What did Silver Link mean by this?
What did Silver Link mean by this?
alphadykes are a joke
Het always wins at the end.
when will all the craftsmen of retarded telenovelas be deported to brazil
How NOT to commemorate a 10th anniversary.
At least the gave the best team the final magazine illustration.
what a great comfy anime
They wanted to remind everyone that they are a mediocre studio. The thing turning into Hibike-tier yuribait didn't help.
I just notice chapter 5 and 5.5 of Two Car Everday are out so I'll dump them.
>"to celebrate our 10 years we want to make the lowest selling show in history"
Too bad that Urahara aired the same season.
Something like "OP and salesfags are dumb and they can eat our collective dicks"
Chapter 5.5
10 years from now Two Car will be regarded as a masterpiece. Screenshot this.
Wake the fuck up Nene.
Lighting Tornade was robbed