Who was this character's target demographic?
Who was this character's target demographic?
35 yo NEET male
People with shit taste
my dick
his dick
Flippy wiggler lovers.
males who wish they had an imouto
She made me drop the anime after 2 minutes she was on screen.
Men capable of having sex at least 10 times a day.
such an adorable lewd creature
otherwise known as patricians
Why don't you like lewd girls user?
i want to get her drunk
should i watch this chinese cartoon?
Yes, it's very comfy with a lot of alcohol and /tg/.
You could've just said Sup Forums.
LN authors.
Stop with these retarded threads.
my vagina
People with good taste.
Perverted scum who must fancy a morally degraded waifu.
Men with a penis and no pussy.
Try to figure out what you have.