Eliminates crime worldwide

>Eliminates crime worldwide
>Achieves world peace by stopping all pointless wars and conflict
>Saves millions of lives
>Turns the world into a living utopia
>Only goes after neurotic, ego tripping detectives who oppose him out of pride with no regards to the millions that would die if his work was undone

How is he supposed to be a villain already?

he was only one man.
he did right things until he reached his bottleneck being a human

Who said he was the villain?

he did literally none of that

Are you retarded? Yes he did.

Doesn't the world go back to being shit after he died?

No. The changes were mostly permanent.

because he crossed the line and killed people like the detective and the detective's girlfriend

Other politicians do this frequently and we let THEM get away with it... and THEY don't do shit to improve anything at all.

All he did was kill a bunch of convicted criminals. Everything beyond that was the writer making shit up to justify his bullshit.

>stuff the writer said happened didnt because I said so

Ok so, i haven't read deathnote

But are you saying that things the writer explicitly put in the book in relation to the events happening was "making shit up"? Or did i miss something?

Because thats literally how a story works.

correlation != causation

Until there is a believable narrative reason for it chose to believe all of lights "results" where entirely coincidental.

>the writer making shit up to justify his bullshit

user, I want you to open a dictionary and look up the word "fiction".

Do you think he would've killed Trump?

Congratulations on the most faggy post on Sup Forums.

No one man should have all that power

Congratulations on the most faggy post on Sup Forums.

Your right

Unless its a written text as there is a limited amount of space and time with which to convey ideas and story and the inclusion of something that seems like just a correlation is often very, very much causation and to say "the writer only included that to justify his bullshit" is a pretty vapid and retarded.

The main thing with the idea of correlations isn't causation is we have an entire world to examine this against, in media you do not have that, you have only what is presented and what is presented is usually done with a purpose.

Not unless Trump started talking shit about Kira in public and about how he is going to get him captured.

Light is a fucking idiot narcissist and legit turned evil.

He was more interested in winning than achieving peace.

If I was him I would be doing the same shit but I would have NEVER responded to L.

And for a supposed smart person he started off killing a bunch a people close to where he lived.

After the first kill to confirm it I would be killing all over the world to avoid being pin pointed by anyone.

And I would even wait months and months after the first confirming kill so that no one associated that one kill with the upcoming Kira kills.

He's a dumbass that starting shitting where he eats.

He could have easily gotten away with it where L could do nothing. He bent over backwards for L to catch him. ALl due to pride and wanting to win.

If he was truly only in it for peace I would make it my duty not to get caught. Do literally everything and sacrifice any pride he had to make sure no one found him.

I mean how the fuck could L find him if he spread out his kills all over the world and never responded to him?

HE HAD A MAGICAL POWER, there's nothing he could to do figure out how that power worked without Light responding to L and giving him clues.

100% and only Sup Forumstards think otherwise.
>bribed an attorney general to get out of a crime
>killed innocents with drone strikes and said to kill the families of terrorists
>pardoned a guy who bragged about running a concentration camp
>allied with putin a known killer

>that trip
>that policial opinion
>that bait


uh bruz they mention a spike in crime rate

it is even worse in the manga where it has a chapter that takes place after the main series and crime rate goes up by over 300% without kira

If he was such a good guy how come he's dead?

This, the story never outright defines him as a villain or a hero. There are as many cases in favor of the latter as there are for the former. Even the ending with Light's defeat isn't storybook: Light was never punished (he was defeated and died pathetically, but he was bound to be killed by Ryuk anyway), the world gets worse without Kira, it's still questioned whether stopping him was right, and Kira is shown to have sincere followers praying for his return.

Questions whether Light was good/evil or right/wrong were secondary to his games with the detectives. They made things interesting.

Kira didn't kill any world leaders, so no.

He killed innocent people like Ray Penber and his girlfriend.

Light was a Villain protagonist. L was hero antagonist.

by that reasoning he should've just killed himself

Trump would be stupid enough and jealous of Kira's worship to declare war on him or something.

Light wouldn't be able to help himself if Trump actively tried to come after him.

Things like that are the real reason the manga ending is superior. Most people focus on how Light goes out, but things like that or even the revelation that there is no afterlife in the DN universe allow the reader to reflect back on everything and come to their own conclusions.

Dumb tv tropes terms. Protagonists lacking in conventionally heroic qualities are anti-heroes. Many classic anti-heroes are straight up villainous, sometimes it' just the story told from a bad guy's perspective.

Also L is not heroic. He's very twisted and scummy. He himself admits to this and he is called a bit evil by the mangaka.

trump would probably be alrighty with kira and call him a friend of 'merica

Japan has a really high incarceration rate; some of the people he killed could be innocent.

you two are pathetic, trump would have sided with kira day 1