Memes aside, who is the smartest fanbase on Sup Forums?

Memes aside, who is the smartest fanbase on Sup Forums?

Sup Forums in itself is the smartest fanbase

rahxephon, because i am the only fan that show has and i am a mensa member so i am smarter than all you retards. check and mate.

you posted it

Madoka Magica

he asked for intelligent posters, not contenders for the bottom spot.

Jokes on you, I love Rahxephon and I'm fucking retarded.

Sup Forums shitposters


Ikuni fanbase

black clover fanbase

wait, did you seriously think that madoka is an intelligent anime that requires its viewers to have a functional brain?

Why, any fanbase that I'm a part of, ofcourse.

mangaonlyfags are the smartest people in this board


Literally the rick and morty of anime.

The what and what of anime?

It's time to settle this.
GochiUsafags VS HxHfags
Who has the higher IQ?

most shoujo / female focus series

As males have more varied IQ average and females have more middling, that means male focused series have more smart and dumb fans in them then average female focused show
However, if you were smart, you wouldn't associate yourself as a fan since it would degrade your social standing to be a strong fan of any series when new more interesting ones come out every year
So all the dumb fans are left screeching and flinging shit at each other arguing about panty colors and powerlevels.

However, with female focused shows, the average IQ becomes more in the middle ground and better than the average IQ of a male focused series, and since females tend to flock to the most popular show, it reinforces that average IQ more and therefore makes them more smarter overall if compared to other shows with same sample size survey of IQ.

>when new more interesting ones come out every year

/thread everyone go home, shitposting endd early

This is just one big proof Madokaturds are retarded and edgy kids.

Dragon Ball Super, this is not up for debate

This was so well argued, my opinion on you guys did a 360.

>average IQ
I'm sure you can be proud of that in Reddit.

>To be fair

Unironically this. The fact that they invented a whole new meme out of nowhere puts them way above the lurkers of other shitshows

>making memes makes you smart
In other news, twitter users are fucking geniuses.

What is this even supposed to mean?

Lurk more

Dragonball Super. Normalfags on average are far smarter than Sup Forums NEETs.

they created not only Blanco memes but also several sub-memes of brilliant quality also. I don't even watch the show but I browse the threads just to laugh and learn at the feet of the chads of Sup Forums

Disgusting. Where did it become acceptable to use this shit on Sup Forums?

I consider anyone who hasn't watched Gochiusa to be mentally retarded.

>human IQ

Bullshit. I had been to dbz treads, they were shit

Kill yourself

Gatsu no lion probably
It attracts people who appreciate beauty, plot and heavy themes
The retards who hate shaft stay away
The moe fags who cant deal with anything sad stay away
The adhd kids who need constant action stay away

t. Narutards



>The retards who hate shaft stay away
but they only made shit for brainlets in last few years

>lets discuss people instead of anime
fuck off


Fukumoto fanbase

Milky Holmes fanbase.

actually the curve is the same for males and females, males just have higher IQ all around

how about this:

people who can appreciate Bebop, Space Dandy, OPM, PSG, Gurren Lagann, KLK, Monster, Nichijou, Ping Pong. Ghibli, and whatever other really good show that is also popular with 'normies' without hating those shows out of a knee-jerk response just because they are considered "entry level"?

So many annoying people here trying to pretend they have fancy taste and thereby hate things which are good just because. People who've been here long enough and don't do that I would consider proper smart folk.

>buttmad low iq jojofags


i like when people are smug about the gayest nerdiest shit

My fanbase >>>>>>>>>>> your shitbase

There is no such thing as a smart fanbase


I approve of this image. Would you like to join a super secret society called Sup Forums's IRC Brigade?

That was obviously sarcasm if you thought my post was real

Monogatari series for sure.


Stop shilling your website.

Rewrite fanbase

Funny, because Re:Zero and Steins;Gate are the most reddit anime of all time.


All of those in the picture is reddit except for Code Geass and HxH. If he put BnHA, it would have been perfect.

Before the movies, now they are a husk of what they used to be


>page missing, the part where she laughs him for think she was serious

Milky Holmes. They were too smart for this world.

They died for a good cause.

This is very true.

Shounen shitter spotted. HxH is peak reddit.

KKK by a huge margin.



nice trips, but no "pretentious weeb" like RE:zero, Hxh, and steins gate. Hit up the 3x3 threads to see that most of them like artsy movies or just obscure enough pre-2000's shows.

>artsy movies or just obscure enough pre-2000's shows
What's wrong with liking that stuff?


My smart girlfriend Cocoa is so cute.

Don't rope us with DBS shitters

Minus the yuru yuri fanbase, they have the worst taste in girls too.

Best fanbase on Sup Forums is Konosuba. They don't try to be pretentious, they don't care if the animation is bad, they don't care if its Isekai. They just know how to have fun.

The Tenamonya Voyagers fanbase. All three of us.

you know that this same shit can be told about Narutards, Spicball Super posters and any other monkeys who enjoy low tier trash and don't know how to justify it?

The fanbase of every non meme show, and every non shounen show are pretty equal. The others are just retarded and use Sup Forums as a place of validation instead of discussion.

>buttmad houseki no garbagefag opinion

>Normalfags on average are far smarter than Sup Forums NEETs.

This is what normalfags watch.
So, no, they aren't.

Probably yuyushiki or joshiraku

someone seems upset

Akagi fanbase.

Just went there for the purpose of checking the validity of your statement, your favorite manga's subreddit has more subscribers that hxh's...

My taste > your taste.

It's becoming cancer ay.
I'd rather talk about the recent Tsugumomo chapter but I haven't seen a thread in weeks.

Kill Me Baby

it does not compute

Umarubros are probably the smartest overall. We understand what matters the most in life.

The Ten fanbase is smarter


Boruto, but only the Sumireposters

This honestly. It is my belief the rebellion ending was so bad they couldnt grasp it and became pic related

>absolutely love honey and clover
>like 3gatsu manga well enough
>shaft ruins 3gatsu with their shaftyness

kill me

Is being able to tolerate stupid shit a sign of intelligence?

>The retards who hate shaft stay away
See, you avoiding the threads increases their average IQ.
It all works out in the end.

Liking a comedy because it's fun seems like a good reason.
I don't know what the fuck you're talking about, why even mention DBS or Naruto.
