Alright so when Berserk eventually ends, what's next? I can't imagine Kentaro just ending the franchise with the main series and I don't think there's any other characters that can offer us a spinoff story that's as engaging as Gut's story. What do you guys think?
Alright so when Berserk eventually ends, what's next...
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Go read Gigantomakhia, faggot. Damn you and your mom.
Miura will be fine.
>I don't think there's any other characters that can offer us a spinoff story that's as engaging as Gut's story
You're truly as retard as appears to be? Jesus Christ.
He's barely able to update as is. Do you seriously think he's up for any more once it ends, if it even does before he dies?
If it does somehow finish, he'll do more shorter things like Gigantomakhia.
>when Berserk eventually ends
Stopped reading right there, that's just not happening
>so when Berserk eventually ends
There were people on this board who have died before reading a new chapter. Thankfully they were spared the abominations that was the anime.
Why did Guts's hair turn white ?
>Thankfully they were spared the abominations that was the anime
This is true. They died in bliss, imagining it was surely going to be a multi-billion dollar project with the best talent in the industry and top notch voice actors, faithfully recreating imagery like pic related. They were spared the horror
Just do nothing but draw loli porn all day every day.
>Young men with long lightly coloured hair
>Considered attractive in a way that appeals to both men and women
>Has an ultimate dream they will stop at nothing to achieve
>Ambiguous sexuality
>Subtextual homoerotic relationship with a close friend whom they lose
>Amulet which is important to them and they constantly stroke
>Short haired waifus
>Legend of the Galactic Heroes book predates Berserk by almost a decade
Is Miura a hack?
user he's going to retire just like kubo