Explain this, Usagibabs.
Explain this, Usagibabs
she can inflate them when needed
kimono hides your chest when worn properly.
If you were a genius like me, you'd know that she stuffs tea bags inside her breasts.
$300 fine
boobs sell And who's buyin?
>basically this
She probably uses the cloth wrap too
Gochiusa autism threads are my favorite.
Yeah, it hides your chest, it doesn't delete it.
Breasts contract at cooler temperatures, brainlet.
Left is after she has used all her milk to make tea for customers.
She grew breasts after I impregnated her.
sex with my cute wife Megu!
Sex with my daughterwife Megu!
Sex with forehead and megu
Nice quote faggot.
Ama Usa An? More like
It's called a sarashi
Japanese whorehouse.
Tashkent-te, yamero
fuck you I hate you breasts shitd
for what reason? she looks like loli and you never fapped to real flat lolis
I just fapped to this. thx
I've fapped to Chino countless times already.
On the left her tits are flaccid while on the right they're erect.
Sharo was sexually abused as a child.
tasty cunny, really
I'd like some more green tea.
By who?
Left is my daughtersister, Chiya-chan, right is my wifefuckbuddy Chiya the Slut.
By me.
Marrying your own daughter
Why are the heart mugs separated?
Her heart is broken. By me.
Am I allowed to participate in these threads after I’ve watched this show?
Cow fee.
She has to pay Cocoa money every time she unleashes her huge cowtits.
But Cocoa is busty as well. Shouldn't she pay for Chino or Çýæřő instead? They are flat as fuck.
That depends. How many PhDs do you have?
Chiya lost the heated spat. Cocoa had tamed Rize earlier, and Chiya was the only one standing her. Once she tamed Chiya, she truly established herself as the big sister of every GochiUsa.
standing in her way*
I'm going to MARRY my girlfriend Sharo-chan!
just how smart is this secret genious?
did you remarried her?
She's at least proven the Riemann Hypothesis since she can generate prime numbers indefinitely.
She has five brains within her brain. Five times smarter than any Einstein or Hawking.
Por mí
От мен.
Corset. Or character designers/animator incompetence
its a dev loli,
What show is this?
Sarashi or socks maybe is the answer. Or hidden surgery who knows?
My girlfriend Cocoa-san can't be this cute!
I've never watched whatever show you're referencing but I assume either the right girl is the left girls older sister or it's probably a season 2 time skip where she hit puberty five or six years later and cut her hair. Probably a different animation studio too.
Guillotine Gorilla
Aoyama no Susume
You're all lying.
Amausa-an? More like Anal-sama
Planet Cawfee, narrated by David Attenborough.
this is peak performance
JK Meshi
Tengen Toppa: Brewann Caffann
I want to lick Maya's asshole while creampie'ing Megu's cunny.