Does Sup Forums still believe in justice?
Does Sup Forums still believe in justice?
I do not believe in justice. I acknowledge its existence.
Justice is my laifu. Justice is my waifu.
justice = strength
What have you done lately to spread the cause of seigi, user?
Justice is just
watashi wa seigi no mikata desu
watashi wa shinjiru wo seigi
What is Cirno's brand of juictice? I thought she was in the milk business.
You retards know that Mami didn't actually believe in justice, right? It was all just a front.
Lies and slander.
Looks like the chocolate milk business now
Look at this retard.
2hu doesn't actually have story or characters.
I do not however I do believe in not getting a HEAD of myself.
Yup, yup! Upholding justice is fine, but it's not something you ought to lose your head about.
every time i hear the word justice i can't help but think of a certain insane soldier girl with that dog thing.
You can't call a girl your waifu unless you can fix her smile and sense of optimism. Who here is truly capable of fixing Mami's smile and sense of optimism?
Fuck off
Are you fucking retarded?
Kill yourself, reddit
Sup Forumsirmin crossboarders aren't welcome here, go cry about your idiotic boogeyman back where you belong.
Why don't you go suck your shitty e-celeb dick, faggot?
Who would win in a fight?
Thanks for clarifying just how utterly retarded you are.
You're thinking in this goofy looking bitch
What kind of fight?
Physical or sexual?
Shows how new you are here, retard. Funny how you know about those videos though.
Whatever you says, reddit, just fuck off.
Justice as ordained by God, yeah
>I've never played the games and/or read ZUN's official mangas or aka: what secondaries think
Go away Jeannu
my faith is wavering
SAYAK also wanted to Fight for Justice. Her will was just far weaker so she crumbled far easier.
kill yourself newfag
Fate Jeanne is a disgrace. The original, historical Jeanne was probably best girl of all time.
>the original, historical Jeanne was probably the best girl of all time
Gee I wonder what kind of filthy frenchman could be behind this garbage post
Her whole character was that she was using the name of justice when in reality she only wanted the dick, she's not a ally of justice, she's just a slut
Sayaka was not a slut
I'm American, anyone who fucks Non-Churchill's Britain shit up is alright in my book. Helps if they are cute, devout girl too.
I readi "cummaster" at first.
You're right, the dick didn't even want her, she's a failure
Wasn't justice supposed to be flat?
It's not slutty to want a bf. What would be slutty is turning into the class bicycle.
didn't she get roasted irl?
>Mami is a seigi no mitaka and her D cups get killed in episode 3
>Madoka's A cups carry her into being the uinverse's ultimate seigi no mitaka in the end
What would Hitomi wish for?
Britain are swore losers, and the Catholic Church gave them a whole lot of shit for killing her. They basically only got her because she wore her armor to her court case because someone stole her normal clothes during the night before. They really wanted her dead.
Considering most art of that period is pretty samefacey and she still looks passable despite it, yeah, cute. Historical accounts of knights and shit who followed her also claim she was above average at the very least and a literal titty monster
>and a literal titty monster
No they didn't. Her squire testified during her posthumous trial that Jeanne had "the greatest breasts ever." But back in those days, flat was considered justice. When medieval artists drew their "perfect" women, like the Virgin Mary, they gave them modest chests. So Jeanne probably had a smaller bust.
This is Holy Mami, Patron of magical girls and kekis, pray to her
That's my wife and the mother of my Meguca Jesus son.
That looks terrible.
Sakura should have ended up with Mami, not Sayaka.
You're terrible
Her tits keep getting bigger and bigger with each spinoff. Is it possible to learn this power?
Sakura should have ended up with a nice christian boy and started a family.
I want to believe
I don't know what you're talking about
Are meguca even fertile? Is starting a family at age 14 when you're not making it to age 25 even a good idea?
>Is starting a family at age 14 when you're not making it to age 25 even a good idea?
It isn't, it honest to god isn't.
>Are meguca even fertile?
Probably. Their bodies still work correctly, as far as I know.
Mami can beat any of the girls short of Goddess Madoka
Got something on your mind, Emiya-kun?
Sans Tart. Tart's the strongest besides Goddess Madoka, Mami's actually the third strongest.
>It isn't, it honest to god isn't.
So then why are you trying to give that advice to Sakura? That's not fair to any kids she would have, or to her husbando, or to herself. Meguca can only reasonably form long-term relationships with other meguca.
>or to her husbando
user was saying that she should have kids and start a family.
Nobody want to start a family with a slut, user.
Delete this lie
Mami always looks beautiful
Would you still think that she was beautiful after seeing her tired and ruffled and un-made up immediately after getting out of beat, or sweaty and filthy after exercising or fighting witches? I think not.
I would, but that's me. Sup Forumsnons however are an extremely vain sub-species of user.
>Sup Forumsnons
Spot the newfriend.
Yes, but do you hold a determination to fist?
Yes, Mami-chan is always beautiful and elegant, not matter what
Sayaka best.
Don't you have parents to disappoint Mami ?
Goofy looking bitch
I've actually been coming to this hellhole almost 2 years now, I refuse to fully adapt.
Kill yourself, you're disgrace to your waifu
My waifu is Mami, and Mami would stay away from here. So you're not wrong.
Mami is far too good for you.
>Sup Forumsnons
>Sup Forums
Now we list all of the things that Sayaka DIDN'T do wrong
>implying that Mami wouldn't lurk /ck/ and /cgl/
Why the fuck she would go to /cgl/?
Didn't you learn that justice is a lie around Episode 3?
Sayaka worst.
chuuni costume ideas
No, Mami did genuinely believe in justice, what was fake was her collected and unflappable personality
It's the same list for what Homura DID do wrong, kek.
There are many other lies people genuinely believe in, like climate change, 9/11 and that God exists.
That does not make them true.
I believe that is for Walmart Mami.
Just ice