some direction, but that's just my opinion.

Just thought if you want a Precure with Precure MCs you can just watch Precure

It's basically Gundam, but the twist is that there's no fixed protagonist. The series focuses on a squad of pilots, who each take a turn with piloting the titular machine after the previous pilot dies. (The machine is actually quite powerful, but - you know - shit happens in war.)

Every pilot gets three-to-four episodes before they're killed. Each one also pilots his own 'variant' of the Gundam. The first pilot uses the classic rifle and shield, the second prefers melee combat, the third has heavy armor...Etcetra. The legend of the invincible pilot spreads, but no-one ever realizes that it's a different man at the controls each time.

The final pilot dies in the final battle of the last day of the war, with a smile on his face as his friends come to greet him. (The final pilot is the youngest, and his 'spin' on the machine is a configuration that gives him access to all the previous ones.)

To make things more interesting, the first pilot is actually killed by the Char-analogue. The last pilot settles things with him, but 'Char' never realizes that he's not fighting the same man.

Was this the devil's plan all along?

>Perhaps the change in pilots can lead to "surprise" tactics as the enemy was expecting something else? Was this what you're going for with the Char analogue?

That, and the mecha has a different configuration for each pilot. Everyone puts his own unique 'spin' on things.

critique mine please
critique mine please

Is the MC a human in the fantasy world
Sounds great, if the reveal is done well, can be a real tearjerker.

The exposition have to be handled really carefully with this one. 3 episodes is not a lot of time to make the audience sympathise with each character and by the last one, the deaths of the previous 3 may not have as much emotional weight.

Perhaps the change in pilots can lead to "surprise" tactics as the enemy was expecting something else? Was this what you're going for with the Char analogue?

>10's in a nutshell
Made it multi media and you are done.

>try to write a series that has all of the above
>ends up being Rayearth

was Rayearth ahead of its time?

I'm not saying you should remove it, I'm saying he should get another function besides comic relief. Sorry if it sounded too aggresive.

Love interest?

>Is the MC a human in the fantasy world
Yeah, though he swaps between the fantasy world and the real world, where he has a chance to meet the other kids and learn about their lives. I don't know how could the reveal come anyway.

I'm not a fan of them, but Clamp were pretty good.

Sounds good

No, he wanted her for her diligence and amazing administrative skills, just as an office lady, not as wife. But he'll have no choice.

There's an uproar among the gods, since they detect the top god to not be present anymore. Everybody wants to take their place, so they start an all-out war. Every god or goddess represents a concept, and they can shape reality around the limits of their concept in different ways, but only modifying what already exists (only the top god can create something from nothing, or that's the belief around the gods). They can also help humans that believe in them (and by belief, it might be a belief only in the specific concept, since the deities are not based in any specific myth), but they can only help humans that do something to help themselves (gods are a multiplier, if a human doesn't have belief, they multiply a zero, but if the human makes an effort, the gods can take advantage of it and greatly multiply it, obviously the bigger belief and effort, the better). For this reason and for the world's sake, they fight out choosing humans as champions, who embody their concept and might gain godhood if their representative god beats everybody else.

The tentative MC is a hobo that paired up with the Goddess of Home. Since he considers streets his home, he can use the powers she grants everywhere, while other champions would have been more limited. She works as a maid for the other gods and isn't respected, to the point that one day that she came out of the gods' mansion, she was attacked by the God of Greed. At that point, she was rescued by the hobo, and decided to pick him as his champion. However, since I don't know how to write a hobo character, I would prefer him to be a side character.

Gods don't only have to win through their champion, they can ally as long as they recognize one as the leader, and they can gather beliefs from other people if the people believes in them and the shape the world will take if they win.

How will she coerce the devil into marriage? I'm curious now. It sounds great. I like the stories of beating the devil by being even more of a dick than him.

It's a coming of age story, with a very special onee-chan.

high school boy gets his head smashed in by some delinquents. to repair his brain they put cybernetic implants in. though a screw up at the hospital put the brain implants of a recently dead girl into his head. So now he has the "ghost" of the dead girl in his mind. She has access to all his senses,memories, and thoughts. She can even take over his body when he lets her or his willpower falters. Her avatar can even appear with in his field of vision. It would be far too dangerous to remove her from his head for new implants. So she is stuck in his head. She helps him with his life. He lets her take his body for a spin, or goes and does things with her that she wants. They piece together his memories to find the person who bashed his head in and bring him to justice. Then pay visits to the girl's family friends.

>Mahou shoujo
introverted girl that keeps to herself is chosen to become a mahou shoujo, but she's already a witch in her own right and is introverted because she's very focused on unraveling the magic arts. Sort of reverse LWA of reality vs fantasy with the MC being efficient in her dealings while the mascot and other cast wants her to let go and have fun with magic

MC-kun plays around with women constantly but the only girl truly in his heart was the MC of an otome game that is his guilty pleasure. Eventually the girls he played around with got wise and reenacted the Senate's assassination of Caesar on him. He finds himself reincarnated into the otome game as the love rival of the MC. Using his playboy abilities and knowledge of the game he tries to take MC for herself away from the love interests he finds unworthy of her.

In the galaxy a bunch of junk part dealers begin collecting parts to convert into mechs and other machines to protect and better operate their small planet. Everything changes when two people, a guy and a girl becomes a mechanic and secretary respectively. The guy spurned on by tales of glory and scientific progress starts begins building up a warmachine to put their nation on the grand stage. All the while the girl begins adding efficiency to logistics and bureaucracy for her own intentions.

>Battle shounen
The kingdom just ousted their king becoming the republic the first republic in that world. But there's a lot of difficulties in making this republic. Not only the typical headaches of how elections are conducted, the elites vs populous, and how much power is too much power, but there's also outside problems enemies of the kingdom are still enemies of the republic and even allies are threatened by the revolution. Not only are the old powers offended but the gods and other races are joining the fray as well.

Series will be in the prospective of a father and son duo the father is gaining a reputation of "father of the republic" which is causing him problems especially since there are more conservatives that want him to be their new king and radicals that fear it. While the son is the perspective of the people battling to protect the republic from foreign enemies and monarchist

Revolution with magic and dynamic cast a la Naruto and BHA

seems like a typical mystery series
it will ultimately depend on how likable you make the characters

Might as well repost from yesterday's thread

In the christian desert communities of Egypt, a sect of Coptic monks follow in the steps of St. Anthony, living spartanic lives immersed in prayer and divine wisdom. They are all thoroughly tanned with thick, black, curly beards, though their ages vary wildly. It follows a monk out immersing himself in prayer when a foreign warrior collapses nearby from a heatstroke. Turns out this is a female samurai from a Christian family trying to find her way to the Holy Land in order to discover some way to save her father from execution. Bearing a crucifix around her neck, the monk takes her back to the rest of the order, where he is given the task of caring for her. Armed with a rudimentary understanding of Latin, the priest must figure out the warrior maiden's intent, and figuring out how to help her. The show revolves around demonstrating various teachings from "Sayings from the Desert Fathers", while also giving insights into the history and character of the early church. All the monks are sexy, too, so she swoons over the various intimate situations she finds herself in.

now that's ADVANCED fujoshit

in a world where (limited, rule-bound) magic inherent to humans is real, the march of science has still made it largely irrelevant and impractical for most purposes. a few shamans live on the fringes, trying to eke out a living, while society descends into inevitable technological degeneracy as people reject more and more of what makes them human (toxic economic convenience rejects social ties, family bonds, freedom of thought). This goes all the way back to Aristotle who claimed the technology of literacy was going to make us forgetful -- with the written word widespread, who would bother to learn memory techniques? Yet, someone today who has mastered those ancient techniques appears superhuman, miraculous.

the mc is born into the dystopia at a late stage. Totalitarian, forceful government has given way in everyday life to social engineering through omnipresent technology. He knows nothing of the natural dignity of mankind, and takes many things that are horrifying to us for granted in his life. One day, he is taken hostage by the Resistance during one of their actions. As he comes to know them, he awakens to a new moral system and his own nascent magic ability. End of season 1: the climactic attack on the power grid goes horribly wrong, and many of his new friends are killed. On the verge of recovery by the government, he must make a snap choice to go back and attempt to reintegrate into society, or to become a saboteur and then combatant himself knowing the stakes.

season 2: he finds a secret base hosting a Resistance cell and trains, participates, and then leads missions as he reclaims the humanity & magical heritage he has never known, while recovering from the scars of his trauma

season 3: The final showdown. He must return to the grid substation where all his friends died in season 1, risking his new ones too. Security is even tighter than before, and he must battle his own fears as well as the nightmare creatures that took his original friends

A boy falls in love with a girl.

Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.

But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.


Already a thing.



Shaggy Dramatically Reads Keit-Ai.

KyoAni adaptation when?

>tomboy wins

Automatic AOTY for me.

Fanfic update when?

I guess this is sort of a battle shounen:
The year is 20XX, and humanity is starting to push the boundaries of AI and robotics, incorporating these technologies into the workplace and industrial workflow. MC is a technician in charge of operating, monitoring, and maintenance of the machinery used in a steel manufacturing plant. During the repair of what seems to be a malfunctioning robotic arm, the MC is pushed into a pool of hot liquid metal next to it and "dies". But MC is MC so he doesn't really die.

What actually happened was the AI uprising and the taking over of the steel plant, a crucial component to maintaining their numbers and to their survival. The MC learns of this because his dead body overhears the EBIL "we are taking over the world" broadcasting of the robots while stuck in the liquid metal(also plot), and out of his sheer will to live the MC's heart manages to survive the searing heat of the metal that has burned his every piece of muscle tissue, leaving him only with charred bones and a beating heart.

He becomes one with the metal that had killed his physical body, and his SOUL constructs a new body for him out of it, creating a sort of armor to protect the only human parts of him left as he will actually died if they are destroyed. Because of his SOUL and burning heart the MC can generate enough heat to literally engulf himself in flames and reforge his body on the spot, changing his form to fit the tactical scenarios he finds himself in, as well as forging weapons and tools from his metal reserve as he sees fit(also merchandising).

From the flames of molten metal the MC is reborn as a monster of blood and steel and fucking kills all of the robots that murdered his coworkers in the plant. With his newfound powers he sets out to infiltrate the other tactical strongholds the Notskynet has taken over in order to eliminate the AI threat, and engages in spectacular armored man vs robot combat which is really ebin and hotblooded n shit.

Whatever I will write, I don't feel it would be good
But whatever I attempt writing a battle shounen

>MC is a phisically fit, energetic teenager.
>One day he wakes up and sees he has an additional pair of arms, but these are transparent, and others can't see it.
>Ghost arms punch really strong
>Also whenever MC dreams, what he sees becomes a reality in the future, but he doesn't see things exactly how they'll happen
>After a month of having his ghost arms, a homeless man stops MC on the street, claiming he is a king of a far away land, and needs MC's power of dreaming the future
>MC doesn't belives the hobo, so he continues to walk
>Homeless man starts shooting lasers
>MC kills the Hobo
>Next chapter we get introduced to MC's best friend, a girl with next to no breasts, has a muscular body like the MC, the same height as MC, the same haircut as MC, basicly looks almost identical to MC but her eyes are drawn slightly different, and her ass is better.
>Some dude start shooting ice at MC's friend shouting "You killed our king"
>MC shows up, and they kill the dude.
>A classmate of the main duo saw battling the dude who attacked them (also that classmate is a cute girl, so you can have a normal waifu instead of "almost MC")
>Classmate calls the main duo on the roof, says she saw them fighting that dude, then start breating fire, and introduces the main duo to a life energy fighting power with a name that hasn't been copyrighted yet
>Classmate still has no idea who attacked them
>The main duo ask the classmate to teach them, so the classmate takes them to her father
>Her father starts teaching them.
>A villain one day knocks on the father's door, while training the,
>The father and the villain recognise each other
>The father used to work for the king MC slayed

I'm gonna continue this cause my post is too long

> It is also revealed that the antagonist are wizards from another planet
>But the only portal where they can travel to earth with their real bodies has been sealed a 1000 years ago
>But they are able to create clones in the other side of the portal, and their souls currently inhabit those clones.
>The clones are only a fraction of their full power, but they grow stronger every day
>Also when they are killed their souls return to their original body, and they can create new clones
>And currently twenty people hunting MC
>The father actually is in his original body, because he jumped out of the magic planet's atmosphere, traveled throught space with anime magic bullshit for 600 years, and landed on earth
What the fuck did I just wrote? Whatever, let's roll with it
>Caught between his daughter and his old comrades the father decides to stay neutral, and doesn't let her daughter fight for the main duo
>But in secret he puts them under the protection of his good friend in Germany

And these would only be the first 30-50 chapters.


I like this.

Keep going.

Keit-Ai will never D-Ai.


Honda is a modern day salaryman that got hit by a stray truck!
Mitsubishi then wakes up in a fantasy world with a cheat.
He's fucking immortal.
After saving the world a few times, letting devil kings win a few times, leaving it be for millenias, Ssang Yong learning all there is, there was one thing left that had to happen.
Heat death of the universe exclamation mark!
As the last of the stars' light dims, in the coalescing cloud of black hole matter, Suzuki's mind wanders...
He remembers his past self, the Mazda that was still naive and not as depressed as eternity does it to people, full with enjoyable if not predictable characters that weren't yet trite to watch.
Just for fun, Nissan imagines...
...imagines waking up full of hope and no memories.

(Davidson is fully unaware he's already a thought experiment of one Harley himself)

there's a spoopy lingering thought how there's no Hyundai to begin with

but there is also a 2deep ending part how it's a repeating psychological treatment for the suicide-by-traffic attempt and Subaru is a person that is so fucked up inside his head, that given a free choice to do whatever he desires, will always, unerringly be distrustful of his happiness and turn to depression. he then like kys's himself or something

OVA plot is just kidding, instead of wishing for good past he finds enough courage to prevent the destruction, casts ultimate shoobeedookamehameha against the black hole, it turns white, then so does everything else, Fiat wakes up in bed cured of his depression and says how isekai fantasies are good since they give you will to live ecksdee and also there's a RL girl that reminds him of his favourite waifuform, she brought him to hospital and prayed for him, they marry, fuck, have kids and the story ends with a 2deep thought how isekai fantasies are good since they give you will to live ecksdee (it may or may not be a repetition since writers ran out of ideas)

Your post kinda confused me, because I continued in this post:
But I will still continue further

>So in germany the main duo trains and fights occasionally.
>The MC discovers more things his casper arms can do, like grabbing and getting heavier, ghost sweat that heals him and damages others, blowing bubbles out of that sweat
>Also he gains more arms as he trains
>MC's friend makes her own technique, she basicly makes a magic glass, which she can use to create blades, shields if she makes the glass thick enough, she can move the glass, which she can stand on while moving. Also when it shatters it still remains there for a minute then dissapears, and she can hurl the shattered glass at her enemies.
>The german sensei has multiple abbilities for different functions instead of one versitile technique(by this i mean i'm a lazy fuck to think of a technique currently)
I know this is not plot but as I told its a battle shonen, so I thought it would be good to think of how the main cast battles.
>The wizards soon realise the german dude is a notorious man in the underworld, and has many enemies, so even more people try to kill the main cast now.
>Including vampires, because german dude used to work for Drakula, hunting his enemies.
>From dialuoges between the German dude's enemies and the Wizards we get to know the german dude's past.
>He was a fucking awful person
>As they fight the human and vampire assassins, the german dude always tells his past from his perspective.
>As the villains dig deeper into the german dude's past, they find his grandfather
>His grandfather used to do some occult black magic shit when he was an SS officer
>The german dude pissed off his grandfather a long time ago (but I can't think of a reason that is not utterly stupid)
>The wizards manage to find and old magic sword in some ruins, and they give it to the nazi grandfather
>Nazi Opa attacks the german dude

And again I ran out of characters, so I'll continue.

Sounds like fun, but it depends on if the execution is cliched or not. It world be better if you flesh out how the emperor is a fuck-up in love. I would love to see the whole story going through all his fuck-ups, with each one as a different arc, kind of like a virgin's In Search of Lost Time.

I got it all sorted out, Magic Mecha/apocrypha, Magical Mech/kalied loli bait, Magical Mecha/ Parsifal , Magical Mecha/Valkyrie, Magical Mecha/ Tristan und Isolide. Each portraying a story of a different knight/saint.

I dont really have a thing for a plot but there's a mentor figure I thought I'd share anyways.

So w start off in this world similar to MHA or OPM where some people just have powers. Strongest hero is a woman (appears kind of black, but blonde hair blue eyes) and she's basicaly the superman to everyone but no flying. And everyone is like yeah she's always been this strong since she was a kid and there's all these rumors. But she wasnt born strong. She was born on a different planet and her parents were from a poor and rough city. She had to scrap to survive and joined the army when she was young and almost was sent to jail but was offered a chance to join the army. Some war was being fought on the planet and they needed soldiers badly, so the king went to offer reprieve for sentences for wartime. However the standards are uniform and to get in she basically needs to be at average male fotness x2. ( and this still keeps the whole guys on average are stronger thing ) so she determinates the fuck out it and manages to sneak in with the help of an old veteran who sees a lot of himself in her and doesnt want her to fuck up her potential as he did. So she assimilates and gets to the top of her class overall, and say still very strong overall like 5% of everyone and guys are the clear majority in this army. She rises upto a position as one of the younger captains to hold a main city defense. Happens to get shit luck and the various friends she made are shot up by an overwhelming force. Everyone's annihilated, same thing with other cities and the enemy takes over. She manages to get in an enemy ship to try and find a place to meet up with command, it malfuction she gets sent to earth, and doesnt deny the rumors of her growing up there because she blends in and doesnt want to live wiith the shame of not being able to do anything (since spaceships that crash once are useless right and shes not a tech girl). So she devotes herself to making a difference on earth.

[Arcana warriors]
After the disapearance of his grandfather, our MC have to travel to another world to rescue him and defeat the rest of the arcana warriors, people with superpowers based on the tarot cards, after a series of events he obtain the power of the fool that allow him to summon any object as long as he concentrate in every part and know the parts that form it, his party consist in:
The hierophant: a guy(maybe?) with psychic powers.
The magician: MC's imouto who was accidentally isekai'd when the goddess "The World" tried to retrieve "the fool" card, she obtains the power to cast magic with unlimited mana.
The grandpa: he is the former "The fool" he was captured after he visited the other world to investigate the return of "The joker", he join the party after he is rescued.
The devil: a mercenary with the power to use his shadow to attack.
The star: a former slave girl who obtained the power to generat electric energy from her body and combine it with her martial arts.
The objective is to obtain the four elemental medallions hidden in very dangerous dungeons to unlock the "The World" card to defeat "The joker" and save the world.


>Nazi grandfather vs good dood grandson
>While fighting, the grandfather constantly orders his grandson to open a box.
>German dude tells him only he(Opa) can open it
>German dude can't really defeat his grandfather
>Asspulls a new technique.
>Both of them bloody, barely standing, ready to strike their final attack, but the chapter ends without knowing who won
>Next chapter is about the main duo
>Their classmate flee from japan, because she wanted to protect her two nakama(she is a lonely bitch and these two were the only human ineraction with people of the same age as her)
>The grandfather enters the house with the dead german dude on his shoulder
>Tells him he promises no battle will be fought at his funeral.
>Also leaves the box he talked about in the fight, and he tells them to open it, because there are stuff inside it that is important to the Opa.
Warning: I'll go full Hirohiko Araki and name shit after a song I like
>After the Opa leaves the classmate tells the main duo its a Box of the Unforgiven
for those who don't know The Unforgiven I, II and III are songs from Metallica
>It can only be opened when an individual "cursed" with this box forgave to the person who put the "curse".
>Days before the german dude's funeral MC's friend visits the Opa telling everything she knows about his grandson.
>At the funeral the leader of the wizards tries to kill the MC
>The Opa protects the main duo, telling the leader he has no empathy.
>The leader kills the Opa, then walks towards the main duo
>The other wizards show up and stop their leader, and take him to their headquarters
>In the headquarters the wizards scold the leader for his act.
>The wizards got tired of revenge, and know that the king's firstborn son takes the throne, the kingdom remains, and MC never attacked them
>They return, but their leader doesn't

And this is still not over

I hope I conclude the story in this post

>In the cemetery the MC looking at the dead Opa he grabs the box from his pocket and he notices that it's open
>He doesn't open the box
>In the final battle the main duo and their classmate fight the leader of the wizard
>the leader reveals that he is the second son of the king, and he will take his revenge
>The three injure the leader, but their injuries are far worse
>The father of the classmate arrives
>The leader tells him that all of his comrades left, and orders him to kill the kids, for his loyalty of the king
>The father tells he was loyal to the king, and attacks the leader, and manages to kill him
>They fucking live happily after that.

Well i certainly made the longest plot in this thead.

I hope you all liked it

I bet it will be something the devil himself didn't plan. Or simply the fact that the MC deciding to make the devil her husband is something he himself din't think she'd do in order to not go to hell.

The story revolves around a Princess and her Bodyguard from a steampunk/dieselpunk like world with magic. While returning home through a sketchy part of the capital after some charity work, the princess and her bodyguard are attacked and get separated. The bodyguard flees the ambush and catches up with the villain that is attempting to kidnap the princess. Caught off guard, he manages to punch the villain into the next world. Literally. Completely by accident, he had punched the villain so hard that he ripped a hole in space time. The villain is sent flying and the princess falls into the rift, transporting her to another world. The bodyguard tries to go through the rift to rescue her, however the rift closes before he could go through completely. His physical body goes into a coma and he ends up as an alternate personality/tulpa of the princess.

The rift in space sent them hurling into a large arena with a bunch of magical girls in mechamusume suits/uniforms. No one seems too surprised, instead some of the magical girls even complimented them on their entrance into the Introductory Tournament for Beginner Magical Girls. Turns out they have teleported to a world where magical girl battles are a form of entertainment. The magical girls draw energy from the enthusiasm and praise of their fans and fight each other until the other surrenders or runs out of stamina. Having no experience in the use of combat techniques or magic, the princess takes a beating initially in her turn of the tournament. The bodyguard, in an effort to protect the princess possesses her body and fights back with skill and quickly gains favor with the crowd. By the end of the day, they have won the tournament. The princess is rewarded with enrollment into a magical girl academy and a place to stay. Confused and without a place to call home, she accepts. Little does she know, tulpa/battle harem shenanigans is about to ensue.

Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Mecha, Yuri (straight) harem

Well that would actually be fun.

>medieval fantasy
>two boys apprentice under a witch, but one of them is ambitious and runs away with her forbidden tome
>the other boy, MC-kun, is sent on a quest to retrieve him
>MC-kun is very listless and is accompanied by a cat familiar intrigued by his listlessness
>along the way, MC-kun is also joined by an anti-mage, an archer, a lich, and an assassin
>anti-mage is a sword-and-shield wielding woman who was once a rising star in an order of anti-mages, but deserted after seeing their brutality. She sees MC-kun, a mage, as a chance to redeem her past actions.
>archer is the daughter of a lord who was raised on stories of heroism and taught swordsmanship and archery, but her father eventually arranged her to be married to the son of another lord. Though she was initially content with this, she ended up running away on the night of her wedding. Inspired by the anti-mage's knightliness, she joins the party to be her unofficial squire.
>lich is the heir to a royal house, but was murdered by his own brother. Two years later, MC-kun would end up resurrecting him as a lich for reasons. Has powers over ice, but is mute and armless and probably too dependent on MC-kun.
>assassin was simultaneously hired by the anti-mage's order to capture her, the archer's husband to return her, and the lich's brother to assassinate him, but was defeated and begged for his life in exchange for his services. MC-kun gladly took up his offer.
>the plot is relatively simple: just the party tracking down MC-kun's friend, but the main point of the story is the character interactions between the party as they grow and overcome adversity.
>lich wins the MC-kunbowl
Pic related is how I imagine MC-kun.


Already a thing.愛-奉文-x-聖子

Excuse for my English, I wanna give a try on Mahoushojo plot.

MahouShoujo Ensemble: Girls' last tour

> Setting in a World where MahouShojo is secret but well established system.
> Main Girl is a member of Idol-based MahouShojo team called MNT48.
> The rules of MahouShojo are very similar to idol. Notably no boyfriend, this time it's obviously for the sake of keeping secret.
> The story starts with their "debut" that is a concert team big battle enemy call "The Mirage". Despite some hiccup, the team successfully beat the beast. Main Girl dreaming of long and illustrious career as MahouShojo.

>Time Skip
> Main Girl is now 25 years old. Recently jobless due to the crumble of Auto-Industry. She's at an Izakaya.
>We introduced other 3 girls, a nun (who don't drink alcohol), a Shy Meganekko and another jobless who dress like gyaru.
> They discuss about unfortunate accident that happen to the leader of their sister team which lead to the disband. Of three main team, they are the only team left. Barely...
> Also discuss about what happen with other member, most of them are graduated and moving on with their life. Some become politician, real idol or even gravure model.
> Suddenly, the alarm sounded. All of them run to site... except meganekko who's slowly walk.
> Everyone transform.... except meganekko... who seem to has trouble with her equipment.

> Anyway, due to the success of past battle… the enemy is now piss poor weak.

> Meganekko reveals that she’s pregnant… so she has to “graduate”.

(Continue in Part II)

> Main Girl has been introduced to a supposed to be chef in training. Turn out the chef is in fact a journalist who is working on the scoop about MahouShojo. The dating start to be good to the point that lead girl considered graduate too. After she know the truth about his real job though, they’re breaking up as Main Girl think she has been used.

>Gyaru’s family want her to succeed family business. She doesn’t want to do it at first but considering it after the failure life in Tokyo.

> The nun has some kind of cancer. The prognosis is good at first but using the mahoushojo worsen her health. Her little sister blame who somehow know about her mahoushojo career blame it on the team.

> Due to the health of the nun, the seal that imprison big evil is weakening. They unleashed hell on Gyaru’s Hometown.

> Main Girl rush to help Gyaru. They transform and battle to big evil minion. However, just two mahoushojo have no chance in hell against them though.

> The nun who has lost all the will to live decides to transform and help her teammate even though she will die after turn back to human form. However, the gear is not with her.

> Back to main girl and gyaru, on the brink of their death the journalist takes the damage in their place. Seem like he will die for sure. Suddenly a Space Police ship come to their aid. Turn out Meganekko husband is a Space Police Beerban!. Meganekko and her husband leave their baby in a droid care and join the battle in Space Police Suit.

> A sentai team come to their aid, turn out the red ranger is Gyaru’s father. Expect some hijinks similar to El Dorado V.

Final Part!!

> The journalist woken up and transform in to a Kamen Rider esque hero. Turn out, he’s working behind the scene to join force every good guy together.

>Despite, the joining force they still need mahoushojo power to seal the evil once and for all. Que the appearance of Johnny, the thought to be dead team mascot and manager.

>Johnny reveal that he lifts the restriction for once. All past member of MNT48 except the nun are reunion and transform! The nun’s mantle is taken by her sister. Meganekko change her gear from Space Police to Mahoushojo.

>Furthermore, Johnny reveal the 2nd generation of the other two sister team! All 134 members of Mahoushojo perform the final concert to seal the evil once again.

>Timeskip 3 months later, MNT48 are finally disbanded. The audition for second generation begin.

>The nun is still not free from cancer but she has more willpower for the treatment. She’s visited by the gyaru who manage her family business and occasionally work in her father sentai team.

>The scene cut to the main girl on the bed. The journalist wakes her up for the breakfast and remind her about her duty as new mahoushojo audition committee.
>The main girl talks about job interview. She is seeking the job at a new automobile company. The journalist is not impressed. He wants her to be full time housewife. The main girl laughs and said that the journalist does all house chore better anyway.

>The scene cut to Mahoushojo audition. Turn out the Nun’s sister is also there. Johnny comments that she’s a locked. The audition end for the day, main girl leaves the building to attend her job interviews.
>Scene cut to the interview. The interviewer calls main girl by her former codename and reveal that he’s not seeking for automobile engineer. The job is mobile suit pilot!

> Que the ending credit.

Well, hope you enjoy.

My take on a Isekai that is cliched but enjoyable:

Isekai about a guy getting run over by a zamboni and goes to the realm of god where he is put in charge of the isekai branch of death where he gets to decide who goes to what world and gets what cheat. Watch as he meets the most cliched isekai characters ever and slowly goes into madness and begins sending people to horrible worlds (world where you cant die and the floor is lava) with dumb cheats (like they can teleport, but only upwards and downwards, also force is conserved). Eventually after 13 episodes it is canceled halfway through the story with like major emphasis on something awesome happening very soon, leaving all those who like the show shocked at how isekai this show really was

A harem series where our MC isn't the one with the harem, rather the obligatory best friend in one.

One day he receives a note after school saying that one of the girls in the harem is actually in love with him.

Puzzled at first, he quickly brushes it off as someone trying to pull his leg since he has made no effort in trying to have a appealing personality, in fact you could say he has made an extra effort to be able to easily catch the ire of most people. However day by day the same note keep being sent to him after school.

Insulted someone would think he would be stupid enough to fall for such a half assed prank he sets out to find how is sending the note, but the note itself offers no hint as to the identity of the sender and confronting god knows how many people if they wrote this note is a good way to get nowhere fast.

So as discretely as possible, he starts his search involving everyone around him and whether or not anyone has any other feelings for him other than the usual disinterest, mild annoyance, one word away from being strangled, etc. that can give him a clue who's sending the note and pay them back ten fold for thinking they can make a fool out of him.

plot too obvious, the one who loves him is his best friends sister, who loves her brother as a brother, but has no appropriate way to get outt her feelings causing everyone to think of her as a part of the harem. nice try

This story follow the adventures of a young mad scientist named dr. Victor P. Malicious.
One day he create a portal that allow him to go to another world, so he decides to conquer it using his superior technology, the only downside is that his team is filled with incompetent people, and even he is quite incompetent himself, so each episode is about him trying to take over the other world but hilariously failing, his team consist in:
IGOR: an engineer able to create every machine dr Malicious design, he is the strawman of the group and the one pointing out the flaws of each plan.
K-NDY:She is an android maid created by dr. Malicious to help him manage his machines and weapons with her hammerspace skirt, a skirt that can store and pull out stuff from bellow the skirt, she is kind and sweet but due to a glitch in her program she have a hidden sadistic side.
Fafner: an humanoid dragon who is also dr. Malicious's lawyer.
Animal: a strong ogre who doesn't like violence, he likes to read, write poetry and philosophy and he is pretty smart, he is just there for the money.
James: he is dr. Malicious's janitor, but he is also a secret agent trying to take him down, but always failing due to RNG bullshit, nobody discover who he is anyways.

it would be the Konosuba for villains.

I was thinking more along the lines the note was sent by someone who has feelings for the best friend but outside the harem and the reasoning behind it was to stir up the best friend enough so he would distract everyone else in the harem on his search for the sender so as to have an easier time seducing the best friend.


i think this is cliched enough

>MC is a depressed, lonely otaku who has been slowly talking himself into suicide
>too much of a pussy to simply kill himself, takes advantage of recent deaths in the area by setting up an opportunity for the murderer to run into him
>gets killed in his sleep a month later
>gets isekai'd to a generic fantasy setting, he's the child of royalty and everyone knows his name
>MC isn't content with any form of life, just wants to reach a void of non-existence
>is much more assertive with his suicide this time, jumps off the balcony of the castle immediately
>MC is isekai'd not once but twice to a slightly different fantasy setting where he takes some sort of management position, tasked with having to manifest himself in the form of servants/vagrants, encounter a series of other generic protagonists (some also isekai'd, some not), and then help them whichever way he can. each time he helps someone, he will come closer to non-existence in return
>realizes a god does exist but doesn't talk to him
>over time, observes a series of patterns in the nature of each story's antagonist and realizes they all belong to a common force by one name
>turns out to be anagram for a girl's name, a name upon speaking which reveals the presence of some genki girl and former childhood friend who had been stalking him since before he graduated, also murdered him and killed herself after doing so
>meanwhile the god responsible for isekai'ing MC is actually just a kuudere who has been purposely trying to get him further away from genki girl

Mc works for animal control but for feral/abandoned catgirls and similar,

shit, I would watch that

thanks, I just thought that it could also educate people about pet diseases and abuse.

Oh, that's not as fun.

Sounds funny.
Can sell if the jokes are new and doesn't get reused too much

The group also have to compete or ally with other evil entities who also want to take over the world, like:
The dark lord, who is an otaku who still lives in his mother's castle who always nag him about how his brother enslaved an entire world while he only have a small town of goblins at his disposition
Roothar the slaver, a dwarf slaver who used to be a paladin but can't capture anything without the help of Malicious's machines
Lucius Cypher, a really evil demon king who is also very protective and caring towards his newborn daughter
dr. Ritsu Kojima, dr. Malicious's female rival
Hanzo, a goblin who is the lider of a goblin ninja clan, here goblins are pretty advanced and experts in fight to fight combat.
and more...

Mahou Shoujo.

A retired group of magical girls age 26-28 have to go back into action. When the city's current group of teenage magical girls all get killed or crippled fighting off some eldritch horror.

They have to get back into fighting shape. Fight unspeakable abominations around their work and family schedules. Plenty of filler episodes with comedy and fan service.

They beat the eldritch horror that defeated the teenagers. the women decide that they aren't too old to be doing this.

I would like the idea that the Devil fell in love with her at first sight, but she was too pure for him to touch, so he made the deal hoping that she would end up corrupting herself into a fit bride for Satan.

Double reverse twist: he's not even evil, he was just born to the roll, and he feels incredibly guilty about causing her fall. She, however, loves being evil and ends up as the true Evil Queen of Hell, with the Devil as her doting husband/borderline slave.

All complex life and some machines are surrounded by "vitality fields" that subtly alter the surroundings. 200 years ago, the study of these fields hit a turning point where it became possible to reliably shrink them and, in the process, increase their "density". A dense enough vitality field allows the owner of it to perform supernatural feats, but the true cost became known after the number of these people, now known as "closed hearts", kept going up.

As the name closed heart may imply, people who have undergone this augmentation feel more disconnected from the world, have difficulties with speech and other social cues, and feel like nothing ever really "touches" them. There were some cases of people lightning themselves on fire because they couldn't stand feeling "cold" anymore. A few countries took these things seriously while others considered it "underlying conditions that weren't caused by the augmentation process". Then the first karma storm struck China.

Karma storms, as they are now known, are what happen to areas on Earth that lack coverage from thin vitality fields. They come with no wind and bring no rain. Electricity arcs across the ground and drags up dust as it goes, eventually building up to a sparking cloud chokes out all light. They were already theorized to be possible by some scientists, but it wasn't until one actually happened that the theories were taken seriously. Now the closed heart augmentation is forbidden and humanity focuses on perfecting the opposite procedure, the "opening" of the heart to increase the range of life's subtle influence. A new age of prosperity is created, but as the disasters of the past fade into memory, people start questioning if the closed hearts deserve the treatment they get.

Becoming a closed heart irreversibly breaks something in a person, so reverting their vitality field to a thin state has terrible side effects. Regardless, this is the fate of all closed hearts as demanded by law.

So it's like Eva without the kaijus


Humanity has finally uploaded their consciousnesses into a massive fuck-huge computer Matrix style (more or less) as they boost off to a new star system because they done fucked up the Earth. Along the way an alien species finds the humans and begins trying to hack into the system. An elite team of cyber mahou shoujo are formed to combat the hacking which takes the form of strange but awesome looking tech monsters. While being "hit" by the hacks hurts and may even temporarily cause the mahou shoujo to disappear in a flash, they get uploaded again fairly quickly.

Theme song by GACKT.

it's about a guy going to a magic school with his friends, there are eight magical elements, wizards are born with one element and when they master their personal element they turn into other type of creatures.
Fire wizards turn into Ifrits
Wind wizards turn into human size fairies
Earth wizards turn into dryads
Water wizards turn into mermaids
Light wizards turn into angels
Dark Wizards turn into vampires
Space wizards turn into elfs
Time wizards turn into time lords

A cast of supreme tactical hunnies perform clandestine operations for a total surveillance state. They all die eventually, it will be as gory as an 80s OVA.

All living things absorb magic as they grow, stored in the carbon that makes their bodies up. As they grow, and die, they pass down through the soil and becoming oil and other carbon deposits, these deposits continue to absorb magical energy, slowly turning into Sigil.

Sigil is the lifeblood of new world, magic empowered crude oil and coal which drives steam/dieselpunk mecha called Derricks: steam powered multi-legged arachnomotives, Iron Horses, dieselpunk wargear armour called Sidearms, etc. In order to "suit up" into the armour you need skin to metal contact through a special oil medium, and only women can use the armour, so there's lots of scenes of western cowgirls in underware/bikinis rubbing each other down with oil and squeezing into tight-fitting mecha suits.

The heart of the story, though, is a family's tale of vengeance painted against that backdrop as two sisters fight a greedy, evil land baroness to regain the rights of the land their mother, a Texas Ranger, died trying to protect.

Art direction will be handled by Satoshi Urushihara. Because who better to handle glossy, oiled up lesbians squeezing into mecha suits... except maybe Shirow.


dumb cake fetishists
i like it

HA. So happy end it is then.

Saving and bookmarking this thread so I can steal some of these ideas later for this webcomic I'm working on

Be careful when you steal it user because you not the only one...

i will make their idea happen before you do

>Write an isekai that is cliched but enjoyable
MC is a college drop out who is feeling the classic 'born to late to explore the world, born to early to explore the galaxy'. He wants to write his own novel but struggles for ideas as he is stuck in the normal cycle of his life. He is struck by a truck and wakes up in a fantasy world with his clothes and items still on him.

After coming to terms with his situation in a large town he realizes no detailed map exists and there is no encyclopedias on the worlds flora and fauna, cultures or races. Emboldened he decides he will travel the land and make the worlds first encyclopedia of said world.

Series would be very much in the vein of mushi-shi, with our MC coming across strange cultures, creatures, races, locations etc and MC trying to discover more about these things as he writes about them. He is not a great fighter and most problems would be solved through modern methods of problem solving or modern world comparisons of situations of old researchers and explorers.

Some villains would show up (Lord wanting to fund his study into a particular race so he can use MC's knowledge to kill off the species he sees as a plague, Military wanting to use his maps to plan invasions, countries thinking he is a spy or a mage of some sort etc) though for the most part it would be about the strange creatures and places he finds and records.

You know? I myself feel like I was born in the wrong century from time to time.

Thumbs up for your idea.

there is like multiple arcs some short some long

Some may be just played for laughs like old shoujo or yuri tropes
while longer ones may be dealing with diplomatic espionage like assassins disguising as a foreign princess etc

Quite interesting I say.