Boku no Hero Academia

Why does Deku like little kids so much?

Other urls found in this thread:


midorya-chan, pedophilia is against the law

The Yakuza raid arc was a mistake.

>hey Ibara
>you can swing your whips pretty fast, right?
>what if you whipped me with them as a funny prank?
I would bleed al over my clothes and it would sting for days
>if you whipped my ass I wouldn't be able to even sit down
>now wouldn't that be funny?

So I’m assuming this is the shitposting thread, right? I’ll save you guys the trouble.
>water is wet
>decuck and bakuchad
>mutant hating Todoroki
>20 years of abuse
>yakuza arc is shit

dont forget

One of us.

Jirou wants a gf arc when?

This stuff happens every thread you big baby

you forgot

you forgot to say bnhafag

You forgot
>"What killed the hype?"
>"Shit chapter as always"
>*NEW!* bakubowl

Can you guys stop wallowing in how shit you are?
Its like BnHAfags are proud to be the worst fanbase.

We're saying everything before it actually happens so we can prevent them from happening. Or so I'd like to think.
Also I forgot

>be late on reading the manga
>shitposters constantly going on about the OH MY REWIND QUIRK
>imply it's this massive deus ex machina to rewind fate and the writing has gone to shit
>feel that's completely against the themes of the show, get disappointed and read anyway
>it's actual just reverse fucking aging letting Deku go HAM
that's actually the first time shitposting has pissed me off

What killed the hype?

At least we're better than jojofags.

Not even close.


>actually believing this

Garbage-tier arc

> The Yakuza raid arc was a mistake.
In other news water is wet
> Why does Deku like little kids so much?
Maybe he is a pedo?

Which one? License or Yakuza?

he looks like one

bnha is babys first shonen, it makes sense that its fanbase consists of underage retards.

Nothing can be worse than JoJo bronies


Isn't it obvious, OP ?
Everyone likes little girls

What in god's name is going on in the perspective here?

So how long are we assuming this arc is gonna be?

> actually believing this

>hey momo
>you can make anything with your quirk, right?
>could you make sex dolls in my image?
>you could sell them around the school and to old men and make a huge profit
>everyone would think I'm a sex doll whore and treat me accordingly
>you could have as many for personal use as you want
>it would sure be funny if you did that

>Its like BnHAfags are proud to be the worst fanbase.
No, we're annoyed at all you dumb faggots having to come into every single thread about the series to drop your incredibly low effort shitposts, cause you're so fucking butthurt about no one caring about whatever series it is you like that you spend more time shitting up other series threads than posting in threads about the series you actually read.

>worst fanbase

I like bnha fine but I hate everyone else who reads it. Especially on Sup Forums
I reckon this is how narutofags felt. Never was into that one.

t. JoJo brony

t. MHAfag
> actually believing this

the anime will save the yakuza arc
lots of fighting to animate with a lot of the boring shit cut out

It's because Sup Forums is filled with massive contrarians that develop an autistic hateboner for anything that becomes remotely popular. It's "keit-ai" shitposting all over again, and by that I mean its shitposting not just to shitpost and fuck with people for laughs, but to actively derail discussion because they really are that autistically angry about the show being popular

t. a jelly JoJo brony who can't discuss his manga because it's dead

The people who make most of those shitposts don't read bnha. Half the shitposters on Sup Forums these days are so fucking lazy they use the same shitposts in threads for half a dozen different series. And they're so retarded that they didn't even come up with the shitpost themselves and are just copy and pasting something they saw someone else wrote.

you can know that [x] arc is garbage if the fans of it are saying the anime will save it

>no Deku in this chapter
>manga automatically better

>save it
isn't the manga selling really fucking well though? Thought it wsa really popular, even in jump ratings

it is
but this is shitposting so

>Volume 15(28 Days) - 31,852(522,623)
>Volume 16(46 Days) - 11,743(526,003)
It's still selling pretty well but the sales are already declining

I still don't get why your are unironically reading this when Boruto and Black Clover exist.

I mean that's one volume, you can say the arc was bad but to say the manga is starting to decline is kind of hilarious

>that's one volume
Do you into sales?
Slippery slope

Youre defending your claim with a fallacy? You're not supposed to use them

Man, you know the editorial push is backfiring when people have started comparing Black Clover to blatant money milking shit like Boruto.

don't pull the football hooligan shit on me i'm not here to argue

t. MHAfag needing to shit on other series because they know their beloved one is crap

If you wanna think business wise
there is a movie comeing out, we know this is cirtain
let's say the last ark was shit (I liked it but im easy to please)
and that lots of people stopped reading due to this with no intention of coming back
this would mean sales have declined and would stay in that declined state, and this could lead to less money for the writer and thus less quality work thus more decline (like you said a slippery slope)
if this next ark turns out to be good sales will stay steadily on in this state, and will slowly rise back up granted he can keep the quality of writing
however the movie is pretty much guaranteed to increase sales of the manga
but instead of increasing them from where it was, it may just put them back to where they were before
so no net loss but no net gain eather
the movie has basically acted as a get out of jail free card for them
and granted they pick back up the quality of writing, they should be just fine!

why do you people even come into these threads if you dont like the manga or show?
it genuinely confuses me

Don't worry. BnHAfags are way better than the cancerous shipperfags we have in /snk/
Enjoy it while you can, you are lucky

Who said i didnt like MHA?
Mentioning points one didnt like or where the mangaka just created BS =/= hating a series. Its like saying i dont like every single aspect of it.
Its the hardcore fanboys who cause others to do the shitposting, they defend anything and if its someones subjective opinion that isnt positive they will call him a shitposter for not liking one particular part.

stop tryna take our title away from us
we have the BEST shitposting cancer on this site
if you want the NO.1 spot you can fight me for it faggot

Are you aware how much BnHA shit is coming in 2018? Even if you hold that title now we will surpass you in 2018.

So much better than Deku x Uravity

Because he prefers virgins over sloppy seconds.

>Todomomo is shitposting

Jokes on you, I am (nicht)

>Volume 16(46 Days) - 11,743(526,003)
You can at least update your numbers shitposter-kun
>537078 MHA 16
Volume 16 has been ranked lnger than 15 by now

The ship in itself is fine. But there's a Todomomo shitposter that seems so goddamn adamant on the fact that they're already endgame, and people trying to argue back with them that it's not the case. So that derails the thread and belongs as shitposting.
I'm starting to think that may be somebody just arguing with themselves to fill the thread at this point.

>this would mean sales have declined and would stay in that declined state, and this could lead to less money for the writer and thus less quality work thus more decline (like you said a slippery slope)

But less money =/= less quality work.
The two main reason for a drop of quality is either the publisher overworking their employees(which can happen if the sales drop and the publisher demands to put out chapter quicker), or because of a series success the writer doesn't care as much as he used to, because he knows his shit gonna sell well.

Is Shouto legitimately autistic? It was memed before, but after seeing him telling those kids his life story it's looking almost certain.

Wait that fag was really using old numbers? That's fucking sad


Well the other symtomps are there, but I don't remember him having symptoms like language impairment, repetitive behaviour, sleep deficits, bad short-term memory but excellent long term memory. sensory prosessing problems etc.

I just like posting pictures user.

the better candidate for genuinely autistic is Yui.

Its social autism

>they made two threads again

OP should use two noises, that way his neck will snap twice as fast

this series makes me happy

especially the soundtrack

DBSfags still hold that title somehow.

>am literaly autistic
>show none of them behaviours
face it, shouto is a sperg just like us

Is it really that bad in /snk/ threads?

And in none of the threads you are helpful or push any arguement further.
That picture is already recognised as a mark of shit opinion.

P.S. I do know that I'm replying to a bait

You're a tripfag so your opinions are equally worthless.

That's a namefag, you clueless newfag

I've peeked in them, they're horrible
I'd rather have a couple characterfags than a bunch of obnoxious shipping fags filling the threads with why their favorite ship is better and dumping their image folder
Like I don't think I've seen anyone complain about Deku or Todo being pairing bicycles

Wait, sperg is the shortened version of asperger.
Isn't that part of the autism spectrum?

lets not forget a classic one
>what killed the hype

I only have a name, but no tripcode, so I'm a mere namefag.
But why would the fact that my posts are futile would ever stop me?


yes... hence why I called him a sperg

and i also suck balls


Damn, Shiggy looks really cute here.

Spergs just have traits of autism, like some social ineptness or being overly obsessed with stuff like series or a hobby but they can still mostly live a normal life and most people wouldn't even know
Actual full blown autists have autism fits and have more weird autism traits like them hating being touched and being really bad at socializing and emoting
At least that's how I think most people including myself would classify them

Oh, that's the first time I see someone else using this name.
Ok, whatever

It is shitposting because it gets spammed constantly without a reason

>since my hands disintegrate things let me give you a footjob
>but I'm also gonna touch your chest with my hand

>At least that's how I think most people including myself would classify them
That's not how medical conditions work you fucking sperg, you dont just decide what you think is and is not autism
autism is a mental handicap what covers a wide range of shit, like being bad in social situations, liking repetitive tasks, being obsessed with a single thing, as well as stuff with over or under sensitivity and the like
aspergers (spergs) specifically have the social shit but they are still autistic
so all spergs are autistic but not all autisms are spergs

some spergs cant socialise or get on with life for shit
some full blown autists can get on with life just fine
just depends where on the scale they are (high functioning (basicaly normal) or low functioning (basically retards))
shoutos basically a low functioning autism
>can't deal with social situations
>takes everything very literaly
>does not handle humour well
>obsessed with achieving a few goals, becoming best hero and creating a mutant free society
>really good at academics

t. full blown autist who handles social situations just fine because they got swole so instead of being "weird" its funny and instead of being autistic its "alpha"


whatever you say, GAY R E T A R D


>Talks about how autism actually works.
>Other anons call him a gay retard

poor user

wouldn't have this site any other way desusenpaifamkun