Clannad aired 10 years ago

>Clannad aired 10 years ago

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This the only anime I have watched 5+ times. If you watched this show and liked it, I really suggest watching the movie. It shows a happy side of Nagisa and shows events that the anime hinted at or showed briefly.

Clannad is overrated.

Why do all the characters look deformed

>that ending

Wtf is Clannad “3”
And where/when can I devour it

Yep. And it's still inferior to Kanon.

And there still haven't been any characters nearly as tragic as Clannad Man

After Story was 2008

every single female character in kanon acts like they're 5 years old

The second half of the 2000s went really overboard with the animu aesthetics.

Hearing the dango song still makes me sad today

wanna bet faggot

Kyou best grill

Oldfags, how did you deal with this feel of all the 80s shit that used to be new becoming oldfag stuff

I don’t like this feel


rewrite anime when? I want to see mai waifu animated ;_;

Its the 3rd DVD of After story

Where did the time go?

That's what's so good about it.

Reminder than Air and Kanon are both superior to Clannad.

>implying this differs from reality

Ayu and Makoto have a good excuse for why the act like that. Nayuki was just kind of ditzy but otherwise normal, and Shiori was a typical weak sickly imouto type. Mai didn't act 5 she just acted autistic, and side characters like Sayuri and Kaori acted normal too.

And to think that nothing has surpassed this

user I...

because of how bad it is, right?


Being this unbrained that you really stop caring about character development and just decide to see anime because cute anime gurls

Wrong. retarded weeabo.

that doesn't excuse anything. The whole anime is an insult to the spectator intelligence

Nah mate, madoka was like 2011

Look at this badass free-thinking individual right there

Has Sup Forums found their own real life Nagisa in these past 10 years?

>than horrendous spacing
Please go back to whatever hellhole you came from

Satori-chan wasn't that tragic, her mom was a tsundere


Why would you post a link that doesn't work? There's no Rewrite anime user.

My cat has big eyes and a fragile health if that counts.

Yes. It's their love of anime. And there's no bringing her back.

>he expects a girl who's been in a coma since she was 10 and a literal animal to act like normal teenage girls


quit raping space key

How could you hold back tears when watching that good-bye to his father scene?

Clannad was hot garbage

And people still won't shut up about the fucking thing. It was awful 10 years ago, it's awful now. Read a fucking book and get off your period so you can stop crying over cheap dramas.

>Aphrodite shooting her tits in Mazinger Z was 46 years ago
still amusing to watch though

It was their first melodramatic over-the-top story that hit them in their developing feefees.

Asshole. Still doesn't make Clannad not hot garbage though.

fucking this

played the VN back then and this stuff was heart breaking

I cried so much when Ushio explained why she didn't want Tomoya to just buy her another toy. God damn Clannad was a masterpiece

I did. We even got together because of how clannad affected her. We got married 3 years ago. She left me two days ago.

That really sucks, user. I hope you're doing ok

oh shit my man

Clannad is bad desu

Didnt mean to blog but she went overseas and I'm sitting in a apartment she picked out surronded by my stuff. I can just sit here and hope she'll come back. We had it good but a lack of communication and her mental issues broke it. //end blog
Homestly i always prefered AIR But it was so long ago i don't really remember

I don't like this feel either
Yesterday someone posted asking about pre-2010 "classic" anime

It's not blogging if someone asks


So what was the disease that Nagisa and Ushio has?

inb4 magical/meme disease


It's never explained so it probably is a meme but it seems most similar to aids

Becoming old? Surely you jest.

If I try to bring up any series that got me into anime way back when, nobody even knows what show I'm talking about. At first it was scary, because suddenly the series that were the shit, less and less people find interesting.

And at one point you realize that the shows that you thought everyone knew about, nobody knows about anymore.

It'll happen eventually with early 2000 anime, then late 2000 anime, then 2010 etc.
You ask the average anime goer whether they've seen Chobits and you'll get a response something like
>I've seen some images, but I never watched it

Honestly, why do I even keep living

and it's harem
and has an ass-pull ending
but other than that, it's like the greatest anime ever


time to go watch first gift from daddy scene again,
then assumptions scene
then that baseball scene

I still went to high school back then, when we tried to wait for 16:9 releases but then watched 4:3 anyways.


LOL she got fucked by some other guy!!

>daughter dies in main timeline
>he dies in alternative timeline

why is tomoya only destiny suffering?

>ass-pull ending
it only makes sense if you've read the VN, which i highly suggest you do.

>Cowboy Bebop aired 20 years ago


sure sure, he did good deeds, got the wish fulfilled, not that complicated.
I'm aware of VN's, no thanks
I'll stick with KyoAni version