Haibane Renmei

I just finished this. What did you think about it?
I thought all the Haibane committed suicide but was it just Reki? Or is it everyone who is sin-bound including Rakka? Why are they born as Haibane at all? It seems like it's to help with some kind of reincarnation process but I don't know.
Kuu is best girl.

Other urls found in this thread:


>mfw im watching the last episode of haibane in this exact moment
What a small world

>somewhere in the world, someone is watching the exact same episode you are
>even anime that aired over a decade ago
A small, comfy world.


This and Lain were some of my first personally bought anime when I actually started to get into it. Absolutely love Haibane Renmei. Need to watch it again.

I need to try and watch Lain again. I dropped it halfway through. I think it was hard to understand at the time but maybe I'd appreciate it more now.

Reki and Rakka clearly committed suicide, with the rest is not that clear, Kuu probably died too young, without accomplishing nothing to fulfill her life.
> It seems like it's to help with some kind of reincarnation process but I don't know.
Yes it is, the town is some kind of after life, like the purgatory, and it seems Haibanes are the only ones who are able to atone for their sins (or whatever).

Also youtube.com/watch?v=9oEsalKsl-w
wanted to share it.
Ah fug, didn't noticed.

>the town is some kind of after life
But normal people live there right? They are able to give birth like normal, they are just never allowed to come back if they leave. It feels like the Haibane are the only ones who are reincarnated.

Liked it but not loved it, would've prefered more detail about the world. Still a good show with great music and bgs.

I wouldn't say it's an afterlife, but it's special and separated from the rest of the world in some way.

That still intrigues me until today, they are normal persons, they live normal life, they had kids, they had business, the only thing I'm sure is, this is place is some kind of purgatory at least for the Haibanes, and they were normal persons in their past life, but something happened and they died without accomplishing something.
>they are just never allowed to come back if they leave
I don't think a single person has been able to leave the town and pass the wall, I don't think there is much else besides the town though.

I want to fuck a haibane.

I feel like it's only a purgatory for the cursed Haibanes, for the "normal" Haibanes they just wait/mature until the day of the flight, as there is nothing inherently wrong with them.

Lain was interesting. The dialog and all the scenes were incredibly slow and hard to keep up with. I finished it, but I'm not sure if I followed it since I don't rememeber; it being over a decade ago, but I'd probably try again soon and see. If nothing else, for the bear suit.

Does Rakka's hair stick up because Hikari messed with the halo device? That really sucks. It went on normally with everybody else.

Are you ready?


This same shit comes up every time. There is no explanation to any of these world building questions; it's a "just so" setting that only has symbolic or thematic significance. The town is just a metaphor for a kind of purgatory.

Music in this show was awesome, theres so much great stuff on the ost that isn't used however.

One of my favorite parts about the show is that it doesn't try to explain everything. I think it'd take a lot of the magic away if it did.

Get comfy.

Not a fan of being cryptic just for the sake of it, pretty sure that if a prequel for Rakka/Reki's stories was announced fans would love it.


I think showing less information makes it easier for the audience to think about their own life situation while watching it. Most people can identify with feelings of isolation and hopelessness.

Has anyone read the book? Is it good?

I feel like the town is just built on an area where the Haibane are born, built originally by a religious order for the Haibane, and that the world outside is enormous and diverse, with a few other Haibane-towns, here and there.

TFW I realized it's the same composer as Shadow of Colossus

So comfy.

OST is legit amazing.


Do you mean Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World? It's not really related. You can tell ABe got the idea for Glie from the book, but that's kind of it.

Apparently he made a doujinshi first.

Ko Otani based as fuck.


I agree it makes you think and come up with your own interpretation.

It's one of my favorite anime of all time. No other aniem has given me the same feeling of melancholy I got while watching Haibane Renmei. It was beautiful and I enjoyed every moment of it.

The people who inhabit the town are the best examples of humanity. If you're a person of outstanding character you get to live in the town for a while and help guide the Haibane who are people who died without connecting to other people.

>Haibane who are people who died without connecting to other people.
That's an interesting theory. Most of them seem pretty well adjusted though. Not having memories probably helps with that.

Also how old are the characters? Rakka seems like she's around 15 years old while Reki and Nemu are late 20s early 30s.

The year after Haibanebirth
Reki 7 years
Kana 3 years
Kuu 2 years
Hikari 4 years
Nemu 9 years

Kuu is really excellent.

why is haibane renmei suddenly popular after years of 0 threads

Dunno, just enjoy it while it lasts. It's a good anime.

>Kuu is really excellent.
She really is. I started to like her when she noticed that Rakka felt self-conscious about her clothes and suggested they go shopping. I love that kind of subtle thoughtfulness.
Nemu probably could have left much sooner but was too worried about Reki. I guess she'll probably leave soon after her then.

Oh that. Yeah, there are scans of some of it around. What I've seen is mostly stuff that went into the first episode and some 4 panel gags.

Can't remember any other anime with two delicious reverse traps

I hate to say it, but I always believed that the humans there weren’t “real” in the way that humans in the real world were. I always though that they were tools to assist in the development of the Haibane. I literally have no basis for this though.

I think that I’ll never forget how Kuu compared their emptiness to a cup, slowly being filled by the interactions with those around her. It’s such a simple but very easily relatable metaphor.

Kana is beautiful

Yeah, but no. The whole point of the show is for the characters to find a new equilibrium between the weird rules that constitute the world of Haibane Renmei and their dreams that heavily hint at their lingering self-destructive tendencies, and use this newfound epiphany concretely by changing their approach to reality.

Spiritually, you don't improve by destroying or ignoring the walls around your consciousness but by being able to jump them above whenever is needed.

Revealing a sudden tragic backstory for the sake of feels would heavily hinder that point ABe wanted to organically convey to the viewers.

Its pretentious muh deep story. Same shit as lain, full of nonsense. Men of culture watch isekai.

solselene this better not be you

I hate when they leave open endings. I wanted to know what was behind the wall, but authors decided to cover their inability to come up with something interesting with an open final.

>Haibane new year thread
I wasn't ready.

>to cover their inability to come up with something interesting with an open final
How can someone miss the point of the series this badly? Next you're probably going to complain the author was incompetent because he didn't explain how Haibane can have wings.

>Let's reveal the universal unknown that fuels everything both narratively and thematically

Holy shit every fucking time. Is is not incredibly obvious that the next step is the afterlife behind the wall? Jesus Christ. Do you really need to be explained this? The show is not about heaven so they don't need to show heaven. It's about the JOURNEY and STRUGGLE to get there.

I've got the doujins. First two are just a straight copy of the first 2/3 of the first episode. He was originally planning to make it a doujin series, but after publishing those two someone approached him about making it an anime instead. The third doujin has the anime announcement and a bunch of design and setting details mixed with a few 4koma.
They're great for a die-hard fan like myself, but you're missing nothing by skipping them.

How would each Haibane at Old Home react to you asking them out on a date?


The Haibane just died discontent/regret. Rakka for instance seems to have fallen down a well with someone trying to catch her doesn't seem like suicide.

Sinbound is basically original sin they will always have it but through trust and openeness you can over come it. Those who do not are overtaken by it and seemingly lose their wings becoming humans or that's my take away from it they end up being exiled by the Toga but odds are the town are descendants of failed Haibane is my head cannon.

In the end it's more so to overcome the hangups of life and re-enter with a clean conscious. Shows like Angel Beat ripped it beat for beat.

Sora no Woto is Haibane Renmei done right.

So is Haibane Renmei.

I like both series, your move?

I suppose Christmas cake Rakka's wings would twitch

The amount of foreshadowing in that anime is through the roof, that's mainly what I noticed when I rewatched it. It's usually very small touches that make the characters feel even more human.

The first part makes even more tonal sense when you know beforehand that the story is about a character hiding her spiritual dread while feeling imprisoned of the blissful ignorance surrounding her; then you start noticing all the visual cues the anime throws at you you didn't necessarily notice when you first watched it.

Always great to experience that type of stuff.

Haibane Renmei is pretty much the Shadow of the Colossus/ICO of anime, melancholy and bittersweetness, understated, mellow, thoughtful. Dull and flat visuals, great OST from the same composer, they even share the same technical awkwardness.

They both came out around the same time.

Friendly reminder that Hikari is cute!

What has ABe been up too lately ?

This artist is awesome btw.


Nemu is a little older than Reki I think. She was already in Old Home when Reki was found. Reki came out of the cocoon about the same age as Rakka, probably 14-15 or so. I'd say Kana and Hikari are probably like 16 or 17, they seem a bit more mature (well, for the most part) than Rakka. Kuu is probably 12, maybe 13. Old enough not to have to be with the young feathers anymore but definitely younger than Rakka. But, at the same time, Kuu isn't young enough for Rakka to feel weird talking and hanging out with her.

I think Nemu and Reki are probably closer in age than it seems, they just have very different personalities. But when we see flashbacks to when they were younger it seems like they were maybe a year or two apart at most.

Sora no Woto is on par with Haibane Renmei.

Still coming out sooner than Despera

Reki was a good girl

they're all good girls

SnW stream when?

Yeah I'd like to know too. I think I saw a post a while ago saying Jan 6th but I'm not 100% sure

Probably one of the only shows who managed to capture what melancholy-filled loneliness feels like.


Might ask here becomes you faggots interlap, when's the Sora no Woto stream again?

No doubt, the small town in the countryside setting is the greatest catalysts for melancholy mixed with comfiness.

Shit, it seems I wasn't the only one who thought about this

Could just be a rebranding
「Project Despera」

It's purgatory dummy. Of course they all sinned.

IRC channel says it's on Jan 6th.

Sora no Woto is the next anime on my list. I've heard really good things about it.

It is probably because I was at the lowest point in my life when I watched it so it resonated effectively but Haibane is my favorite show to this day. Probably going to rewatch it because of this thread.
I felt the same way about the townsfolk.

The setting of SnW was beautiful and it did more with world building if that is your thing. The slice of life stuff was good too. It felt kind of like Aria meets SSR. However they really fucked up by trying to cram the plot into the last two episodes. It was too much of a tonal shift and felt corny. It was from a production standpoint better than Haibane, but Haibane has the best told story out of all the Iyashikei shows.
See above. You will like it but in my opinion it isn't as good as Haibane. It was really fun to watch with Sup Forums though with the speculah threads

>great OST from the same composer
I did not know this.

There's a stream? Tell me about this.

It wouldn't be just for the sake of feels, it would be actually pretty good to empathize with their internal conflicts better than just a bunch of metaphors, as well as the viewer could judge if it's fair or not for them to he cursed and the such.

Not that guy but I agree with . It would be pretty much fanservice at that point and detract from the simplicity of the original story. Sometimes less is more. It's the same reason I mostly dislike Madoka Rebellion, it was as well done as it could have been but cheapened things.
Rakka and Reki's stories are complete and sufficient for the story. They aren't cryptic, its just that one doesn't need to know more than "they killed themselves and Rakka had someone who misses her and tried to save her and now she is here".
You are likely the researcher type who like to know everything you can about a universe, which is honestly cool because it allows for writers to develop fleshed out and interconnected worlds. I enjoy that stuff a bit too. But that is more for Tolkien and wouldn't be as effective for this particular story.

Every year in January some user streams SnW and we all watch it together. Here's a screenshot from the end last year.

I found some Calvados locally so I'll be sitting that while I watch it. Planning for 100% Maximum overcomfy.

Haibane is a story about redemption so seeing how those problems were born at all in a few OVAs doesn't seem to wild for me, I'm not even asking for everything to be explained just the two main characters. Maybe you guys have an easier self-inserting but as someone who doesn't I'd like to know a bit more about those two.

Yes she is

I only recently watched this and actually really liked that it doesn't explain much. I'm not even sure why.

Sometimes less is more. You know what needs to be known to tell the story without going into 20 chapters of backstory with footnotes and annotations.
Someone mentioned Shadow of the Colossus in the thread earlier and that is another great example of minimalism being more effective than a billion pages of backstory. It helps the emotions resonate without getting you caught up in a scholarly way with things that don't matter.

You want more about Reki and Rakka? Reki's story is done by the end of the show, she's no longer around. Rakka probably isn't going to stick around that long. She was going down a similar path as Reki but Rakka figured it all out a lot sooner than Reki did. There's not really much more to say for either of them.

I was trying to be polite about it but that kind of attitude is how we end up with Watchmen Babies. This isn't about self inserting, its the fact that whatever gets produced to fill in the gaps isn't as interesting as what is being told. Don't worry about inane details. They don't matter.

>New Year's eve
>comfy Lain thread
>comfy Haibane thread
Feels good anons.

That's why a prequel would be interesting, it's not like they were just tabula rasa when they appeared in the town.

But the story is from their perspective, and Haibane have no memories. Why should we see what their lives were like? It doesn't matter. We can perfectly imagine why someone would want to kill themselves.

>and Haibane have no memories
It's pretty obvious that they transfer their mind in the process sharing similar thoughts and feelings even if they don't quite remember their previous lives, it's the reason Reki is like that and needs redemption in the first place.
>It doesn't matter.
for you

>tfw marathoning Haibane during New Years Eve/Day
>ep 13 credit roll 5 minutes away from midnight

still love this show so fucking much.
I want to project it onto the moon or something so that the world becomes a better place.

>for you
Is using your imagination so difficult?