Is there any anime/manga where there is blatantly cheating?
Is there any anime/manga where there is blatantly cheating?
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Yes, there are. Now lurk for a few more years, faggot.
If you give me source for that, i can tell you.
Nope sorry.
Higurashi's Rena's mother had an affair and left her
lots of manga
not so many anime
What is shoujo/ josei, you newfag.
How about you fuck off and search for it, faggot. Came right up.
This, women cheat all the time in girl manga.
hentai only not manga
School Days
Literally every single thing produced by Korea.
Pic related.
I dont know the name of the show
>guy has a friend he is a music teacher
>music man fucks the wife of the guy
>wife get preg
>guy think it his
>music man and wife dont tell a word to the cuck
>music man teaches piano to his daughter
>music man gets cancer or some shit
>music man looses spaghetti
>cuck is furious
>cuck kills himself and wife
Why did i forget the name
I love you
No it didn't.
Plenty of shoujo and josei manga around.
Translation when?
It's Myself Yourself I believe.
Yes it did, you fucking double nigger.
Holy those quads
Also thanks user and that women should have suffered more
Charge that phone, man.
>spoonfeeding the newfag
What is even the point of NOT giving the source? it would literally have less posts if you just gave it.
Buy less post means less karma for my gold account.
Who fucking cares?
>"g-get out of my club house, user. N- No normies allowed"
It forces them to stop being saucefags if, instead of pandering to them, you ridicule them. Well that, or they just leave. Either way, we still have one less shithead asking for a readily available source.
Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.
Well, it's clear where you came from.
Just nuke this thread.