Boku No Hero Academia

This is Inko Midorya, mother of Izuki Midorya and the true owner of the quirk known as All for One.

Say something nice about her!

The Yakuza raid arc was a mistake.

>say something nice about her
Fuck you, fuck this thread, fuck shounenshit.

but you didn't even say anything about her.

I would fuck her so hard.

She can get heads spinning.

She sure WAS pretty when she was younger and thinner


I like her hair. Green’s my favourite colour.

I want to be Izuku's dad

These two panels are as funny if not funnier than the past two chapters.

she's THICC

Those boots are huge.

If you hate the Yakuza arc you are objectively autistic.

I want Deku to stop worrying this poor woman.

They squeeze her legs to stop blood from rushing to her feet in zero gravity.

Inko is too cute and innocent for interacting with villains. She’d probably faint.

Do we know how Hori views himself as a manga artist? I could have swore there was an interview or something where he says he doesn't read any of his favorite manga anymore ever since he started BNHA.

Jedi power ( heartattack)

fuck off picotards

But that's All for One.

it could've been good if it didn't turn into shonen asspull battle number 324235


how did she not have a heart attack or something when deku was basically killing himself on live tv?

But he’s Deku’s husband

Why is Deku so fucking bad

If he ever had a son, he better have a broken as fuck quirk. Something like:
Adaptability: A quirk that generates a new power based on the needs at the time to ensure the user will survive the given situation. Powers it gains are permanent.

I could use some Bakusuffering pics.

>shonen asspull battle number 324235

So you're admitting it's par for the course





What is going on here?
Are we still on deku could've become a hero without a quirk?

Talking about OP quirks.

Why would someone draw such a thing? This pic is just unsettling

What kind of quirk could Camie have that isn't somehow fanservice oriented?

>Got caught up on the anime
>13 is my waifu
>Getting caught up on the manga now
>Find out 13 is a guy
B-but his height and English VA make him sound and look feminine. Am I gay now Sup Forums?

in the original Japanese he just uses "boku" to refer to himself, which doesn't necessarily nominate 13 as male.

>literally me the post
Fuck you. I’m the only me in this world. I’m not gay

What if he is a really pretty trap under all of that?

According to another user's autism research, we are currently like in september, starting the second semester, in the manga and serious shit is happening and at a high speed. Are they going to end school before the fall of the hero society? Is the society going to crumble after the VA jailbreak arc? I doubt the guys can defeat AfO in a near future desu

>Pretty trap
He’s a black hole


considering the nature of mutants in BNHA there is literally nothing stopping 13 from being a futa.

Given bakudad's personality it even makes sense that Bakumom would like Deku

>deku could've become a hero without a quirk?
Only retards believe that.

My headcanon is that Bakumom was very affectionate towards Izuku because he was innocent & sweet and it amused her by upsetting Bakugou, who probably fought like a grumpy cat when she tried to cuddle him.

>He’s a black hole
That just means she (he) has a innate lust for the peen

That was the original concept.

You might be on to something

Was the setting different and a lot less powered up?

Or something like, say, touch a person and copy their quirk for five minutes

>a lot less powered up
Kendou's quirk is having big hands, how much lower could the power levels be?

In the current setting a quirkless hero would be ridiculous.

I want Bakumom to meet Todoroki.

>Parent/teacher thing
>Shouto brings his mom
>She meets Mitsuki
>Mitsuki belts Bakugou for acting up in front of her
how would she react?

This family is adorable.
>You will never have a family this comfy.

OVA when?

Because before that she fainted.

I bet Bakumom is really white trash

Just imagine he is a she.

Most likely, i mean there is no way there isn't going to be a jailbreak arc soon, and that said, Endeavor will be killed by AfO.

Throws more boiling water at Shouto.

13's gender is TBD.

Personally I think there's time travel shenanigans involved

>The immortal struggle of not being able to touch 2D


Would this manga be better if Deku died?

It would be over. Which would be better I guess.

I love Deku

I know that a lot of musicians will avoid their genre of music when composing so as to try to stay original and not unintentionally get influence. Maybe that's part of it

Bakugo going hiking in the wilderness with his waifu when

If he made a spin off series after MHA is finished I would not complain at all

We know Ochako

Then who would pick up the OfA torch? Ochako? Bakugo?

Yes, absolutely.

What is everyone's problem with deku?

was she a bad mother for failing to intervene in deku getting bullied? did she even know the extent of what was going on? you'd think she could have talked to bakugo's mom about it

He's the protagonist we have. His grass will never be as green as the hypothetical other protagonists.

Nothing. He’s just so vulnerable and abusable. It’s all in good fun user

That sounds dirty.

Bakugo is too ARRRGHHHH, Todo is too WAAH MY DADDY DIDNT LOVE ME, Ochako is a girl, so yh Deku's best we got.

He's the worst shounen mc ever

She has Not nearly enough lewds.

This looks like a picture a psychiatrist made a kid draw to find out that the problem the kid had is that his mother was sleeping around a lot and he saw it
Jesus christ user

He's just fun to bully!

>crybaby bitch
>wins by asspulls
>willingly tried to give away quirk

Everything about that picture is accurate

Is that really you Grapes?

Don't change the topic here. There is clearly something wrong with whoever drew these pictures.

>deku haters


My favorite are the ones who say he should just work out to compete with quirks.

Please don’t do this, Deku is not for torture

>something wrong
No its a paint user who cant draw for shit trying to mock Deku.

Delete this.
Why does this DekuBakumom thing seem popular?

>Why does this DekuBakumom thing seem popular?
Bakudad was kinda timid like deku. Also it would be funny.

tbqh he couldn't even have been a police officer with that body

i will never be able to feel his warm, beefy arms around me in real life

He's the reason this manga will turn into shit

I don't know it feels pretty forced, but so does a lot of other pairings people ship. DekuBakumom doesn't come anywhere near the pureness or beauty of NejireRyukyu though.

these threads legit scare me. how can you be so angry about such trivial things

We are all cucks so we like to not be reminded of that with a cuck mc.

That would imply the manga has always been shit, try harder shitposter chan.
This is 4ch, we're always angry about trivial things.