Imouto sae Ireba Ii

It's been a long time since an anime actually made me laugh and was really pleasant to watch especially since all girls were damn good.

Pic related really hit the peak.

>Pic related really hit the peak.
You get bland waifubaits who have nothing but MC's dick on their mind every season.

Post your address. I'm on my way.

that anime was shit dude...
literly a fap fest with the writers pushing for the "you have to apprechiate the anime since we worked hard on it" meme

fuck that shit

>hard work is a meme
You're a meme.

dropped it 2 episodes in, i wanted to continue because the girls were cute but the mc is just such a fuckin faggot.

Also nothing worse than glorifying LN writers

>twisting words so you can make a reply
i don't doubt the work they put into it but the result is still shit so all the work was in vain

you can work as hard as you want but if you're product is mediocre at best it doesn't matter if you gave 100 or 50%

the way you express yourself really gives the impression of a scholar.

It was relaxing watch.

the way you try to defend a shitty anime really gives the impression of a faggot without taste that just chases the "cute girl" shit that's beeing dumped

doesnt look like youve watched the show if you think its primary focus was on cute girls.

>the "you have to apprechiate the anime since we worked hard on it" meme
They aren't, though. Haruto's anime was fucking shit, and he knows that.

>side bitch starts crying
says something to the effekt of how it hurts to see the shitshow his friend created gets called out

i think it was the 8th episode? i don't remember but that gave you a pretty good idea what how much "work" they actually put into it
if anything they tried to capitalize on the whole ero manga meme nothing more

yeah i bet that writing naked is a esential part of the story just as fondling the breast of the side bitch and the third cunt

go fuck your self and watch your softcore porn but don't act like it's something special you moron

>says something to the effekt of how it hurts to see the shitshow his friend created gets called out
>the shitshow his friend created
He didn't create the shitshow, though. The LNs are fine, as fine as far as we know, it's the anime that's terrible. Otherwise, yes, you're right, he's upset seeing so much criticism flung at him, and they're upset for him, but they aren't trying to gloss over the fact that it's shit. Haruto even goes back to that idea later and says "Yeah, I tried my best, the staff probably tried their best too, it didn't work out this time, we'll move on."

What's wrong with him?

Episode 6 20:25 watch his break down
that's what pissed me off not even the side bitches reaction
the verry fact that even tho he knew it would be utter shit and that the studio didn't gave neither him, the voice actors, writers nor animaters enough time he was still deeply offendet by it

honestly, yes, it fucking sucks watching your novel be made just to fail and people talk shit about it, i get that, but he shouldn't react that way
the anime was a complete failure but his LN series is not and with all the information about the production of his anime he shouldn't be upset because he already knew that it was a mediocre product and
>"i already had a bad feeling when i got the whitebox a day before the premier"
is another sentence that bothers me with the whole scene

they fucked up the scene so badly that it made the whole anime have a bad taste, it's shit writing

He writes Novels not animes!

>the verry fact that even tho he knew it would be utter shit and that the studio didn't gave neither him, the voice actors, writers nor animaters enough time he was still deeply offendet by it
>"i already had a bad feeling when i got the whitebox a day before the premier"
Did you miss the part where he specifically avoided watching that whitebox? He had a bad feeling, and he basically pushed that feeling to the back of his mind and tried to be positive. Then he finally watched the show on air, and it was fucking terrible, and he still tried to brush it off ("Yeah, I knew it would be shit, no big deal, who cares if everyone thinks my work sucks now," etc.) and then he just caved and vented about how frustrated he was, and then by a few days later he'd managed to accept that this was a fuck-up that he had to move on from. Really wasn't an unreasonable response in my book.

well this information is also given to us in the part i was refering too...

again, yes it is reasonable to be upset but he's upset at the wrong people
even tho he gives us all the information to let us know that the studio rushed his anime because the original one was cancled he goes on and blames the people for not enjoying a shitty made anime

just like his friends do
it's about the people talking shit not about the people who didn't give a shit in the first place

>"if you enjoyed the LN you HAVE to enjoy the anime" the episode

From the thumbnail, I thought her face was an over-sized, inverted nipple

Time to watch Haha Musume again

Battle harems fucking suck, I'd probably like the characters more if they weren't writing the bottom of the barrel even for LNs.

>even tho he gives us all the information to let us know that the studio rushed his anime because the original one was cancled he goes on and blames the people for not enjoying a shitty made anime
He's not blaming them for not enjoying the anime, he knows it's bad. He's just upset to see people shitting on his work, especially the ones who haven't read the LN and are just throwing the whole thing under the bus (later we see him happy when someone at the bookstore tells their friend "No, the anime's shit, but the LNs are good"). He can accept that the anime is shit, but it just makes him feel bad to be the target for so much criticism. And we already know that he's self-conscious about this shit, based on his obsession with shaping social media personas for popularity, and that flashback about how he was upset to see people shitting on his novels and praising Itsuki's. He's a bit insecure and sensitive to other's opinions, and he's frustrated about the anime to boot, and then a bunch of people start shitting on him online, so he just takes all that out on them in an angry rant. That's really all it comes down to, it's not some big statement from the author about how fans aren't allowed to dislike anything.

I want her to sit on my face

Cutest creature



The thumbnail looks like the belly of a pregnant woman.

from the thumbnail, I thought it was a gut peeking through a semi open shirt

I still have no idea what this anime is about.

Those lips are gross

It's a coming of age kind of thing

I have no idea what that's about.