If you have not seen at least 10 of his movies you don't belong on Sup Forums

>if you have not seen at least 10 of his movies you don't belong on Sup Forums
Do you agree or disagree?

I always loved his movies as a kid but dont remember any of em. Should I watch then again?

Do you still wear your diapers?

They're children's movies. Who gives a flying fuck. Movies in the first place are a very small and weak portion of the anime medium.

B-but I saw only 6...

Just retire already you old hack

Agree. Should serve as a litmus test for newfags who genuinely believe "anime was a mistake" is a real quote.

I believe it's a real quote. The hack genuinely thinks he's making good movies because they sell and no one dares the oppose something that's popular. It's a circlejerk with him in the middle. He thinks he's a saint because he's treated as one.


Miyazaki genuinely makes good films though.

>If you haven't seen at least 200 series to completion, you shouldn't even post on Sup Forums.

It use to be at least 100 series back in 2007, 200 should be easy these days. Fucking newfags.

Profitable movies sure. But, as an adult male, I don't really care for the financial aspect of things.

>if you watch anime you shouldnt post on Sup Forums

No, I mean he makes genuinely good films.
>good characters & development
>good world building
>good stories

His movies are basically cartoons, not anime.

If you're a child I can understand why all the praise might have deluded you into thinking as such. But me, being an adult male, I don't care much for the circlejerk part of things. No one is denying he made profitable movies.

Not to say his movies aren't good, but he's a relic of the past clinging to the old days. Nips really can't adapt to modern times.

You sound like a massive faggot

Nah. He makes genuinely good films, for ALL ages. No need to be elitist & insecure about your masculinity, user.


>ALL ages
A marketing term used to trick people into buying 4 tickets (average family) instead of 2. I can see you understand why his movies are so profitable when you're basically shilling for them as it is. However, me, being the adult-male, do not adhere to basic marketing talk. No one is denying he made profitable movies.

>the litmus test should be that you have to watch movies from the most mainstream normie anime filmmaker

bitch please

>But me, being an adult
No you're not

It's funny how you keep talking about "profit" when you also keep saying you're an adult male and you don't care about it.
I'm just telling you his films are genuinely good with great stories & characters, for literally anyone to enjoy.
>No one is denying he made profitable movies.
I'm not even bringing this up at all, yet you keep moving the goalposts back here, for some reason.

Stop replying to him, he's either baiting or underage

I can understand why you wouldn't be able to comprehend my posts, seeing as you're only argument is marketing talk. But I, as an adult male, can safely say that no one is claiming this movie wasn't profitable. However that doesn't matter to me. I can understand though that you enjoyed something you watched as a child. Again, no one is claiming his movies aren't profitable. Considering even you are doing their marketing for them for free.

>not a new IP

He wrote NausicaƤ which is one of the greatest manga ever and you call him a hack? You have no idea of how to distingush between greatness and a piece of shit.

What does that have to do with an anime quote? As much shit as anime gets as a whole. Manga is even more derivative of anything. It's a constant struggle, a constant popularity contest so any attempt at an honest story is axed before they even get the chance to tell it. Mangaka is the most dishonest job there is. There's no room for creativity. It's all one single popularity contest.

Nice job outing yourself.

Who cares about that? Stop moving goalposts. We are judging the work that comes out not the process in which it was made. Every industry puts pressure on their creators to perform and that pressure creates great works of art from time to time. If you call NausicaƤ trash then everyone can disregard your opinion as you are just talking shit.

Out of the ones I've seen

Castle in the Sky
Spirited Away

Porco Rosso
Pom Poko
Whisper of the Heart
Princess Mononoke

My Neighbor Totoro
Grave of the Fireflies
Howl's Moving Castle

Kiki's Delivery Service

You're the one moving goal posts read >

I barely watch movies, that includes anime movies, I think I watched like 3 or 4 movies from him.

>Disliking anime because others like it
The test seems to work

oh no user the shame being "outed" in an anonymous board
When did I say I don't like his films? Just saying, if you are gonna suggest the idea of litmus test it should be something besides the anime equivalent of Spielberg movies.

BTW I don't even fully agree with the idea of a litmus test but if you are gonna try to be elitist at least try to raise the bar of entry.

Look at every single thread on this board and try and find even a single way in which they relate to miyasaki. Absolutely irrelevant, whether the movies are good or not.

I don't really fucking care, his stuff is okay. I have a lot of respect for his contributions towards the medium but I feel like Oshii and Kon are way better directors, at least his stuff looks nice.

Can you find even one citation to support that claim?


I have no reason to not believe it.

Spielberg actually made good movies though? From a movie-making perspective I mean...
Now I wouldn't watch them as an adult male but you can tell he knows how to make believable movies with limited techniques.

Sounds like the made up reasoning flat-earthers use. There is no arguing with people like him.

Osamu Tezuka, the god of cartoons.

Makes sense that people defending a children's movies guy are literal children.


I probably watch 5 of them and they all look and feel the same. No need to watch 10

What about a lack of any evidence?

>But me, being an adult mal

Doesn't strike me as a reason not to believe something. There's always truth to rumors. And it doesn't seem like something he wouldn't say. What about that?

Then why did you watch 5?

Because my hot and sexy girl friend really likes them

Which rumours then, besides those spread by fans on internet forums?

Eww. Having a GF with the mental age of a child doesn't sound appealing to me.

>which rumors besides
Are you for real?

but not great

>are you for real?
You're saying those are the rumours which drive your opinions, then?

Are we praising an adult man now for doing his job?

You're just jealous, cry harder nerd

The fuck are you on about ESL?

I'm not the one babysitting and being forced to watch shitty children's movies. If she's hot I just have sex with her and have dinner with her at some fancy place. But by god I wouldn't want to babysit her. If she's not right in the head. Why should I be the one to suffer?

>Sup Forums
Your type of reasoning is quite welcome there they sound just as dumb.

>art is a job

You seem to know the ins and outs of the place. Feel free to go back there instead of telling me how much you miss it.

He makes commercially viable movies for children. Not art.

>I'm not the one babysitting and being forced to watch shitty children's movies. If she's hot I just have sex with her and have dinner with her at some fancy place.

this reads like a teenagers(or virgin manchild) perception of what being in an adult relationship is about. which would explain this constant need to assert oneself as an adult male

I don't think you're ever been a relationship before.

I'm not having an adult relationship with someone that's mentally a child user. I have sex with her "smoking hot" body. Your words, not mine.

I know the difference. You don't.

The ones that were mentally immature were usually a one-night thing. Yes. I don't think your one-minute-apart-posting-style is making you look more intelligent. Can't follow a conversation can you?

Stop you're being too obvious trolling for yous

Nice deflection

>n-no i'm not trolling i fucking swear to god!

I've stayed consistent throughout. There's a difference between the mental- and physical state of a person. This has been my argument since post1.

Miyazaki's movies are great, I don't give a fuck about their popularity.

Spirited Away = Princess Mononoke > Nausicaa = My Neighbor Totoro > The Wind Rises > Howl's Moving Castle = Kiki's Delivery Service.

Still need to watch Castle In The Sky, Porco Rosso and Ponyo.

>not a new IP

once you've seen one you've seen them all

You don't have sex with anyone. The way you talk in your posts is revealing of someone who's desperately insecure and unattractive to women.

they're good but saying you don't belong on Sup Forums unless you've watched a bunch of his movies implies when they're obscure or "power level" or some shit, they're not. his movies are normalfag as fuck

Someone who trolls on anime image board is usually not mentally matured

>Kiki's Delivery Service

Get fucked

This post on the other hand sounds rather insecure if you don't mind me saying so. I get that you wish for me to be that particular way. But only because of your own insecurity.

Turns out people are predictable. I even predicted your reaction. All you need is one solid, real-life, conversation and you can tell whether or not someone is mentally immature.

Feel free to say something.

>try to figure out how many series I've watched
>try to figure out how many I've watched to completion
>turns out I'm a fucking scrub

Why are you here? You know. As an adult male.

Whisper of the Heart


Sup Forums is an adult board. You would know had you read the rules.

>I am here because it's a board for adults
This is not a reason for being here. It's stating why you are allowed to be here.

I didn't even know he had more than 10 movies

Fair point. I'm still not going to blogpost though.

>As an adult man I'm too mature for these kid movies
Then why are you here?

read >

Some of the best animation in the game. Sadly only few of his works interested me from a thematical standpoint.

Watch Castle of Cagliostro. It's not a Ghibli film, so it doesn't have any bullshit.

The original Lupin III TV series from 1971 was also directed by Hayao Miyazaki (as well as Isao Takahata, the other Ghibli director, who did Grave of the Fireflies). Implying any of you have watched something that old.

Lupin is just as trash as Miyazaki movies are. Lupin is south park but without the edge.

Look at me look at me I watched an old anime

A good way to know if a person have good taste is

1) ask if the person liked The End of Evangelion
1.5) if no, just consider that he definitely have a fucking shitaste
2) if yes, ask who he prefers: Miyazaki, Hosoda or Shinkai.
3) if the answer is anything besides Hayao Miyazaki >> Mamoru Hosoda >>>>>>> Makoto Shinkai, you can disconsider his opinion on any other subject.

Wow, an ESL that streams his anime telling me I have shit taste.

I've watched 250+ series and I have never watched an anime movie

>real quote

Original Lupin is the first ever successful adult animated series and is invaluable at laying the grounds for countless other anime we see today in many aspects. The original one does have a modest amount of edge, by the way.

>look I can stand on invisible glass
>look we actually switched the cars
>look I'm fireproof because I wear this suit
Also, it has no shading. Definite proof that it's intended for children as only children don't notice the lack of shading.


Is this some new fucking Sup Forums meme? It should be.

If I ever made fun of you realize that wanting some sort of group-mockery doesn't make it right.

>Makes "children who chase lost voices"
>A film that rips off almost every Ghibli movie ever made, and still sucks, And admits it.

>Calls Miyazaki a hack.

So you're just not going to defend yourself at all then.