The year is ending in less than two days

let's see Sup Forums's new year resolution
mine's nofap

listen to kiznaiver op every single day

I don't make new year resolutions because you can make resolutions every day.

Finally going to kill myself this year.


Don't do it! Think of all the anime you still have to watch!

Nofap isn't especially good for you, noporn is the important part.

See you next new years eve, faggot.

I say that every year, instead I'm going to attempt to quit smoking

Watch the entirety of the gundam franchise

To watch more anime.

Don’t do that to yourself.

To finally quit Sup Forums
see ya'll next year

Less shitposting and more actual watching of shows

Finally gonna get ripped so people are actually surprised when I say I watch anime, instead of expecting it.

Finally 2016 is over

What a terrible year

crypto gains

I plan to finally get a job

Mine's finally getting a job so I can buy anime merchandise.

I'm going to run 2kms every day

Become a millionaire in a few months after investing my life savings into crypto so I can go to summer comiket and buy literally everything. Also finish my backlog.

Continue to be a nice person in real life and on this board

What’s this crypto meme I keep hearing about?

It's an easy way to lose money.


Create more shitty OC. Maybe even learn how to draw.

learning how to draw. Maybe becoming less of a fat fuck?I actually managed to pull off the weight loss resolution last year but i could go lower desu

every fucking year.

132 things on my backlog so 132 reasons to live

grow taller

How tall are you?

I'm a asian manlet at 5'7 though I grew a quarter inch in the past 6 months

Shut up Taneshima

But that's quite tall for a girl, specially for a asian one.

If I could get to 5'8 this year it would be a fucking miracle

Remember, you're here forever

Make my lifting routine more consistent again.

Cut down to 70kg. I couldn't break 80kg last time. I might need to add cardio or HIIT.

Get my healthy diet back in place. I was following it pretty well in 2016, but fell off the wagon. I was even off processed sugar.

Get past halfway all gilded on the French Duolingo course. I've already completely gilded the German course.

Complete some courses on Economics on Khan Academy. I've already started some.

Start reading the Greek classics, whenever my fucking Kobo arrives. I'm going to replace Anime with reading and useful videos.

Get Hardened Gentoo finally installed on my ThinkPad, and Centos on my desktop so I can use it as a VM server. Install OwnCloud onto that too. I might also get a YubiKey.

Start a website hosting company.

Move back into a Linux + Python dev job instead of my current shitty Windows + .NET one.

Have $15000 in savings.

That's it for now. I don't wanna overload myself :3

What if those 132 shows are horrible?

If you're still growing, talk to your doc about hormone therapy, i.e. Human Growth Hormone (HGH).

Will they ever remake angel beats as it was supposed to be?

To keep calm and carry on.

Bateman is that you?

>investing life savings into crypto
I seriously hope no one actually does this.

I will be depressed but the time was spent on my only hobby besides shitposting so its ok then

>I'm going to replace Anime with reading
You can do both, you know.

I'm gonna get a job, start running and watch more pre-00s anime.

My flatmate invested ~$5k into crypto, and made like $90k over the space of a year, just constantly watching the markets, talking to other crypto enthusiasts, and moving money between different crypto currencies.

Best time for it is now, while it's still unregulated. Just don't put all of your money in it and don't invest in just one crypto currency. Watch the whole market.

Set up an account on multiple exchanges, and keep your money in a private wallet so that an exchange can't steal it.

My resolution is the same as this year. To sacrifice normalfag activities in order to be able to do nothing but watch some anime and read tons of shitposts on the internet.

where is the "reasons to to not kill yourself next year" image?

Why Bateman? I'm not American, and there's nothing Psycho about my goals.

Nah, I can feel my life wasting away just watching more anime.

Let go of this rotten place for good.

Remember, you are here forever. God i hope this cryptominer bullshit done by hiro kills the site

22yr old asian manlet here. It's not happening; I've stayed at 5'7" for the past 5 years.

My resolution is to finally break 4 plates on my deadlift.

breaking through the 4th wall

Trying to lose weight by eating less in general and quitting eating stuff with wheat flour in it as much as possible. Maybe increase bicycling too since running will probably kill me.

Eat more since i'm a lazy fuck

>4pl8 DL

Respect mah nigga. 5'7 whitey here. I'm only at 3pl8 for my max.

Arw you going for 1/2/3/4?

Lose fat and try to gain muscle.
Also, get more pacients to work and move away from my parents house.

Still going on Sup Forums.

> 2016
what year is it now ?

I can get behind this

work down to a reasonable backlog
GIT GUD at drawing
learn how to actually into tech for my otaku needs

impeccable taste my fellow user

learn a bit of moonrunes

underrated post

I wish i have nothing to lose so i could do that but apparently i still have reasons to live

kinda. Currently repping 4x6 for 110 on OHP so I could probably hit 1 plate on that. Already hit 2 pl8 on bench, and at 385 max on deadlift atm. Squatting is the hard part, I skip leg day more than I should and am still stuck at 2 plates for 4x6. My squat max is probably only 260 or so.

It's porn right.

why is it so damn hard

>I've already completely gilded the German course.
Why waste your time with German?

It's my future. don't want to die while haven't taste a pussy. sintetic is fine tho!

Not in this timeline

>Considering 3d
Rethink your life.

Not until you finish your fucking backlog.

I will do the same thing as i did years before, so whatever the fuck I want.

Get into boxing

not even one is good

Quit Sup Forums. Quit Sup Forums. Most of you're newfags and underage. I hate you all.

My resolution is to finally get in shape.
I made a lot of progress this year and got into a healthy weight, but I couldn't keep the diet/routine up and just plateau'd. Even the little progress I made had an immeasurable impact on my quality of life, so I want to try again and push further this time.

Easy way to make money if you're not retarded

How's your routine to do that?

Writing my isekai story.

go to work
Now this is something

Good for you. I managed to lose weight but felt no better for it. As if motivation wasn't hard enough.

Draw more cute anime grill
Losing weight more
Draw more

Ganbare user

She's waiting, user... she's waiting.

Need to not fall for KyoAni praise falseflagging

Very basic stuff. Home exercise (pushups, situps, squats etc.) 6 days a week. Gym 3 times a week (following the basic 5x5) and running 3 days a week.
I didn't start out at this but slowly worked my way up to it and only committed to a paid gym membership when I was doing enough outside the gym to feel like I could trust myself to hold the commitment. For diet I just cut out sugar and most processed foods and learned to cook. I leaned hard on easy things I like to eat, like eggs and just used google to find easy, cheap recipes. Saved a lot of money on food and found my health improve a lot just from that. There are free phone apps that help you track daily calorie and nutrition information, too.

loss 50 kg

I don't even have a job but I make $300~ a day doing bitcoins for an hour.

I'm gunna go to college!
And get a girlfriend!!


Not even one of back up plan? Edgy