Why real life must be so sad?
Why real life must be so sad?
It is not. IRL photo should've been taken on a sunny day with clear sky. Then it wouldn't look so jarring. The comparison is not fair.
>let's take a photo on a shitty day and when the trees aren't in bloom
Sakuras don't bloom all year long.
good thread op
this but unironically
because you touch yourself at night
False. I touch YOU at night!
Its not you're just a depressed weeb who never sets foot outside
I want to live there with my waifu
I'm sure there are no jobs there.
A lot of these photos are taken on shitty days without any sakura in bloom because weebs can't afford to go to japan during a decent season
>mfw I'm a freelancer
>no jobs there
Truly the paradise! That's it, I'm going to live there with my waifu!
Freelancer Alpha 1-1 you are cleared for launch, good luck out there.
I don't come here to be reminded of this mortal coil
Rural japan is comfy
before and after bomb 3
I live in rural Europoor, and it's pretty comfy here too. Sucks that it's hard to get jobs though.
Sakura Trees are a symbol of youthful life and their fragility.when death strikes.
Similarly anime is a symbol of our eternal life and reality as a fragile life.
See Wikipedia:
Mono no aware (物の哀れ), literally "the pathos of things", and also translated as "an empathy toward things", or "a sensitivity to ephemera", is a Japanese term for the awareness of impermanence (無常 mujō), or transience of things, and both a transient gentle sadness (or wistfulness) at their passing as well as a longer, deeper gentle sadness about this state being the reality of life.
This idea is one of the narrative pillars of all Japanese arts.
3d nature > 2d nature
that fucking robot made me laugh then cry twice as much
meh, social security takes care of that
Disagree, nature is full of unpleasant shit that makes it interesting to look at but generally miserable to actually be there.
Shame the taxes are so high there.
where is this robot from?
Pic on the left looks more gloomy to me,sunny days with blue skies and greennature are the most depressing shit ever since it reminds me that there are happy people out there existing.
Grey days are way more fitted for my bleak sould.i wish all normalfags would die,
eve no jikan
Yea, but those taxes offset stuff you'd be forced to spend the money on anyway, so at the end of the day you wind up with virtually identical money in your pocket. Your restaurant trip might be cheaper somewhere with lower taxes, but you can afford to treat the food poisoning without going into life-ending debt. You decide which sounds like a better investment.
>NNB screenshot during springtime April/early May
>user goes to rural Japan in winter
Well yeah, no shit.
are you me
Can anime make brutalist architecture look warm and lively?